Start from the beginning

To which Ophelia smacked him for.

"Ow." He lowly grumbled with a pout as he went over to the freezer to grab some ice like the drama queen he is.

"Hi, sweetheart! I'm your cousin, Ophelia!" she said excitedly with a smile as she embraced me into a warm hug.

I accepted the hug wrapping my arms around her, I felt safe in her arms almost like I've been in them before, she smelt like vanilla and flowers.

"I'm Chiara, thank you for the flowers and makeup! I love them." I smiled as we broke the hug. She already knows my name, but I would feel rude without telling her.

"No problem honey, I'm glad you love them!"

"Ready to go shopping at the mall, or would you like to wait for a bit?" Ophelia asks me with a smile.

"Is it okay if I get ready first?"

"Of course! I brought my curling iron and straightener; I can help you do your hair if you'd like!"

I nod with a smile, "I'd love that!"

"Get ready for what? You're going to the mall not a fashion show." Ezra interrupts. "Some people aren't naturally handsome like me." 

"I never do my hair." Ezra adds.

"We can tell." Ophelia says as she pats him on the shoulder.

"Come on, let's go upstairs, I can feel my brain shrinking when I'm around him." She adds as she playfully rolls her eyes at him.

I laugh and follow Ophelia up the steps.

"You can tell? What's that supposed to mean?" Ezra says as he stands in the living room completely dumbfounded.

He's just too clueless for his own good.

Me and Ophelia spent a good hour curling my hair and talking, she also added some light makeup. I learnt that she's twenty-four and a flight attendant which causes her to travel quite frequently, she even has her own house in New York!

"You look so pretty!" She grinned, as she took a picture of the back of my hair and showed it to me.

I smiled at the photo, "Thank you, Ophelia! I love it!"

"Anytime, darling!" She grinned resting her hands on the back of the vanity chair. "I'll let you go get dressed, I'll be waiting downstairs."

"Okay, I'll be quick." I told her as I stood up from the chair.

"Nonsense darling, take your time!"

I nodded with a smile and watched as she left my room to go downstairs.

I walked over to my dresser and picked out a cute outfit and got dressed. Before I left to go downstairs, I sprayed a bit of perfume onto my neck and wrists.

Ezra scrunched up his face as he saw me, "What on earth did you let her do to you, looks your about to go audition for the f*cking circus."

"Ezra, I'm barely wearing any makeup." I scoffed.

"Barely my a**."

I shake my head, I'm literally only wearing mascara, blush and lip gloss.

Ophelia came over and rested her hands on my shoulders, "Oh hush Ezra, I think your just jealous." She teases him.

He shakes his head as he goes over to the couch, "Jealous of what?" He scoffs.

"Bye, Ez, were leaving to go to the mall now."

"Don't ever call me Ez again, my names short enough." Ezra grumbles as he glares at Ophelia. He leans back into the couch, "Just hurry."

"Why are you gonna miss us? "Ophelia teases her brother.

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