Chapter 3

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Sawyers POV

I was kneeling on the carpet floor in the green towers common room with a girl I've fallen in love with on my knees passed out. I was getting stressed, was she going to be ok? Why didn't she tell anyone? Then Phillip stormed in the room, out of breath with the nurse.

"Get that pillow over there and put it under her head." The nurse instructed pointing at the pillow on the couch.

Phillip went to get it and we slid the pillow under her head. 

"Do any of you have access to her diabetes app?" The nurse asked kneeling down accessing Julianna.

"Nope." We both replied.

"Access to her room?"

"Yep." Phillip replied.

"I give you permission to go into her room and find me her diabetes kit." The nurse replied.

We both nodded and went to find her room.

"Where's her room?" I asked.

"Somewhere on floor 2."

"You're kidding right? You don't know her room?"

"I'm not a stalker."

"Split up. I'll look on the left, you look on the right. If you find it call out." I said.


We looked at every door which had names on it. The first door I saw said Julianna's name.

"Got it." I said.

Phillip turned around and unlocked the door with a keycard which has access to every room. We walked inside.

"So what's the plan, Mister prepared." Phillip asked me as we scanned the room.

"I'm assuming she'll either have it in the bathroom, in her suitcase or under the bed." I replied.

"I'll go in the bathroom."


I went to find Julianna's suitcase which was on top of her bed. I quickly looked under her bed and found a light bag with her name on it. I opened it up and found a bunch of lollies in it. I assumed it was what she ate to get her sugars up if it was dropping. I grabbed the bag of lollies and put it on her bed. I started looking through her suitcase and Phillip came out of the bathroom.

"Nothing other then girly stuff." He said.

"Help me look through the bedside table."

Phillip opened the bedside table and found another bag but it was pastel purple in colour. He opened it and found a bunch of random diabetic supplies. We both ran out of the room and brought both the items to the nurse. She took the purple bag and took out an item with a sharp end to it. Then she grabbed out some weird thing and a small bottle of strips. She grabbed Julianna's hand and used the item with the sharp end and stabbed it into one of Julianna's fingers. Then she squeezed her finger and a drop of blood came out which the nurse then placed onto the strip which was now attached to the item which beeped and showed numbers on it.

"So what are you doing?" Phillip asked.

"I'm checking her blood sugar manually because her Dexcom could be wrong. And it apparently is because her Dexcom says her sugars are at 3.4 when they're actually at 2.1 with double dropping arrows. Meaning her sugars are still going down." The nurse replied.

"So what are you going to do now?" I asked.

"I'm going to take her back to my office and monitor her there."

"We'll help you move her." I replied.

We slowly and carefully rolled Julianna onto the stretcher and Phillip and I carried her together.

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