Solution To The Door

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Sumali was sitting in his yard with his hand on his head, thinking about what to do when one of the villagers came.

"Sumali, a young man from a far away village has come to meet you. He wants to catch the Shark."

Sumali nodded and asked the man to be brought to him. When he came, Sumali saw that the young man looked not older than the age of his own daughter. He had shoulder - length black hair and a well built body and a sweet smile on his face. There was a tattoo of a Trishul on his shoulder and a small moon symbol was drawn on his forehead. Dressed in simple clothing and some silver and rudraksh jewellery, the boy stood as an image of charm. He was none other than Shiva himself. Sumali was fascinated on seeing him.

"Who are you, young man?" Sumali asked.

"Chief, my name is Shankar. I come from a far away village on hearing your announcement. I want to catch the Shark" the man answered.

"Hmm.... I hear you but are you sure you will be able to do it? Many have tried but no one has been able to succeed" Sumali questioned.

Shankar nodded with a smile, "Yes, Chief I am pretty confident in myself but you have to keep your promise. If I succeed, then you have to marry your daughter to me."

"If you manage to catch the Shark, then I will keep my promise only if my daughter agrees."

As they were conversing, suddenly Shiva heard a sound of laughter that was very familiar to him. He turned his head to the direction of the laugh and saw Parvati coming out of her room with her friend. Shiva stared at her in awe as he was seeing her after ages. Just then, Parvati also turned towards him and their eyes met. Parvati also looked at him in surprise as although she was seeing the young man for the first time, he felt familiar. They were staring each other for some time when her father's voice brought her out of her trance.

"Parvati, this is Shankar. He has come to catch the fish. He's confident in his words and I believe in him."

Parvati nodded but didn't remove her eyes from the bewitched eyes of the young man in front of her. She was sure she had seen a glimmer of tears in those warm brown eyes. She felt a wierd sense of comfort near him. Somewhere, she too was sure that he would be able to do it. Insisted by her friend, she went inside as Shankar stared at her leaving silhouette.

"Shankar, you are our guest. Take rest tonight. You can do your job tomorrow" Sumali said and Shankar nodded.


The next morning, Shankar had reached the shore of the sea. He was looking over the sunrise solemnly.

"Aren't you a bit too early to be here?"

The voice made Shiva turn around and amongst the fog of the dawn, the moon like face of Parvati emerged.

"Baba had told you to come here in the morning but you reached here by dawn only."

"I came here to think. It's quite but what are you doing here at this time?" Shankar asked.

"I come here everyday to watch the sunrise. It's the message of a new day, a new hope which is much needed for us now. Our people, they are struggling and it's really hard to see them like this. So are you sure you will be able to capture the fish?"

"Parvati, I can assure you that I will be able to fulfill my promise."

"But how will you do that? So many have tried but all of them had failed."

Shiva smiled, "People may have tried with strength, but I am going to do it with love."

"With Love? How will you do that?" Parvati asked, surprised.

"Just wait and watch and have faith in me."

Parvati looked at him once from head to toe.

"Hmm... I don't know why but I do want to trust you. From the moment I have seen you, you felt kind of familiar. Weirdly it's how I feel in front of my Shiva Linga. I have faith in you."

"Well if I do succeed then....will you agree to your father's proposal?" Shiva asked.

Parvati chuckled, "We'll see in time."

By then, it was already morning and they saw the villagers approaching them, headed by Sumali.

"They are here. It's your time. All the best!" saying so, Parvati went and joined her father.

"Good to see you are here already. You can take my boat and few of my men for help" Sumali said. Shankar shook his head.

"Thank you, Chief but I won't need your men. I can do it myself."

Everyone stepped aside and Shankar took the boat to the sea. He had his fishing net on his back. He reached the middle of the sea and then bent down to the waters. Everyone watched in anticipation. He whispered softly.

"Nandi, it's me. Mahadev. I've come. You can now let yourself get caught."

"Of course, Prabhu. I will let you catch me" Nandi also whispered back. Then Shiva softly let down his net and caught the Shark. Everyone erupted in cheers. Parvati let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Shiva turned around to see a beaming Parvati. He smiled back and then returned to the shore. The villagers wanted to kill the Shark but Shankar stopped them.

"Let it go. I'm sure after this, it won't be troubling you anymore."

Shankar let the Shark go and truly it went away.

"Shankar, you have done something that no one could ever do that. How can I ever repay you?" Sumali said with his hands joined. Shankar held his hands.

"No, Sumali. I'm pleased to help you."

Soon they all returned back to the village but Parvati was yet to consent to the marriage.

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