Coming To Life

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Jaya and Vijaya were getting Parvati ready. Parvati was looking at her reflection in the mirror solemnly but she was thinking of Shiva.

"I know that Mahadev leaving has made you upset but please don't stay like this. We don't like it" Vijaya said as she combed Parvati's hair.

"Parvati" Jaya started hesitantly. "I know you are hurt but I got to say this. What Mahadev did today was not correct. He should have respected your wish. It wasn't Nandi's fault. He is Shiva's gana. His vahan so of course he will listen to him. In fact, all Shiva ganas, even though they respect and love you, they will always follow Mahadev's orders first. Don't you think there should be some one who would follow your orders? Someone who will look after you and will only be there for you. Just like a son does for his mother. "

Parvati listened to them silently. She didn't say a word but her heart was twisting in pain.


Jaya Vijaya had left as well and Parvati felt she was left all alone. Even though Nandi and a few other ganas were there, she felt very lonely. Both her husband and son were gone. Kailash felt like a cold empty place to her as her heart was dejected. The Shiva ganas had also noticed how Parvati would sit alone and stare at the Shiva Linga sadly. She would still do her duty and look after them but her heart wasn't present.

One day like this, Parvati was getting ready to take a bath. She was alone in her bath chamber and was putting a turmeric paste on herself but her mind was distracted. She was missing her husband. She was remembering their wedding day and the couple days after that. She also remembered her son, Kartikeya's birth, him returning to her and then again leaving her. By then, she was unknowingly scrapping off the turmeric paste along with some dirt from her body. There was one moment that she kept remembering over and over again. When she had asked Shiva for another child, he had denied her request. He thought it wasn't necessary for them to have another child.

"If you really want a child, you can create it yourself. You are nature."

These words of him kept ringing in her ears. All she wanted was a child but even though she was the mother of the world, she couldn't have one of her own. She was distracted untill her hands slipped and she looked down and was surprised to see what she was doing herself. She had absent mindedly rubbed off her turmeric paste and had started to make a sculpture which looked to be of a baby boy. She stared at it, still trying to understand what she was doing. Looking at the half made statue, her interest piqued. She started to complete the statue with the rest of the turmeric paste. She drew tiny little eyes and mouth with her kajal and put a tilak with her sindoor. After she finished the statue, she looked at it lovingly as it had been shaped like a cute little boy. Seeing the statue, her want to have another child increase in her heart again. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind. Shiva had said that as nature, she could create anything so would it be possible that she could bring the idol back to life? As she thought, a hope arose in her.
Maybe, just maybe she could finally fulfill her wish. So she placed the idol in front of her and closed her eyes and her third eye activated. A beam of light emerged from her body and fell on the statue. After a while when she opened her eyes, she saw that nothing had happened. The statue remained as it was before. She became disappointed and then chuckled bitterly.

"What did I even think? My wish can never be fulfilled."

She wiped her tears and then went on to take a bath. But after she went away, the statue started to glow and then it disappeared.

After taking a bath, Parvati came back to the place. She was wiping her hair when her eyes fell on the place where she had made the statue and she was shocked. The statue wasn't there. She looked around to see where she had placed it and noticed little footprints on the floor. She was confused when suddenly, she heard a childish voice.


Parvati turned around with a start and in front of her was standing a little boy. The child looked to be around three or four years old. He was a bit chubby and had a cute round face with pink cheeks. He was wearing simple yellow clothing and had a huge, baby grin on his face. Parvati stared at him in shock. The child oddly looked like the statue she had made, even the tilak of trishul on his forehead was similar. Parvati slowly moved towards him and fell down on her knees.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Maa, I'm your son. You made me. Gave me life and now you forgot?" the child said in his adorable young voice.

That's when Parvati realised that indeed the statue had come to life.

"You... You are my son?"

"Yes Maa! You are my mother and I'm your son."

Parvati couldn't control her tears of happiness as she stretched her hands forwards and the child ran to her. She held his tiny hands.

"Your hands are so small and soft I.. I can't believe it. You are my son!"

She caressed his cheeks and he kept smiling. Then she enveloped him in her tight embrace. She was crying by then. After some time, she let him go and he wiped her tears with his tender touch.

"Maa please don't cry. I wanted to give you happiness, not tears."

Parvati smiled and shook her head.

"No my son, these are tears of happiness. When we cannot contain our joy, we express them through tears. From the moment I have seen your beautiful face, all my worries and pain have washed away. You have filled me with immense happiness. But can you promise me something? "

"Yes Maa, anything for you."

"Promise me, that you will always stay with me. You will never leave me alone."

The child nodded.

"Maa, I'm your son. Where will I go without you? I promise you that I will never leave you and will always follow whatever you will say" He said and wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her again.

"But Maa, what name will I have?" he asked, tilting his head.

Parvati realised that in her excitement, she had forgotten to name her child.

"Right! I was so excited to see you that I forgot to give you a name. Umm... Okay. You were born only from me, without a man or a 'nayak'. You are my part. That is why I name you 'Vinayak'. Do you like it?"

"Yes Maa! I love it. Thank you so much!" Vinayak said, jumping with joy. Parvati chuckled at his antics.

"Alright, then let's go outside. I will introduce you to everyone."

Saying so, Parvati took his hand and they went out.

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