Chapter 25

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~Tuesday, 21/02/23 - 1:02 am

Julianna's POV

I can't sleep, I keep getting nightmares about what I just found out and to top it all off I'm having the worst fvcking period cramps. I get out of bed and somehow find myself standing in front of Sawyer's room door. I can't bring myself to knock on the door so instead I just sit in front of his door sobbing. Someone's arms wrap around me and carry me inside the room and I'm sitting my back to their chest on their lap. 

"Juju." Sawyer says softly as he rubs my back. He carries me into his own room and he places me on his bed and grabs my favourite hoodie that he owns and he passes it to me. A small smile creeps onto my face. He then gently picks me up by the waist and he moves onto his bed and then he places me on his lap so I'm facing him. I'm curled up on his lap crying.

"What's wrong Juju?" He asks me softly as he rubs my back.

"Juju, talk to me." He pleads.

"C-can't b-b-breathe." I tell him.

"H-hurts." I say as I hug my stomach tightly.

"Juju, what hurts?" He asks me.

"P-p-period." I tell him.

"Juju, it's ok. What do you need?" He asks me.


"What do you need help with?" He asks as he hugs me tightly.

"S-scared." I tell him.

"Why are you scared?" He asks me.

"Nightmares." I whisper softly.

"You were having nightmares and couldn't sleep?" He asked me.

I nodded.

"You wanna sleep in my room?" He asks me.

I don't know how to reply, I want to say yes but I feel bad taking his bed.

"Juju, you can sleep in my bed and I'll drag the spare bed next to this one, yeah?" He asks.

I nod my head.

"Ok, just wait here." He says as he gently moves me off his lap and places me on his bed.

He returns dragging a spare bed on wheels into his room. He wheels the bed so it's next to the one I'm sitting on.

"You look tired Juju, go to sleep." He gently told me.

I layed down on his bed and I started falling asleep. Until I ended up in a nightmare again...

I was lost in a dark woods being chased by multiple ice wolves. Icicles get thrown at me, ice gets thrown, ice spears get thrown and ice arrows get shot. One arrow pierces my skin and my cry rings through the whole woods. Then all of a sudden 2 ice wolves run out the back of the pack and come towards me, surely they were going to kill me. I was ready for death...

Sawyer's POV

I wake up to someone crying next to me. I realise it's Juju. She curled up in a ball hugging my hoodie and moving back and forth while crying. I gently try to shake her awake but it's like the nightmare she's in dragged her there for a reason. So I run to the only person I can trust right now...


She's already awake as I enter her room, I think she could sense something was wrong.

"Where is she?" She asks.

"My room." We quietly run into my room and Juju's still stuck in her nightmare.

Addison takes the covers off Juju and looks for something on Juju.

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