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Alessandro's POV: I was in my office finishing up some work when I heard heart wrenching cries and screams. I was horrified I quickly checked the cameras in Kendall's room and realized she was having nightmares in her sleeping she was kicking around her blanket and pulling her hair, this was definitely not a normal nightmare like the ones May used to deal with. I ran as fast as I could down the halls trying to Kendall's room as fast as possible Enzo, Angelo, Damion and Marcelo were behind me.

My heart broke as soon as I saw her she looked so stressed.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Yelled Marcelo and Enzo at the same time.

Angelo tried talking to her and shaking her trying to get her too wake up.

"Kendall! Kendall it's Angelo your big brother wake up sweetie it's just a dream! Kenny way up!" He said as he slowly shakes her.


"We have to do something she's hurting herself!" I said grabbing her arms so she can't pull her hair anymore.
"Boys grab her legs" I said.

She finally got up with a terrified look on her face like she'd seen a ghost.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up?" She said biting her lip her small hands were fiddling with the thin sheets.

"Wake us up? You fucking woke the whole earth up!" Shouted Marcelo.

"I'm sorry it was a bad dream.."

"A bad dream it looked like you were getting murdered!" Enzo said.

"Kendall. Who hurt you.?" I spoke softly gently caressing her hair.

"I'll get her some water." Said Damion.

"No one."

"You were screaming bloody murder!" Said Enzo.

"Kendall no lying do you remember the rules?" I spoke softly to her stroking her hair.

"No I don't care about the dumb rules! What are you gonna do, take away my thin mattress, my window? My walls? Well go ahead and be my guest and take them I have no privacy either way. You can't guilt trip me into taking that's not how it works!!" She shouted

I do feel a bit guilty for taking away her privacy, but I just don't know how to raise her any other way, it worked with May when she snuck out to a party a year or two ago, but I need to learn Kendall is nothing like May. She's Kendall. But not the same bright bubbly Kendall she's the broken, depressed and clearly someone is causing these things to her.

"Please Kendall. Talk to us. Or to anyone. It will help you can't heal alone."

"I can't be healed you guys don't understand the things I've seen the things I've been forced to do and you will never understand so stop trying too." She said with a bit of anger in her tone.

Oh, Kendall what have you really been through?

Damion came back with a large glass of ice water and some ice cream. Seriously ice cream?
Kendall's POV:

Damion handed me a large glass of water and some ice cream that Alessandro wasn't too fond on. But I was thankful maybe if I just eat the ice cream, I won't have time to talk.

I shoved a big spoon full of ice cream in my mouth as soon as Alessandro opened his mouth.

"Kendall why are you scared to talk to us about your past we only want to help" he spoke

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