Chapter 26

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~Tuesday 21/02/23 - 8:15 am.

Sawyer's POV.

I walked to class with Juju and Addison was trailing behind us so she didn't look like she was friends with the 'enemy'. Then I heard Georgia talking to Addison.

"Addison! I lost the necklace!" Georgia whispered to Addison.

"What necklace?" Addison asked loudly and she acted clueless so no one would find out she stole it.

"Do you think Julianna has it?!" 

"I doubt it, if it's been in your pocket it almost impossible for her to get it."


"It could've fallen out?" Addison suggested.

"Help me look!"

Addison started looking around and she walked behind Georgia and I saw her take out a fake necklace which looked similar to Juju's. Then Addison dropped it on the floor and went back to Georgia. Georgia spotted it and picked it up.

"Lucky." Georgia said.

We arrived at our class and took our designated seats which were randomly placed. I was seated next to Juju and Addison with Georgia to the left of Addison, next to Juju was Elliot.

Juju looked quite uncomfortable and in pain for most of the session.

"She ok?" Elliot asked me as we walked to our next class. 

Juju was walking a little bit ahead of me and Georgia and Addison behind her.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"Jules, she looked uncomfortable, was it because she was sitting next to me?" Elliot asked a little bit hurt.

"Chill, it's not because of you, she's on her you know." I whispered to him.

"Her what?" Elliot asked clueless.

"Her period you idiot." I whispered to him.

"Oh, that makes sense, kind of."

I watched as Juju entered the class and we followed her and took our seats, this teacher was nice and let us pick seats, I sat next to Juju and Elliot and Addison was behind us with Georgia.

During the session I glanced at Juju and she was asleep, her head on the desk.

"Julianna McNeil!" Our teacher yelled.

Juju woke up startled and scared.

"Sorry sir." She mumbled.

"She's gonna have a panic attack." A voice in my head told me.

I recognised the voice as Addisons, I turned my head around to look at Addison and she nodded.

"Watch, she's gonna fall asleep and get scared then run out of the room." Addison said in my head.

"I'll try to keep her awake but it might not work." Addison told me in my head.

I watched as Juju started drifting off to sleep and then she woke up instantly and looked at Addison and smiled at her.

"How'd you wake her up?" I asked Addison, communicating through our heads.

"Just told her to wake up?" Addison replied.

"Sawyer Anderson?" The teacher yelled at me.

"Sorry sir."

"What's the answer?" He asked me.

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