Two Special Days

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Year after year, Winnie would eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and have tea with the Heelers. And year after year, Lucky would dream about how he was too scared to approach Winnie when she did come into the neighborhood.

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Winnie's 13th birthday was coming up. She decided not to invite Lucky out of fear. He wasn't talking to her very much, so she reasoned that Lucky didn't consider her a friend. As she watched Bluey, Indy, Chloe, Honey, and Coco arrive for her party, Winnie developed more and more excited feelings. They smashed piñatas and ate cake.

"Make a wish, Winnie, " Indy suggested.

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Lucky's 14th birthday was around the corner, and he was thinking about inviting Winnie. However, he figured his other guests wouldn't approve.He invited Jack, Makenzie, Rusty, and the new kid from Canada, Jean Luc. They played touch football and ate cake.

"Wish, Lucky," Rusty said.

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I wish to have the confidence to approach my crush, both of them silently wished on their birthdays.

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