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Chucky ended the conversation and asked his mum if he could go swim.

"Sure, Chucky," his mum replied.

Chucky jogged to a rock formation and shielded his eyes from the sun as he gazed to the top, some twenty feet up. He started to scale the rough wall-like structure when he heard a voice coming from below.

"Honey, when did I say you could climb that mountain?" Chucky's mum said.

"Mummm," Chucky whined. "I'm not gonna hurt myself climbing a stupid rock."

"Janelle, if he's good at any sport, he's good at rock climbing." Pat argued in his son's defense.

"Hey!" Chucky said with mock hurt, halfway up the rock.

"I know, it's just..." she started.

"Like the groovy kids say, YOLO!" Pat laughed.

"DAD! Nobody says that anymore! What does 'groovy' mean anyways?" Chucky shouted atop the formation.

Pat rolled his eyes and grumbled. "It means 'cool'."

Chucky ignored his dad and jumped off the small cliff into the deep, blue water. A school of fish darted out of Chucky's way as he hit the waves. Despite the new and strange yellow figure in the ocean, a seahorse, about as small as Chucky's paw, swam up to Chucky and clasped to his fingertip. He laughed as the seahorse let go and mimicked Chucky's jump into the water and swam away.

Chucky surfaced to catch a breath and to possibly spy on his brother.


As Lucky walked around, admiring the pink-tinted sand this beach was so famous for, he spotted two eyes staring at him from the water.

"The heck?" Lucky rubbed his eyes and the yellow thing went away. "I must be seeing things."

"Seeing what?" Tillie came up and asked.

"I thought I saw something with eyes over there..." Lucky said.

"Hmmm, are you sick? I guess you look a little pale..."

"Ouch," Lucky joked. "I haven't tanned yet."

"Not in that way!" Tillie playfully pushed Lucky. "Although..."

"Although what?' Lucky inquired.

"I think Chucky might've gotten sunburnt the other day. His cheeks have been pretty red," Tillie admitted, completely oblivious.

"Ah," Lucky said. "Have you ever considered why it's only on his cheeks?"

"Oh, well, I thought that he was just sensitive in that area..." Tillie muttered as she figured out the truth: Chucky had been blushing, not burned. Not just blushing, but only around her. Then she had a thought. Does Chucky... like... me? When Tillie came back to her senses, she had but one word to say: "Oh."

"Yeah," Lucky said as he clasped his paws together. "Well, the question remains: Do you like him?"

"Well, I don't know, I've never had a crush," Tillie sighed.

"You'll learn someday, eventually," Lucky smiled.

"Yeah, by watching you," Tillie laughed.

Lucky blushed. "Hey, at least your sister doesn't know!" Then he muttered something. "Ah, the glorious day when I don't have to hide my true feelings from that gorgeous dog." he sighed as he gazed at Winnie.


Hey! I actually have followed this week's updating schedule! Aren't you proud of me!

Anyhoo, thank you to @GMorgan0166 for adding my story to their reading list!

Also, because of them, I got an idea. A comment they made in my latest chapter got me thinking...

Look out for a new story about what other ships I have to explain.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!



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