05. Venomous

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Jade's P.O.V 

   Derek had began testing people that he thinks are the kanima. He began with Jackson, which makes sense since Derek gave him the bite, so he might turn into that. When Jackson passed the test, he decided to move forward to the next victim. He wants to test Lydia and he thinks that it's her.

   "Why did you send your betas to test Lydia? And during class? Do you think Scott would let you do that?" I snapped at him. He was waiting in the parking lot for the results of the test. I listened closely and noticed how anxious Scott was since he was afraid Isaac and Erica might hurt Lydia. I could sense anger coming from Stiles.

   "Then tell me who the kanima is." He's giving me an ultimatum? Who does he think he is? He smiled and crossed his arms.

   "Why do you insist on going against me?" I asked.

   "I'm not going against you." He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Not everything I do is to piss you off, Jade. Did you forget that we have 2 threats on our heads right now? We have the kanima and we have Gerard that declared war on us. I need to act fast to keep my pack safe. To keep you safe."

   "You're not thinking at all, aren't you? You're just acting-"

   "I'm thinking about every one of my moves." My blood was boiling from anger. He's so fucking rude. I need to put some sence into his mind. "You can get angry as much as you want, but you won't ruin my plans."

   "Screw you." I got my claws out.

   "You're not gonna attack me." I shook my head. "Then...?" I walked to his car. "You wouldn't dare."

   "But I would." I scratched it. He deserves that since he's acting like an emotionless asshole.

   "Oh. That's real mature." He sarcastically chuckled. "But I'm still going to take her once the test is confirmed." See? He's acting like an asshole. That's not the Derek I fell in love with. That's not my Derek. "Now, you got me angrier, so if you'll try to play more games I'll lock you in my car." Lock me in his car? Seriously? I can easily get out.

   "Look, Derek, I really don't want to do this, but you're making me." I need him to be concentrated in something else but that test. If he notices Lydia failed the test, he'll take her. I don't want him to harm her. I jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my body in response, with a smirk appearing on his lips. He knew what was about to come. I connected our lips to a kiss and he cooperated with it. Actually, he took it a little too far, deepening our kiss. He tried to stick his tongue in my mouth, but that was a border he couldn't cross. After a few moments, he moved his lips down to my jawline, and continued down to place butterfly kisses on my neck. I felt controlled by him. Fuck. get a hold of yourself, Jade. I didn't want him to stop, but he suddenly did.

   "That was great. I missed this, but I need to go after Lydia, so I don't have time to continue this right now, but we should rain-check, okay?" He took me down and grabbed my hand. He unlocked his car and pushed me to get inside his car. He's so fucking rude. "Good. Now don't move." 

   "What do you think that I am? Your dog?" 

   "No." He responded and closed the door, locking me inside. I'm not going to sit quietly like this. I could sense Scott coming over. Oh, no. Oh, no. I must get out of here. I took out my claws and tried to play with the lock in order to get out, even though it ruined his car. Derek sent Boyd to wait for Scott. When Scott arrived, both Boyd and Scott talked and as much as I tried to listen, I couldn't. The car was blocking the noise. Then Derek arrived and not too much later, Scott was planning to run, but was stopped by Boyd. Shit. Why can't I get out?? What the fuck is this made of?? I continued to play with the lock. Maybe it's not as easy as I thought...

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