Chapter 24

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~Monday, 20/02/23 - 10:30 am  (Continued from last chapter)

Sawyer's POV

Juju, Addison and my friends all walked to the dining hall to grab a quick snack before our next class. The guys in blue tower who have joined us for classes followed us to the dining hall. Then we sat outside our next classroom which was math.

"She's running out of time Sawyer, just drop it and help me capture her." Georgia said as she sat next to me.

"You said she's immortal as long as me or my sister's living and I'm alive." I told her.

"Georgia! Your not meant to tell them they're royalty!" Addison said.

"So who the hell knows and who doesn't?!" I asked confused.

"Knows what?" Juju asked confused.

" Great, another clueless royalty." Georgia said.

"Wait, I'm confused, are you all wolves?" I asked my friends.

"Look, they don't know because they haven't unleashed their powers yet, but all of them are ice wolves, except Julianna." Georgia told me.

"Georgia, your saying too much!" Addison said.

"Their gonna find out sooner or later." Georgia said.

"You gonna tell her?" Elliot asked nodding his head towards a confused Juju.

"Tell me what?" Juju asked.

"Basically, everyone in this school is here because they're part supernatural. When you shifted, you unleashed your power because someone in your bloodline died." I told her.

"Someone in her bloodline didn't die since technically she doesn't have a fire bloodline, her whole blood line are ice. She unleashed her power because she's the fire princess but she has the potential to unleash ice powers." Georgia explained.

"So your saying someone from my bloodline died?" I asked her.

"Apparently yes since she's technically part of your bloodline but she's in hiding."

"What?! How am I part of your bloodline?" Juju asked.

"Basically, me,  you and Skylar are triplets born from my mother, you were born at 11:59 pm which is how your technically a day older." I explained.

"I don't even look like you." She said.

"Yeah, so apparently your hair was originally black and your eyes were blue when you were born, but while Skylar and I were born your hair and eyes changed to red and green."

"So you're telling me your my brother and your part wolf?!" She said.

"Yeah, but your a fire wolf which are more powerful and rarer than ice wolves." Georgia explained.

"But technically, we don't know what Elliot is, he fits the features to be an ice wolf but strangely it wasn't showing up when you came up in the system so you got sent here just incase." Addison told him.

"Random question, how many fire wolves are left?" Juju asked.

"Less than 50." Georgia told her.

"And how many ice?" Juju asked.

"More than 2000." Addison said.

"In other words, if fire is against ice fire's fvcked." Juju said.

"That's what you would think if you don't know a thing about what you are, but technically fire is stronger than ice, you just need to master it, which is why I was sent here with Addison, we have unleashed our powers and have to watch over you and make sure you don't get stronger." Georgia said.

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