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It's funny how Ezra was so eager to leave the mall, but as soon as he saw the blonde cashier, he had to flirt with her for a good ten minutes.

He probably thinks every cashier is hot from the looks of it.

A few hours have passed since then, we ate some takeout for lunch, and I just finished washing and drying my new clothes and folding them.

Now I was seated at my desk with a brown envelope that held Alessandro's supposed rules inside of it. I narrowed my eyes at the flimsy paper and opened it. Who does he think he is to make rules for a house that isn't even his?

I sighed pulling out the folded piece of paper that was tucked inside,


1) You are expected to listen and respect Ezra while you are staying with him.

2) You are to write me a three-page apology each month and send it in the mail. If I see that you've changed, I will take you back.

I almost choked on air, apology for what? How could anyone possibly write anything longer than a sentence to him let alone three pages. Besides I don't even think I could manage to write a simple sentence, what would I even say?

3) You are going to write, 'I'm sorry for having no respect for my brothers and sister, I apologize for causing everyone trouble.'  A hundred times and mail it to me by next Friday.

Okay, how delusional is he!? I wouldn't even write that once, even if the whole world depended on me too. Sorry I don't have respect for delusional losers like you.

4) I expect you to keep up your grades and attend school every day.

5) You are still grounded; this means no electronics unless they are needed for school.

6) You are to maintain your health; I expect you to eat at least three times a day, get a proper amount of sleep and join at least one sport from your new school.

Yeah, no. The volleyball game with Leo clearly didn't work out, I'd rather not embarrass myself at school too.

7) While you are living with your cousin Ezra you are to follow any other rules he might have and help him around the house.

I finished reading them and I stuffed the meaningless piece of paper into the top drawer of my desk. These 'rules' only proved how delusional he really was.

The bed dipped slightly as I sat down. What am I supposed to do now? It's only 4 pm and I literally came here with nothing not even Fluffy.

I walked over to the small bookshelf that was by the bay window. The shelves were practically bare except for three books, '101 Knock-Knock Jokes', 'How to be a super-secret spy' and an old cookbook.

Yeah, Ezra definitely picked these out.

The only one of these books that would actually be useful is the secret spy one since everyone in this family only speaks lies.

I heard the sound of my door creak open, and Ezra stepped in, a small smile grazed his lips.

"I knew you'd like those books, kid." He grinned, picking up the cooking book and he skimmed through it.

"Yes, they are so amazing and fun looking." I replied, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Ophelia was so wrong, she said you'd think they'd be boring and dumb." He grinned.

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