Rage Of A Mother

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An unknown fear crepped in Parvati's heart as she came out of the cave. Coming outside, she was surprised to see all the Gods and ganas gathered there. Seeing Parvati, they put their heads down. She did notice the look of sadness in their eyes and the feeling of uneasiness increased in her.

"Dev, what are you all doing here? And where is my son? I stationed him here."

That was the question that everyone was dreading and no body dared to answer. Just then, Parvati's eyes fell on Shiva.

"Mahadev, you are back? I've been waiting for you for a long while and you are finally here. Have you met your son? He was supposed to be here. I had asked him to stand here. Where is he, Mahadev? Where is my Vinayak?"

Parvati's questions silenced him. He couldn't glance at her nor answer her. What would he say? The child she created with such love and care and was excited to introduce her son to his father was killed by Shiva himself. He just looked towards where Vinayak's body laid. Parvati followed his look and was met with the horrifying sight of her son laying dead, decapitated. Her breath was sucked in. She felt suffocated as she couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her.

"No.... No.... This cannot be happening. This is not true... This is not true...."

Parvati was whispering to herself as she walked slowly towards her son's lifeless body. As she reached, she crashed down on the ground. She hesitantly touched his body and shook him.

"Vinayak... Vinayak wake up. Your mother is calling you, wake up. You had promised me that you will never leave me. You cannot do this. Come back to me, my baby. Please!"

Parvati couldn't take it anymore and she broke down.

"Vinayak... VINAYAK!"

Her excruciating scream broke the hearts of everyone present. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Seeing her pitiful state, Lakshmi slowly came from behind and touched her shoulder.


Parvati looked back at her with pleading eyes.

"Devi Lakshmi, this wasn't supposed to happen. He had promised me that he would never leave me so how could he? My baby.... My Vinayak..."

She kept muttering and then suddenly fell unconscious. Lakshmi immediately caught her.

"Sister!" Vishnu too ran beside her and asked Nandi to bring water.

Shiva couldn't do anything but see helplessly as his wife grieved their son for which he was responsible. Seeing Parvati in that condition, his heart twisted in pain. There was a feeling of guilt in him that he was the cause for this.

Nandi brought the water and Lakshmi sprinkled it on her. After a while, Parvati stirred and slowly opened her eyes and the moment she got up, she called for her son.

"Vinayak! My son..."

She looked at his corpse in front of her again and started sobbing again. She laid her head on his chest as she cried. After sometime, she stopped. Then she slowly brought up her head. Her hair was disheveled, her eyes were red like Hibiscus and she was breathing heavily.

"Who did this? Who is responsible for this? Who killed my Vinayak?" She said in a grave tone. Nobody could answer her question and kept their heads down.

"What happened? Why is everyone silent now? You all were getting your entertainment as my son got killed. Now tell me clearly , who did this? Dev, Ganpret, answer me for heaven sake!"

They trembled in fear. They knew Shakti's destructive anger but also couldn't name Shiva so they kept mum.

Parvati turned to the others," Narayan, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, why aren't you all answering? And Mahadev, your son was killed and you are not saying anything? Why?"

Still no answer. Now she got even more angry.

"So no one would answer? Okay. But don't forget I'm Adi Shakti. I will get to know by myself."

Parvati turned around and went near where Vinayak's head had been turned to ashes. She glanced at the boy once and with shaking hands, picked up some of his ashes and closed her eyes. As she did, she saw everything that happened. Vinayak stopping Shiva, his fight with the ganas and the Devas and finally saw Shiva chopping off his head. She opened her eyes and looked up at Shiva in disbelief. Parvati got up and slowly walked towards him.

"This is not true right? Tell me this is not true... You cannot kill your own son. This can't be true...."

As she said, her eyes fell on Shiva's Trishul which still had blood on it. Seeing that, Parvati laughed bitterly.

"Of course it is done by you. What was I doing trying to fool myself? Why? Why did you do it? WHY DID YOU KILL MY SON?" She screamed.

Shiva stood there, not meeting her eyes as tears streamed wildly down his face. He could feel her intensive pain as he was going through the same.

"WHY DID YOU KILL MY SON? WHAT HAD HE DONE? WHY DID YOU KILL MY BABY BOY?" She kept saying and banging on his chest. Shiva stayed stiff. Parvati almost staggered and Shiva caught her shoulders but she moved his hands fiercely.

"Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me. You have so much anger that you didn't hesitate to decapitate a child, just because he didn't let you inside?"

Now Shiva spoke, "Parvati, Vinayak had become excessively rude and arrogant as his birth had some of the dirt from your body. He had to be cleansed."

"Rude? Arrogant? He was a child! He was born just a few days ago. We could have given him proper education together but you didn't mind punishing him like this."

She stayed quiet for a while and then said, "Give me back my son. Give him back to me. Bring him back to life.... If you don't then I will give up my life, right here right now!"

Shiva jolted his head up, "No Parvati, don't even think about it. What you are saying is not possible. The head that has once been sliced by my Trishul cannot be joined back. I'm sorry, Parvati but I cannot do this. Forgive me."

"Not possible!" Parvati almost growled. "Alright, if bringing back my son isn't possible then I will destroy this entire universe. This world doesn't deserve to exist where my son doesn't live. I will absorbe everything back in me. Then you will understand the pain of seeing your own creation getting destroyed."

Parvati's announcement stunned everyone.

"You cannot do this, Devi. You are Jagat janani. How can a mother destroy her own children?" Brahma tried to pacify her.

"Yes, I am a mother. That mother from whom you have snatched her child. Just like you, my son was my creation. Nature's creation but you all didn't deem fit for him to live so neither does this world."

Saying so, Parvati stepped back and screamed loudly and then transformed into the fierce Mahakaali. She was the primordial power of the universe. The end and the beginning. Her skin was black as kohl and her eyes were bloodshot red. A garland of severed heads and severed hands adorned her neck and waist with other jewellery. With her arrival, destruction had already began. There were earthquakes and floods. Doomsday was near.

Along with her, her other forms also appeared. The Nav Durgas, the Dasamahavidyas, the Saptamatrikas and the 64 Yoginis. They were all ferocious goddesses who were ready for destruction.

"Mahadev, you have only one way. Bring me back my son or else witness the dessimation of this Universe."

Saying this, Mahakali disappeared into the cosmos leaving everyone in a dilemma.

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