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The trio pushed through the bustling crowds that shouted and cheered for the name 'Dinomite.' Repeating over and over again 'Dinomite! Dinomite!' so loudly that no one could hear themselves think. Ghost tapped once on the antenna of the earpiece. "Hello? Can you hear me?"

Freya tapped hers, "Loud and clear!"

Ethan tapped his twice.

Scanning the area, Freya found something that could aid the group immensely. "Guys," she exclaimed, tapping the earpiece, "let's stop at the bathroom!"

Ghost snickered. "You gotta go?"

"No! No- There's something I gotta check."

The trio reached the bland bathroom doors, Ethan and Ghost's brows furrowed, but Freya was rubbing her hands vigorously.

"Sweet!" she shouted, as she swung open the mens bathroom door. "A vent!"

Ethan and Ghosts brows furrowed even more, causing Freya to sigh. "Sounds weird, but what if... I crawl through that vent and scout from the roof!"

Ghost scoffed with a crinkled nose, and Ethan slapped his palm against his forehead.

"The roof?" Ghost spoke. "What on Earth could you see from there?"

Ethan nodded along as Ghost spoke.

"You never know, maybe the assassin is hiding up there." Freya crossed her arms, and pouted her lip. "Plus it's fun..." she whispered.

Ghost slouched her shoulders. "Do what you want, okay? But don't completely abandon the mission-"

Freya interrupted. "Alright, alright!" she sneered. "Catch ya later!" At that second, she dashed inside the bathroom, and slammed the door shut behind her with a loud slam.

Ghost stretched out her arms. "Ready?" she asked Ethan. He looked up, and nodded confidentially. "Then let's get a move on!"

Their movements were swift as they entered the grand stage area, pushing through the erratic crowds that were screaming for Dinomites name. The blinding lights that emanated from the roof illuminated the enormous stage with radiant, glamorous colours.

Rows of chairs adorned each side of the arena, packed to the brim full of people. eagerly awaiting for the performance to start, hundreds upon thousands of faces all eyed the stage with anticipation. They waved glow sticks and memorabilia rhythmically, creating a sea of vibrant colours. The roof above was engulfed in pitch-black darkness, making it impossible to see anything above the multicoloured stage lights.

Ghost reached out her hand, laying it gently upon Ethan's shoulder. "Listen," she said softly, "we're gonna have to split up."

Immediately, his face dropped. Ghost could feel him slightly trembling under her hand. 'I don't have a choice', she told herself,

She shook the feeling off, setting her mind to focus on the mission. Admittedly, she felt it was rather cruel to leave Ethan here in such a new and uncomfortable environment.

Ghost took a breath, looking aside to the stage, where the Rockstar was going to inevitably appear. They didn't have much time. She pointed her chin up. "Ethan...," she asserted, "I hate to leave you like this, but the situation is dire, and in time- Freya should be able to see us from above, soon enough."

Ethan stared up to her, fidgeting with his clammy hands. Ghost swiftly placed another reassuring hand on Ethans left shoulder, and looked him in the eyes. "Right. I know you're anxious, I can see it in your face. But," she pressed her fist upon Ethan's chest, "you chose this mission. I can't be here to support you... at least, not right now..." she let out a guiltful sigh. "You have to find the courage yourself."

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