A Little More Patience

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As Shiva took Parvati aside, she looked at his concern face and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

Shiva sighed, "Uma, you have to know something. Remember how I had said that no negetive energy can enter Krittika Lok? At this moment, Tarakasur and the entire Asur army is behind our son. So this Krittika Lok is the safest place for him right now. I think we should let Kartikeya stay here with the Krittikas untill he's ready to fight."

Parvati took a step back and stared blankly at his face, "You are joking right? You can't suggest that we leave our son here. We got him after so long and now you are saying that we should leave him here? Aren't we enough to protect him?"

"It's not about that. But Skanda will be the most protected here. Brahma Dev will look after his education and warfare training. Also, time runs differently and faster here so he will become mature in just a few days in our time. Tarakasur needs to be eliminated soon. It will be the best for him. Don't you want our son to be capable of fulfilling his destiny? You are Skandamata. It's upto you now."

Parvati didn't have any words.

"You knew exactly what to say so that I can't refuse for anything, isn't it? Alright then. I agree to let our son stay here."

Soon both of them returned and Shiva announced their decision. He gave Brahma the responsibility to look after Kartikeya and his upbringing and he agreed happily. Parvati went near her infant son who was sleeping soundly in the arms of one the Krittikas. She gently caressed his tiny face but turned away before she could break down once again. She looked at Shiva once and then left before anyone could say anything. Soon, all the dieties took their leave from Krittika Lok.

As Shiva went back to Kailash, he couldn't find Parvati so he asked one of his ganas, Bhringi, about her whereabouts and he informed that Parvati was inside the cave and hadn't let anyone in. Shiva nodded and went inside. There, he saw her sitting solemnly near the Shiva Linga. He gently placed his hand on his shoulder and she flinched but didn't react.

"Uma, I can understand what you are going through. I had to act in a way that was beneficial for the world as at that time I was Jagatpita but as a father, don't you think that it broke me from inside to leave our son behind? It pained me equally when he was taken away from us by Agni, when he split in the waters of Ganga and I was hurt when I had to make the decision of leaving him behind but we are the mother and father of this universe and to full fill our duties we have to sacrifice our personal life. It's how it has always been. To give the world the warrior, we have to part with our son untill it's time. It's not easy but we can get through it together and I'm here for you" Shiva's voice broke as he said. Now Parvati turned towards him with moist eyes. He sat beside her and she laid her head on his chest.

"Forgive me, Mahadev. I was only thinking about my pain that I didn't even think about how it has affected you. I'm sorry if I had overreacted."

Shiva smiled and stroke her head, "Don't worry, Uma. You don't have to apologise for anything. Believe me, we will meet our son soon. Now come on, you haven't eaten anything in a long time. Let's go and have dinner."

Parvati smiled and agreed.

Meanwhile Tarakasur had gotten the news Shiva and Shakti's child had been born but his location wasn't known. So he had sent his army on all directions but in vain. One day, one of his chief army, Surapadman, was travelling through air in the form of a peacock and as he was going above Krittika Lok, he saw the Krittikas with a toddler. He looked divine and had a glow on his face. He realised that the child they were searching for was there and he went back to Tarakasur and informed him. Tarakasur knew it wasn't possible for them to enter the Krittika Lol. So he kept waiting for the right moment to attack.


A few days had passed and the entire Kailash was waiting for the return of Kartikeya. Shiva and the ganas were also in worry due to the lost smile of their 'Kailashswamini'. Parvati used to stay very distracted all the time so Shiva found a solution. Parvati was sitting in her chambers when someone called her from behind.


Parvati turned around and saw her sister, Ganga. She came forward and sat beside her.

"Bon, What condition have you made of yourself? Look at you."

"Didi I'm glad that you came here. I thought you'd be angry with me. I'm so sorry for cursing you. I was so distressed at the time that I didn't think what I was doing. I'm really sorrowful."

Ganga wiped her tears and hugged her.

"Parvati please don't feel guilty. I can very well understand what your emotional state was at that time. Mahadev has blessed me that people would wash their sins away in my waters and I will be the symbol of purity."

Parvati sighed in relief.

"Now look at me, Bon and give me a smile. Frown doesn't suit you."

Hearing her words, Parvati finally smiled.


Though only seven days had passed, it was more than a decade that had passed in Kritika Lok and Kartikeya had grown into a young teenager. His fair skin, curly black hair and brown eyes were the perfect mixture of both of his parents. He had not only grown up to be handsome but also powerful. He was taught by Brahma himself and had excelled in the art of warfare. He was fast as Leapords and stronger than Lions. He was very well aware of his identity and his purpose and had been working hard to achieve it. Brahma was convinced that he was ready to be taken to battle. With the same proposal, he went to Shiva who was delighted to hear the news.

"I will go there myself to bring him back. You get ready to welcome him home. Our son will be with us soon" Shiva said to Parvati who had readily agreed. All her despair was washed away by the news of her son coming back.

But it was not only them who had heard the news of Kartikeya coming back, it was also Tarakasur who had got news and thought that it was the perfect time to lure him out and end the one who was destined to kill him and he took the help of Surapadman.

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