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"Burgursh!" Freya exclaimed through muffled speech, "They're delishush!" Crumbs spilled out of her mouth, as a river of cheese dropped down her chin.Ethan, raising an eyebrow, asked, "Have you never had burgers before?"

Freya licked her lips. "Nope!" she replied, a delighted grin spreading across her face. She gripped the burger tightly, and shoved it back down her throat.

Ghost peered over at Freya, rolling her eyes. "Bonjo's burgers, the greasiest burgers in Rock." Ghost sarcastically mumbled, as she fiddled with her small basket of cheese and chilli covered french fries; which were also smothered in sickening grease.

She stabbed one of the fries with a nimble wooden fork, and brought it towards her mouth - but alas, the fry slipped off the fork, and straight on to Ghost's trousers. A defeated groan escaped her as she dropped the fork, slumping backwards into her chair. "Sickening grease," she growled, reaching out her hand and hovering it over the fry.

A luminescient purple glow surrounded the fry in an instant. Ethan looked on in awe as the fry suddenly raised into the air, his eyes filled with wonder. "Woah! I never knew you could do that Ghost!" he exclaimed.

Ghost turned to Ethan, confused. "You mean telekinesis?" she replied. "It aint that hard to do you know. Just takes a couple of days pretending to do it until you can actually do it. Like sleeping I suppose."

Ethans eyes glowed. "Not magnificent? It's so cool!"

Ghost placed the chip into her mouth using her magic. Ethan played with his fingers, before asking, "Ghost, would you uh... be able to teach me a bit about magic?" She perked her head up at the sudden question. "Don't you already know how to use your magic, aye?" She smiled.

Ethan put his hands together."It's just that... I never really had the chance to study other magics back in Folk. And knowing about other powers may be useful if we're gonna start helping and fighting people."

Ghost placed her hand on her chin. "Hmm. You do make a good point, actually. Magic knowledge is extremely important." She sat up, and placed both her arms on the table . "Okay, let's start from the basics."

Ethan leant forward, eager to hear what Ghost had to say. She ignited a small flame on her finger, raising it in the air. "Magic is the essence of all living beings. It flows through the sky, the grass, the air - everything you can see. And we humans are able to control the magic around us." Ethan politely raised his hand. "How are we able to control magic?" He asked.

Ghost sighed."You don't need to raise your hand. And to answer your question, there are three ways that we humans can unlock our magic."

She disignited the flame on her finger, still keeping it raised. "The first way to unlock your magic is through experience and learning. You can figure out your magic type by simply trying things, such as attempting to raise an object with your hands, or experimenting with elements that you have an affinity with."

Ethan raised his hand again." And if you can't find what your magic is still?" Ghost lowered her finger. " If you still can't figure out your magic type, you can find professionals that can help you by teaching you the basics."

Freya raised her hand. "Basics? What are the basics?" Ghost let out an even bigger sigh. "The basics are normally just handing you an enchanted item and seeing which one resonates with you the most. And depending on your region, you may even have rituals that tell you outright what your affinity is." She then raised two fingers. "The second way to unlock your magic is to simply be born lucky. A lot of royal families and powerful people are born with their magic already unlocked."

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