Practice Makes Perfect

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Parvati had done everything to make Kartikeya comfortable in Kailash. He wasn't used to the cold climate nor living in mountains. She made different dishes for her son and was feeding him with her own hands.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day when I would get to feed you with my hands" Parvati said as she held a morsel of food to his mouth. He ate it and then wiped her tears that had formed in her eyes.

"Maa, just like you, I too had been waiting to feel the touch of your hands, the warmth of your love and I couldn't be happier now."

Parvati smiled and ruffled his hair.

Kartikeya was getting all the love and pamper from his parents but his practice was also in progress. His father was training him himself. He was an expertise in warcraft but under Shiva, he became even more efficient. After a few days of practice, Shiva decided that it was time to take his test. So he went to the only person who could do so.


"No. Absolutely Not!"

"But why Uma?"

"Have you gone mad, Mahadev? I will fight my son? Definitely not."

Shiva sighed. He had asked Parvati to duel Kartikeya to test his skill in fighting but Parvati was definitely not willing to do so and rejected his offer. But he too was determined to make her agree.

"Uma, look at me. There is no one better to examine Kartikeya's skills than you. If Shiva has taught him then only Shakti can test him. And he is our ansh. It is Our duty."

'But... "

"Parents also play the part of being a teacher and it is needed to assess his progress. As his teacher, I have taught him and now you have to take his test."

Parvati shook her head, "But Mahadev, if I indeed take his test, then I have to be very strict with it."

"And that is exactly what is needed for him right now" Shiva assured her. Parvati knew that she couldn't deny anymore so she finally agreed.

The next day, Kartikeya had reached his practice area and saw Shiva setting up the weapons. Seeing him, Shiva called him.

"Son, I've taught you whatever I needed to. Now it's time to see how well you have griped it. I'm willing to take your test."

"I'm ready, Pitashree. You can ask for anything."

"Good. But it's not me who's going to do it."

As Shiva said so, a female warrior came. She had her weapons in her hands but her face was covered with a turban.

"Kartikeya, she is the most excellent warrior you will ever know, only equal to me. She will be your teacher for the day" Shiva announced.

Her kohl-lined eyes felt familar to Kartikeya but he didn't question it. He greeted his opponent.

"Whenever you are ready" Shiva said and Kartikeya got in position with his sword in front and so did the other woman.

At Shiva's signal, their sword fight began. Kartikeya was incredibly fast in his movements but his opponent seemed to be more skilled. She deflected all his attacks with ease but he didn't give up. He took to defence and deflected her charges. As they neared the end, Kartikeya took a spin and defeated her attack with great strength, though he couldn't throw away her weapon, the fight was called to an end.

"Son, you have done exceptionally well. You have used every move and tactics that I had taught correctly. I'm proud of you" Shiva said with a smile but Kartikeya frowned.

"But Pitashree, I failed to defeat my opponent. How did I pass?"

"Kartikeya, the person you have as your opponent is impossible to defeat but still you have managed to go toe to toe with her."

Kartikeya look at the warrior, confused, "Pitashree, who is this incredible warrior?"

Shiva nodded towards her and she opened her turban and Kartikeya became shocked. It was none other than his own mother.


Parvati kept her sword and went near him.

"Putra, your fighting skills are commendable. I had already told your father that my test was going to be tough but you have managed to overcome it. You are a true warrior, my son."

That was when Kartikeya realised the true power of his parents. He understood why the world depended on Shiva and Shakti and it also increased his sense of responsibility towards attaining his destiny. He bent down and took their blessings.

"Kartikeya, as you are now ready it's time you march on to war against Tarakasur. Devraj Indra wants you to become the head of the Deva army. Tomorrow you will have your coronation and then you will go to fight."

Kartikeya nodded at Shiva's words and got ready. It was going to be a very important day for everyone.

Shiv Shakti - The Family We Made! Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant