He stood up, smiled, opened the door, and pushed He YunTing towards the bathroom, without answering immediately. When he was about to leave, he couldn't resist standing on his tippy toes and kissing the tip of his nose, saying, "There's no such thing as why."

"Mr. Lin..." He YunTing blurted out.

"All right, listen." Lin Han moved away a little, trying to sound less nervous, "Because you are Mr. Lin's lover."

He used to think that He YunTing called himself this to seem rusty, but now he was attached to these words for the first time. Even if everyone else called him that, He YunTing was different from them.

Lin Han rearranged the bedroom and threw their dirty clothes into the washing machine before returning to the living room. He glanced over and Grr was already completely immersed in the drama, oblivious to what had just happened.

The paperwork for work had been handed over in full, so he could return to work tomorrow and continue his unfinished research. He ordered his dinner, listened to the sound of water in the bathroom, and raised his eyes to look at the Oddbound creature who was chasing the drama like an obsessed man, and couldn't help but smile a little before opening the work report that his colleague had sent over in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, He YunTing didn't end up staying for dinner. He took a combat shower and just came out when his private communicator rang.

Usually when it was this late, it wasn't a good thing.

He YunTing put on his clothes and reverted back to his usual appearance, contrasting with the tall man wearing sunglasses and baseball cap in the afternoon.

The communication was simple: Qi Jiamu was back.

The good news was that he was unharmed and no one found out that he had been at the academic lecture where Xu Zhiheng had his accident.

The bad news was more than one thing.

The official explanation for the incident at the lecture, which was intended purely for academic exchange, was that there were radicals at the venue who disagreed with Xu Zhiheng's academic views — but they were contained and Xu Zhiheng escaped safely.

"I was more impressed with the people who were on the battleship before." Qi Jiamu said, "I wasn't surprised to see Luo Qi's people on the scene."

After all, the face of the radicals had almost been revealed, but they just hadn't been able to find a handle that would hold him on the judgment bench. Since Xu Zhiheng's safety was also threatened, his old friend Jiang Lian finally sat down and started to find fault with the radicals as well, and no longer stayed out of it like before. So the parliament in the past few days was very exciting, the speakers on both sides of the fence spent all day long attacking each other, and struggled to have something that could really bring down the other side, only the dispute became more and more obvious. Grr, even if it didn't quite understand these things, it would watch the news every day on the two factions of the confrontation, would still give face to bounce a little to show respect.

"But I saw one more person." Qi Jiamu recalled, "It was the one who was a close friend of His Highness the Prince at the time, the one who stood behind him all day."

It was Xi Yuan.

But Qi Jiamu added that apart from Xi Yuan, he didn't see anyone else related to Wen TianYao. According to Wen TianYao's character, if he was present, then he would have brought more than one close friend. After the attack on the warship by the Zerg and what Lin Han had read earlier, he felt more and more that Wen TianYao was just a front for the radical faction to block the gun, and at present did not know what Luo Qi had used to tempt him to join his banner willingly — of course, it might seem to Wen TianYao that it was Luo Qi who joined his banner.

"He hides it well, but I'm sure I'm not mistaken." Qi Jiamu said, "The reason I came back in the past two days is because after they left, I found something strange at the venue site and wanted to bring it back to show you. It seems to be... related to Professor Xu's research."

He YunTing contacted Lu AnHe, who still remained in Xu Zhiheng's laboratory and was preparing to return to the base, heard Qi Jiamu say so, and hurriedly reported the current situation to He YunTing.

After all, it would be too obvious if they met at the base, and several people discussed it before finally deciding to directly rendezvous in Xu Zhiheng's laboratory.

Probably after knowing about him and Ji Meng, Lin Han felt some heartache, but Lin Han also had no position to appear there, not to mention if there were any accidents he might also trouble He YunTing protecting him, and he didn't want to drag his feet.

He YunTing didn't even have time to eat before he left, and when he was about to go out, Lin Han saw that the dirty clothes were washed and dried, and Grr had also finished his plate of food and was rolling around in the sand to clean himself.

Lin Han sent him to the door without saying anything, he patted He YunTing on the shoulder and said, "Be safe. I'm going to work tomorrow, so I guess I won't be able to come to the base to see you anytime soon." Lin Han said, "Don't run to me when you're free, it's always good to rest more. If you miss me, my communicator is always on."

Speaking of this, Lin Han remembered that the first time they opened the video communication, it was He YunTing who racked his brains to get him to come to the base and didn't know what method to use, and finally when he asked Lu AnHe to communicate, he accidentally pressed the video communication switch and only then did the two get through.

At that time Lin Han asked him why he was invited, He YunTing's words were clumsy, and subconsciously said that Mr. Lin was beautiful.

Thinking of this, Lin Han couldn't help but smile a little, and then indulged himself in a gentle inhale on the side of He YunTing's neck, smelling a bit of his favorite ebony fragrance, before saying, "Go ahead."

It was just a brief parting, and both of them found it more than ordinary.

Only no one could have predicted how things would turn out.

After He YunTing arrived at Xu Zhiheng's lab, Qi Jiamu pulled out a research report he found at the venue. Oddly enough, it had little to do with the Burning Blood that the radicals had been pressing for lately, but it also didn't match the content of his lectures. It was a harsh, rigorous proposal for the feasibility of combining Zerg genes with human cytokines.

The vision presented a number of seemingly very reasonable ideas, from why the Zerg evolved to this point, and could even have a human mind, and could be based on the constant improvement of the mecha, and it could also have a different evolution and powers.

But when Xu Zhiheng just finished reading this report, his entire face went white. His lips trembled as he said, "This is... This is the idea I came up with back then along with the Burning Blood experiment, but it was just a theory. This report was destroyed a long time ago. Why... did it suddenly appear here?"

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