Search For Fulfillment

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Shiva was engrossed in his meditation for a long time but still couldn't find Parvati. He could also see the distress the world was in so he decided that he himself had to do something. He took few of his ganas and went to earth in disguise to collect food because even if he could collect very little, it would help in fulfilling the world. He roamed around dried lands. He saw people were sitting outside their houses howling and crying for food. People had fallen sick due to lack of nutrition. Mothers were lulling their crying children to sleep to avoid their hunger.

"What have we done? Why is mother nature angry on us? Why did she leave us? Now what will we feed our children?"

This was what that was heard everywhere. Seeing the condition, Shiva was heartbroken. He had tears in his eyes. He went around but could not gather a single grain of food.

"Prabhu, we couldn't find any food. What are going to do now?" asked Bhringi.

"I don't know, Bhringi. Without Parvati, nothing can happen but she has hidden herself from me. I cannot stand to see this poor condition of my children. Their cry of hunger is unbearable for me. Maybe Parvati was right..... Food is important."


Meanwhile in Kashi, Annapurna's kitchen was gaining visitors. Narad was successful in spreading word and people started to come for food. First the citizens of Kashi arrived at Annapurna's door and she happily gave rice from her Akshay Patra (the bowl that is never devoid of food). Slowly, people from different and far away areas came and took refugee in Annapurna's bowl. Word reached far and wide of Annada's grace.

Meanwhile in Kailash, Kartikeya and Ganesh were left with Nandi. They both were already sad due to their mother leaving and now their father left as well. Nandi was struggling to handle them.

"We have to find Maa. Without her, everything is in shambles" Ganesh announced.

"But how are we going to do it, Bhai?"

"We will search for her everywhere if it's needed but we need to find her."

Kartikeya and Nandi agreed and the three went in search of Parvati. They travelled through few places when they saw a group of people going somewhere. Upon enquiring, they got to know that someone was distributing food in Kashi and they were going there. Ganesh and the others had no problem in understanding that it was none other than Parvati herself. So they too set out for Kashi.


The gathering of people for the night was over. They would again come the next morning to seek Annapurna's blessings. Parvati was setting aside her bowl when Lakshmi came to meet her and saw that her face was gloomy.

"What happened, Parvati? Why do you look so upset?"

Parvati sighed, "Devi, I had left on being angry with Mahadev and came back for this creation but amongst all, I neglected my own children. I don't know how they are without me. Today, I saw a young child asking for food from me and that reminded me that I have left my own children in hunger."

"Don't worry, Parvati. They would come to you soon" Lakshmi comforted her. By then, Kartikeya along with Ganesh and Nandi had reached Kashi.

"Bhaiya, I can feel Maa's presence nearby. She must be around here."

Following Ganesh's intuition, the trio went along and soon found Annapurna's temple and saw her inside with Lakshmi.

"Maa!" both the brothers called out together.

Parvati turned around in a swift and saw her children in front of her.

"Putra!" Parvati opened her arms and called them to her and Kartikeya and Ganesh ran into her arms.

"Why did you leave us Maa? We missed you so much" Ganesh said, sniffing.

"I'm so sorry, my sons that I left. I can never leave you."

Nandi also fell down at her feet crying. She brought him and caressed his head.

The Kartikeya said, "Come back home, Maa. We need you. Father needs you."

"Putra, I cannot go back until your father accepts his mistake and comes here. But you too haven't had anything in a while as well. Come I will serve you."

"You enjoy feeding your children, I have to go now" Lakshmi said and disappeared whereas Parvati fed her children with her own hands.

After they were done, Ganesh said, "So you will not come back?"

"I will when the right time comes. Till then, take care of yourselves. And do come back again. Nandi, they are under your care. Look after them."

Nandi touched her feet, "I will do my best."

Taking Parvati's blessings, the three of them left.

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