A Great Ship Name

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Winnie picked up the hairbrush that she had always hid behind the sink and started brushing her fur on her head. It was the same banana custard color of Lucky's fur. She imagined it was Lucky brushing her fur instead of Winnie doing it herself. She smiled at her imagination as she stroked her coffee brown fur. Until, of course, Chloe yelled at her through the door.

"It's your turn to pick. We've been waiting for AGES!"

"Okay, okay! I'm coming out," Winnie replied.

Winnie trudged out of the bathroom, only to find them trying to decide ship names for her and Lucky. Everyone ceased their talking except for Honey, who shouted...


Winnie sighed as Indy picked up her phone and the words "Incoming Call" popped up. She walked to the kitchen as Rusty materialized on the screen. Winnie wanted to pick Bluey because she said that about Lucky to Coco, but she decided not to.

"Chloe, truth or dare?" she inquired with a sly look on her face.

"Oh jeez," Chloe gulped. "Ummm... truth??"

"Are you sure? Dare might be easier. Or not!" Winnie smirked.

"Actually, dare! No take backs!" Chloe finalized.

"Okay. I dare you to join the call with Rusty and Indy!"

''WHAT?" everyone exclaimed.

"What about me?" Indy questioned as she trotted into the living room.

"Shoot," Winnie sighed and stomped her paw on the ground.

"Oh, well. I guess it's my turn now," Chloe looked relieved.

They went on with the game until it was time to leave. Winnie waved goodbye to all of her friends as they left.


Sorry if this chapter is too short! I wrote these few chapters a while ago on paper (I guess it looked longer in my notebook 😂). Anyways, thank you ARAJ32_56 for commenting! You really made my day!


Sunset Stars - A Winnie x Lucky FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin