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Alessandro's POV:

I pour myself a glass of champagne and take a seat onto the leather couch next to my brother, Angelo.

"She's a lot of work, I know." He sighs, picking up his glass bringing it to his lips.

I shake my head and grumble, "She's more than a lot."

"She's just a kid you know, kids will do things they're not supposed too."

"She almost got herself f*cking killed tonight." I growl.

"Maybe you should just tell her the truth, Alessandro. How can she protect herself if she doesn't know?" 

"F*ck off, you get no say in this, I will raise her how I want. If she would just f*cking listen to me she wouldn't get hurt."

"Well, the way your 'raising' her is clearly not working, is it?" He says cockily.

"I raised all of you the same way, it's not my fault that she's turning into a brat." I spat.

"Well," He starts to speak but I interrupt.

"Do you want to be on that boat too? Because I can make it be here in twenty minutes." I grumble, narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm twenty-five, you can't make me do anything." He glowered.

"Then start acting like it and shut the f*ck up." I scowl, taking a sip from my drink.

He presses his lips together and stands up snatching the drink from my hand, "You need help. You can't just f*cking drink all your problems away."

I lean back into the couch, "Go get your sister May and Lisa, we need to leave. Aleksandr knows where we are now. I'll get the men to search the island."

He walks over to the kitchen and places the two wine glasses into the sink, "I think father would be disappointed in you."

"Don't act like your any better, Angelo." I grumble as I close my eyes. "Go get May. Now." I order him.

He shakes his head, cursing under his breath. I watch as he goes over to the front door, slamming it shut from behind him.


Chiara's POV:

I woke up to the sound of faint bickering that came from downstairs. I slowly pulled myself out of bed and walked over to my vanity to brush my hair so I wouldn't look like a dying rat.

I left my room to go see what was happening, I walked over to the railing of the stairs and rested my hands on the top of the railing. A girl was standing in the living room next to Ezra. She had dark brown, wavy, long, hair that reached her waist and she looked very similar to Ezra just a bit younger.

I smiled; this must be Ophelia!

"Pleasseeee let me go see her, I've waited long enough."

Ezra crossed his arms, "No, it was no ten minutes ago and it's still no now." He rolled his eyes. "Let her sleep, she's not going to disappear, Ophelia."

Feeling awkward that I was staring I decided to go downstairs and meet her. They both turned their heads as they heard me coming downstairs.

"Oh my gosh, she's absolutely gorgeous, Ezra!" Ophelia beamed.

I sheepishly smiled, going over to where they stood.

Ezra rolled his eyes, "Something along the lines of that."

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