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(This is what her bear looked like but smaller btw)

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(This is what her bear looked like but smaller btw)

I woke up with a massive headache from last night. I looked at myself in the mirror and I look awful no amount of makeup could fix me right now. My eyes were so puffy, you could tell I was crying which is embarrassing.

I heard a knock on my door.

"come in."

"Oh hey Kendall I came to tell you breakfast is ready and Alessandro is expecting you." Said Lev the driver.

"Ok I'll be down in a minute."

I threw my hair in a bun and went downstairs where all my siblings were seated.

Alessandro patted the seat next to his indicating for me too sit. So I did. Everybody just stared at me.

"Good morning Sorellina." Spoke Alessandro.

"Why are your eyes so red and puffy? Have you been crying?" Spoke Alessandro.

Everyone snapped there head towards me again for the second time.

"Yeah she bawled like a little baby yesterday." Damion said.

Ugh can't he ever just shut up.

"Yeah! Because of you, you asshole!" I shouted back at him.

Everyone looked stunned.

"Kendall language." Said Angelo and Alessandro at the same time.

"Why did he make you cry love?" Said Angelo who was also sitting next to me.

"Because he threw her little bear she got out of a happy meal out the window" Enzo said with a chuckle.

May snorted a bit. My god I'd love to kill every person at this table right now.

"Damion why would you throw her toy out the window?" Said Alessandro.

"Because she wouldn't finish her food."

"Very well then." Said Alessandro.

That's it? He took the one thing away from me that I've never had, and no one cares? They are all just sitting at the table eating their food.

You know what. I'm going to get Fluffy back. I don't care if it makes them mad or if I break the rules. I'm tired of being told I can't have things because I'm too old.

"Kendall is something wrong? You haven't touched your food." Said Angelo.

"She probably just wants to be an attention seeking whore." Said May pouring maple syrup on her pancakes.

"May. Do not disrespect your sister." Spoke Alessandro coldly.

I'm pretty sure it sent shivers down her spine because she fixed her act almost immediately.

"Sorry Alessandro, sorry Kendall I'm just a bit tired..." said May in the fakest tone ever. Yeah, I bet your sorry b*tch.

"Can we go to the beach? I heard it was supposed to be really sunny and hot today and I really want to get a tan!" Said May giving Alessandro puppy dog eyes.

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