Ep 22 - Naruto's Counterattack

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'But how? It's impossible.' She thought as Naruto came rushing in with more punches to the snakes head with stopping as it broke through multiple tree branches.

"Look at him, he's gone nuts." Sakura gasped. "Wow, where did he get that kind of power, all of a sudden?"

As Naruto rushed forward for another attack the snake Lady let out a fire ball and attacked Naruto who was unable to dodged and took it head on.

"That fire in his eyes....there's no mistaking it."

"Wow, is that....Naruto?" Sasuke asked himself in shock at the power displayed before him.

Aki watched in complete awe, last time she had lost consciousness and only woke up after when the fight was over. This was the first time she's seven Naruto act so reckless (not counting her watching the episodes though)

'Ohhh, things have gotten really interesting." The snake lady said.

"Now than, let's see how well you do, Sasuke." She said as the snake rushed towards them.

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled, Sasuke was complete taking over by fear and couldn't even move as the enemy came at him.


"Hey, kid. Your not hurt are ya? You scared cat!"

Naruto had blocked the snake from attack Sasuke as two kunai planted itself on each side as he held onto them

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Naruto had blocked the snake from attack Sasuke as two kunai planted itself on each side as he held onto them.

'Naruto.....' Sasuke eyes widen as those line. Those were the same words he told Naruto.

"Standing there frozen like a frighten rabbit! No way! Your not the Sasuke I know!"

'Not the Sasuke I know?! That's a fucking S-Class or whatever you call that ninja! That thing could kill us in just seconds! Of course anyone who saw there life flashed before their eyes would be scared!" Aki wanted to yell, not everyone was stupid and reckless about their lives.

The Lady pulled up Naruto with her tongue into the air as he screamed in disgust.

'I feel you, Naruto. That is truly disgusting.' Aki pitted Naruto, thank god that wasn't her.

"Put me down, before I pull this tongue out of your head!" Naruto said as he struggled.

'Extraordinary, so the nine-tailed brat lives.....' The snake lady said as he preformed a hand sign. 'I see.....when your anger is to much, some of the nine-tail foxes chakra is released.'

'What an interesting, childhood you must've had

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

'What an interesting, childhood you must've had.' The snake lady uses the remaining of her tongue to pull up Naruto upper jumpsuit. 'The spell that seals him within you has appeared on your skin.... Five-Promged......Seal!"

The snake lady slams the seal on Naruto who screamed in pain as smock came out of it.

"Sasuke! Hurry! Do something!" Sakura yelled.

Natures eyes went back to blue as he lost his consciouses.

'For twelve years, the seal has remain unbroken. Soon the demon chakra and the boys will be as one.' She thought as she grabbed the scroll from Naruto pouch. 'But for now, he's just in my way.'

The snake lady throws, Naruto. Lucky it was close to where Aki was because there was now way Naruto was gonna survive that fall.

'He's complete out.' Aki thought as she looked at Naruto.

"Sasuke! What's wrong with you?"

'Fear, that's what's wrong. He's complete taken over by fear and I don't blame him."

"Okay, say what you like about, Naruto. That he's a pest, that he gets in the way, that he's just a kid, but at least he's.....he's doing something! At least he's no coward!" Sakura yelled.

'It's not like we're doing anything either!' Aki wanted to yell, because last time she checked all they were doing was sitting there looking pretty (not that she minded).

"No!" Sasuke yelled as he activated his sharingan.

'Um, it happened at last. His Uchiha blood has finally come to a boil.' The snake lady thought.

"That's more like it." Sakura smiled.

'I think I'll play with him a little and learn the full extend of his powers.'

The snake lady releases her summon as both she and Sasuke stare down each other.

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