Chapter 15

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Sawyer's POV

I gently place Jules on a bench and Elliot, Mason, Kyle, John and Harry ran into the changing room.

"What happened?!"Mason asked walking towards me.

"Is she ok?" Kyle says.

"I think Georgia did that on purpose." Harry says.

"Yeah, I think she got mad that we were winning and she decided to do that." I reply taking Julianna's shoe off her foot.

"Ow." She says.

"Sorry." I say.

"I'll get an ice pack." Elliot said running out of the room.

"Which one of you have my phone?" I ask taking her sock off.

"I've got it." Mason says pulling it out of his pocket.

"Can you check Julianna's sugars?" I ask him.

"How do I do that?" He asked confused.

"Just give the phone to Kyle." I say.

"9.3" Kyle says.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anderson!" Elliot calls out as he throws me the ice pack.

"Thanks." I reply as I gently place the ice pack on Julianna's ankle.

"5 minutes left." The ref says as he pops his head into the room.

"Jules, can you still do the battle?" I ask concerned.

"I'll be fine. We only have 20 minutes left."

"Should I re-tape your ankle?" I ask her.

"Nah, should be fine."

"You guys should get on the field so you don't get disqualified for going over the 5 minutes." Harry says.

I gently put Julianna's sock and shoe back on and she winces from the pain a couple of times. We run back onto the field with 30 seconds left.

"Everyone ready?" The ref asks.

We nod.

"Battle!" The other ref calls out.

"Jules, same plan?" I ask her as we run for the entrance of the maze.

"Yep." She says.

I give her a boost up onto the maze but this time Georgia copies us and she ends up on the maze as well. Georgia and Madeline grab some rocks from there pockets and start throwing it at Julianna. Julianna starts dodging the rocks but 3 rocks hit her right leg and she cries out in pain. 

"What the fvck!" I call out.

"That's against the rules!" Mason yells from the audience.

"Foul?! I think." The ref calls out.

They continued to throw rocks and Julianna. Julianna keeps dodging the rocks but she slips on a rock and starts falling off the maze. I start running towards Julianna but Madeline runs into me aggressively and shoves me over the line and Julianna hits the concrete floor hard.

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