Chapter 21

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~Continued from last chapter.

Sawyer's POV.

"Do you want to have some dinner?" I asked her as I carried her back into my room.

She shook her head.

"You not hungry?" I questioned.

She hesitated and shook her head.

"Ok..." I replied concerned.

"If you haven't had your dinner yet you can go." She told me.

"It's ok, I'll stay."

"I'll come with you." She whispered.

"You sure?"

She nodded. "As long as I can take your hoodie." She smiled.

"Ok, let's go. Do you want me to carry you?"

"Please?" She asked.


I carried her to the dining hall and there were less people now. All my friends were around the table eating their dinner.

"Ey, you found her." Mason said.

"We assumed you found her since you didn't return for 15 minutes." Kyle said.

"Hey Williams, where were you?" I asked as I tried to place Jules on the bench but she didn't let me go.

"I was in the room showering and then I saw Jules." He said.

"Juju, you wanna sit on the bench?" I whispered to her.

She clung onto me tighter. 

"Ok, you wanna sit on me then?" I asked her.

She nodded.

"You want anything to eat?" I asked her as I sat on the bench with her clinging onto me.

She shook her head.

Then I felt my phone vibrate in my shorts pocket. Juju looked at her watch and I instantly knew what the notification was.

"Low or high?" I asked her.

"Low." She mumbled.

"Juice or apple?" I asked her.

"None?" She suggested.

"Juju." I warned.

"If you don't pick you're getting an apple." I told her.

"Fine, I'll get an apple." She mumbled annoyed.

"Red or green?"

"You know how people say there are never dumb questions, they are wrong, that was a dumb question." She told me.

"So green?" I asked.

"Another dumb question." She said.

"I'll get your apple, are you sure you don't want your dinner?" I asked.

"I don't want it." She said.

"I'm going to get it for you and if you don't eat it it's coming back to the tower."

"What's the point on asking then?" She asked grumpily.

I attempted to detach Juju from me but she clung onto me tighter. 

"Juju, I'm trying to get your apple." I told her.

"Hey Jules, come here, you wanna tell me the dumbest question Sawyer's ever asked and why?" Elliot asked her so I could get the food.

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