Full Of Life

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The next morning, Parvati was worshipping the Shiva Linga as usual. She poured water on the Linga and then sighed.

"I might have been angry when you left but I miss you a lot. Without you, nothing feels right. I have Vinayak now and I couldn't be happier but I really want you to meet him. Your son. I know you would love him. I can't wait for you to meet our little boy. Come back soon, darling. Please... "

Parvati almost choked on her tears when suddenly a pair of little hands wrapped around her neck from behind. Parvati was startled and turned around to see Vinayak.

"Vinayak, what are you doing here? Come sit with me."

Vinayak sat beside her and asked, "Maa, what are you doing?"

"Son, I'm doing puja."

"Maa, what is puja?" Vinayak asked.

"Vinayak, puja is when we tap into our inner self and connect with the supreme almighty."

"But Maa, whose puja are you doing?"

Parvati looked at the Shiva Linga and said, "Honey, this is a Shiva Linga. It is the symbol of Lord Shiva, the destroyer of evil."

"Shiva? Who is he, Maa? Tell me more about him" Vinayak said, now intrigued. Parvati smiled at him.

"Of course, my son. There are three supreme Gods who run this universe called the Tridev. Brahma is the creator of this world, Vishnu is the one who protects life and Shiva comes at the end who destroys everything which is impure. Everything evil so that a new cycle can start. The name Shiva itself means 'auspiciousness'. When there was nothing, he was there. He has neither any beginning nor any end. This creation has emerged from him. Every life in this world relates to him. He is Jagatpita. He has Long jatas as his hair and on it contains the crescent moon as well as the river Ganga. He wears tiger skin as clothes and rudraksh beads as his jewellery. He has the King of snakes, Vasuki around his neck and he adorns himself with ashes."

"But why does he wear these things, Maa?" Vinayak questioned, curiously.

"Putra, he wears these things to represent that the actual way to life is simplicity. The ganas you have seen? They all belong to him. He discriminates among no one. The ones who are discarded from society, he accepts them as well. That is why his devotees consist of ghosts, animals, reptiles, Gods, demons, humans, everyone. He belongs to everyone. He is the epitome of kindness. The ideal of love. He is ever calm but if he does get angry, then he becomes Rudra! His fury can destroy everything but if pleaded, he calms down just as easily. He is easily pleased, that is why he is called Ashutosh. He is Adi. He is Anant. He is... My Shiva. And I'm his Shakti. Son, our union gives life to this universe. He is my one true love. I have taken multiple births to attain him and he has loved me every time. He is my husband and he is your father. It's true Vinayak, you are Shiva Putra."

Vinayak stared at her in awe.

"Wow Maa, he seems so great. But where is he, Maa? I want to meet him."

Now Parvati looked at him and caressed his head, "Dear, he is not hear. He is away for his tapasya. This Kailash is empty without him. I was so lonely without him but now I have you".

Vinayak's face lit up and he hugged his mother, "I will always be with you, Maa and I promise you that I will bring Pitashree back to you."

Parvati smiled and nodded.

"Now put these on Shiva Linga" Parvati said, handing flowers and bilva leaves to Vinayak. He too obliged and worshipped Shiva with his mother.


In the afternoon, Parvati had just finished feeding her son when as per usual, Vinayak ran away giggling once again and Parvati had to run behind him. Vinayak went running outside the cave when suddenly he had to halt due to the arrival of someone. He had come in front of a man who had a light bluish skin tone. He was wearing yellow garments and precious jewellery. On his head was a crown and there was a peacock feather on it. Beside him was a beautiful woman. They both smiled at him. Vinayak stared at them in surprise.

"Narayan, Lakshmi? You are here?"

Came Parvati's voice from behind and Vinayak ran to hide behind his mother but peaked his head out.

"I couldn't help my desire to meet my nephew so we came here without any notice" Vishnu said cheerfully.

Parvati called Vinayak out and he did, still sticking to his mother's side.

"Vinayak, meet them. Remember I had told about the preserver of the world, Narayan? This is him. He is also my brother and your maternal uncle. And beside him is Devi Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is your aunt. Go and take their blessings. "

Adhering to his mother's words, Vinayak went and touched the feet of Lakshmi and Vishnu.

"Always stay happy and prosper in life, my boy" blessed Lakshmi. Vishnu on the other hand, instead of blessing him, picked him up in his arms.

"You are my dearest nephew. I have nothing to bless you for because I'm always going to be there with you, okay?"

"Okay!" Vinayak giggled.

Lakshmi went beside Parvati and looked at the two, "Look at them. They look so alike."

Parvati chuckled, "You are right, Devi. Brother! You two are exactly alike. He is just as naughty and hyper as you are."

"Of course he is. He is my nephew after all and I am going to spoil him. Now let's go for a tour, shall we?" Vishnu said and Vinayak agreed so he the two went away. Parvati and Lakshmi laughed at their antics.

"Let's leave these two and go inside."

Saying so Parvati went inside with Lakshmi.

A while later, the uncle - nephew duo came back to find Lakshmi and Parvati waiting for them outside. As Vishnu put him down from his arms, Vinayak ran to his mother.

"Maa, I had so much fun today! Uncle Vishnu is so great!" He said excitedly.

The three laughed at his childlike innocence. Then, Vishnu took Parvati aside for a while.

"Sister, it's so good see you finally happy with this little sweetheart. But... Have you heard anything from Mahadev yet?" Vishnu asked. Parvati's smile dropped.

"No brother, I haven't heard anything or felt anything from him. I don't even know if he actually knows about the birth of his son."

Vishnu placed his hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Parvati. He will come back soon. His family is here. He won't be able to stay away for long."

Parvati nodded. By then, Lakshmi went to them with Vinayak holding her hand. They had had a little bonding of their own as well.

"As much we would like to stay here for longer, we will have to leave now. But we will come back soon and this time, Vinayak will play with his aunt, okay?"

Vinayak agreed cheerfully. Taking their leave, Vishnu and Lakshmi went away. Then Parvati turned to her son.

"You've had lots enjoyment for today. Now come with me. You need to take some rest."

Saying so, Parvati picked him up in her arms and went to put him to bed.

Shiv Shakti - The Family We Made! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora