To Be a Gentleman

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Once Winnie and Lucky finished their game, the Labradors and Spaniels went to the Lido deck for lunch together. Chucky and Tillie sat next to each other, having become fast friends. Winnie and Lucky sat diagonally from each other, to avoid the taunts of their younger siblings. Winnie picked up her phone and went into her favorite app: DrawLite. She sketched an image of Lucky while she ate her honeydew and jasmine rice. She snapped an anonymous photo of Lucky and saved his pigment of fur to the "Colors" section of her app.

"Don't just play on your phone, Winnie." Ophelia said this sternly, yet managed to make it sound kind. That was one of many things Winnie loved about her mum.

"I know, I'm eating too."


Lucky wasn't that hungry. He was too busy replaying Winnie's squeals and giggles in his head. Winnie is adorable, he thought. For some reason, he was used to these thoughts. Lucky overheard Fido discussing to Lucky's own dad about eating with each other the rest of the cruise. Lucky froze with his fork almost making it into his mouth.

"Great," Lucky silently mumbled. "More opportunities to embarrass myself in front of Winnie."

In a few hours, it was dinnertime. Lucky tried to sit as far from Winnie as he possibly could. Unfortunately, Pat and Fido wanted to sit next to each other. Their respective wives, Ophelia and Janelle, wanted to sit next to their husbands. Both Tillie and Chucky wanted to sit next to their mothers and their older siblings. That left Lucky and Winnie sitting next to each other. The two families ate dinner. Once completely finished, Pat got out of his seat. He helped Janelle out of her own, and Fido did the same with his wife. Both Chucky and Tillie giggled as they copied the grown-ups. Their giggles turned into snickering when Chucky and Tillie stared at their older siblings, peer pressuring them to do the same as the parents did. Flustered, Lucky fumbled to pull out Winnie's seat from the table. Winnie acted the same, and scrambled out of her seat after flashing Lucky a smile. However, Lucky didn't see Winnie blushing under her soft, brown fur.


"That would've been really embarrassing if Lucky saw me blushing," she explained to her sister, the blush on her face seeming to find its new permanent home on her cheeks. Tillie kept Chucky's information he had shared at the arcade, fully aware that Winnie and her crush could be an item.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry if it's too little. Again, the chapters were already divided prior to posting the fanfic! Shout out to @SansyWasTaken1 for commenting yet again! Y'all, don't be shy to do the same!


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