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Arriving back at The Welcome Inn, Ethan burst through the doors, receiving the gaze of everyone inside. He ran up the stairs with a skip in his step and entered his room, packing all of his necessities into a small waist satchel that was attached to a belt full of pockets. Bandages, pencils and pens, money, alcohol and cotton buds all went into the satchel - they were a necessity for medical business.

He gripped his guitar and walked down the stairs. Pushing through the exit door, and racing down the streets, he rushed towards the gated entrance to the village. The clock tower boomed eleven throughout the night sky, gleaming with beautiful bright stars.

The gates were just up ahead, entering his field of vision. His loud footsteps echoed across the empty streets, breath echoing through the vast empty streets.

A mix of emotions flushed his mind. 'On one hand, I can find a way to treat mother's disease.'

He bit his lip. 'But that also means leaving her. And if something happens... If I get hurt at the wrong time...'

His footsteps echoed loudly in his head.

'It means I'll never see her again. Not just her but... The villagers... Genii...Mei.'

"Going somewhere?" A deep voice boomed from behind him. He was just about to exit through the gates, before stopping in his tracks, and turning around swiftly.

From the shadows, out stepped a familiar figure. Ethan's face paled slightly. "Genii?"

Genii stepped under one of the street candle-lights, his hands behind his back. "Out to leave already?" he said, a slight smirk unfurling on his lips. Ethan was slightly stunned at his sudden appearance. "Genii I... What are you doing here?"

"You thought I wasn't going to see you off?" he said, as he started strolling towards Ethan. "You seem surprised."

Ethan sighed, placing his hands on his knees. Genii stood in front of him. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asked.

Ethan looked up at him, and nodded. "I'm ready. There's no stopping me."

Genii placed his hand on Ethan's head and ruffled his hair. "I trust you not to die." he chuckled. "Now hold still."

Ethan winced in pain as Genii ripped out a few strands of hair from his head. "OW! What was that for?"

"Just wait," he said. He squashed the strands of hair into his hands, completely covering them. Ethan watched in confusion as Genii stood motionless with his eyes closed. Silence echoed around them. Ethan shifted his feet awkwardly, watching the man for a few long seconds.Very long seconds.

"You okay?"

"Quiet." Genii insisted. "It's almost ready."

Ethan watched as a warm green glow filtered through Genii's fingers. "It's done." Genii unravelled his hands slowly. Ethan peered over to see what had happened, his eyes narrowed. "What is this?"

Genii smiled. "This is a Vita Pebble," he said. The item that laid in his hand was a small, black pebble that looked like any other pebble.

Ethan tilted his head. "A Vita Pebble? What's that?"

Genii held the pebble at Ethan's eye level. "A Vita Pebble is like a compass. If you infuse your magic with someone's hair, the pebble will always point towards them."

Ethan narrowed his eyes more. "Point? What do you mean?"

"Let me demonstrate." Without warning, he launched the pebble outside of the gates. Ethan chased the pebble, diving towards where it landed.

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