Newfound Love?

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The next morning, everyone woke up bright and early. They went to the man dining room for breakfast. The light, fluffy pancakes, waffles, and pastries made Winnie's mouth water. And then she looked over at Tillie.

Tillie sighed. "I want those so badly." Tillie had Celiac disease. She couldn't eat any form of gluten.

"I'm sorry, Tillie," Winnie really meant it.

"What are you sorry about?" Lucky and Chucky asked in unison.

"Tillie has Celiac disease. She can't eat gluten," Winnie told them.

"Oh," Chucky said.

"What's gluten? Lucky interrupted.

"It's just a fancy word for wheat, you imbecile," Chucky teased.

"Not only wheat," Tillie explained. "Barley, rye, and malt are all some that fall under that category."

"Oh," Chucky seemed slightly embarrassed.

Instead of eating like he usually did without a thought, Chucky sat silently until a waiter or waitress came by. When one did, he asked them something.

"Hey, can I have a fruit salad?" The next bit asked was in a slightly hushed tone. "And if it's not much of a bother, can you make a few gluten free waffles, pancakes, and pastries?" Chucky nudged his head in the direction of Tillie. "For her, because she can't eat wheat and stuff." The waiter nodded and rushed off to tell the chef.

The same waiter came back with fruit salad for Chucky, and gluten free delights for Tillie.

"Chucky, why did you order something else?" Tillie asked.

"I'm gonna suffer what you suffer," Chucky smiled cutely.

"That doesn't explain the glutenous things that you ordered," Tillie said.

"Oh, they made these for... you," Chucky faltered on the last word, because Tillie's face just kept lighting up, more and more beautiful for every word he spoke. He hoped he wasn't blushing.

Tillie was at a loss for words, "How..." she stuttered. "And on such short notice..."

"Don't worry, I told them to change gloves, utensils, and anything else to keep you safe," Chucky blushed.

Winnie and Lucky were watching everything. It was clear and obvious that Chucky had just developed a crush. Neither of them dared to make a sound, but merely made eye contact, smiled, and nodded. Winnie and Lucky went back to eating, as did their younger siblings. Everyone was soon finished, and they departed the boat to Bermuda.


Hey! Sorry I didn't publish yesterday! I had something going on. Anyways, this is my fav chapter! So cute! Thanks for reading!

To anyone who is wondering what Celiac disease really is... I suffer from it as well. Celiac disease is an auto-immune disease that causes your immune system to attack your intestines. Now, Celiac is the only auto-immune disease that scientists know the trigger to. The only way to stop your immune system from attacking your body is to stop eating gluten. This includes wheat, barley, rye, cous cous, malt, brewer's yeast, triticale, some oats, and many more. As long as we Celiacs stay clear of these, we won't get sick, and our immune systems will stop attacking our intestines. How we can get sick varies from stomachaches and headaches to rashes to even growth depletion. No need to worry about us though, because there are many gluten free foods available today. 

Comment if you have Celiac disease here!


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