"But Xiao Meng never minded this, he even said, as long as it can help me, whatever is fine."

Xu Zhiheng's hand subconsciously clenched, his voice seemed remorseful, "Until the Omega who once gave birth to him came to the door... He said he now had a perfect partner and life, and would definitely treat Xiao Meng well and said they wanted to take him back. I agreed. At the time, I thought it was the best possible ending, not to mention that Xiao Meng didn't refuse. With his relatives back, I could also continue to focus on my research and just go see him when I had time."

What happened later, Xu Zhiheng didn't elaborate, because he said he himself became like an outsider. He didn't know how his biological parents treated him, and Ji Meng entered the military school, under the strict management, and Xu Zhiheng hardly contacted him. Later, Ji Meng was directly assigned to the border area as soon as he graduated, and there was very little communication.

Xu Zhiheng heard the news of Ji Meng's death from others.

After a long silence, Xu Zhiheng slowly spoke, "Sorry. This matter wasn't reported to you. I didn't even have adoption procedures with him, sometimes I even felt I didn't deserve to be called his father. But he was still a very good, obedient boy. Until the end." Xu Zhiheng ended up blaming himself, "It's all my fault for being so young and impetuous that all I could think about was research and progress, nothing else. I thought he needed his family more, and I could only walk with him for a while."

After hearing this, Lin Han had a momentary lapse of concentration.

Xu Zhiheng kept apologizing, just before the emotions in his eyes dissipated, no one could bear to blame him. Since Lu AnHe met him in advance, in order to ensure the safety of Xu Zhiheng's lab, he changed his schedule and didn't follow He YunTing back.

The two walked side by side, and neither spoke for a while.

"I'll give you a ride." He YunTing suddenly said.

Lin Han said, "Don't you have to go back to the base...?"

"There's no hurry."

In any case, he hadn't received Qi Jiamu's message yet, and Lu AnHe also left first.

He YunTing couldn't say what kind of mood he had, the road ahead wasn't yet known, the lurking danger still existed. The happiness at this moment wasn't shallow and vain, but no one knew.

Then taking half a day out of the mechanized training didn't seem too much.

"Okay." Lin Han didn't ask much and nodded his head. He was still thinking about what Xu Zhiheng had said earlier. He had been to his lectures more than once, and originally thought that what attracted him was his academic attainments and his attitude towards people, but he didn't expect that he took care of a child alone for so long.

Xu Zhiheng called him Xiao Meng and supported him in whatever he did. Even though he knew his choice was too dangerous, he couldn't bear to oppose it. Then would he be like his own mother, who gently spoke a lot of sense to the teenager, told him the rules of the Galaxy Showcase, and told him to look for his most precious things?

What was Ji Meng's most precious thing? Was it a cranberry that wasn't really in Xu Zhiheng's hand?

Xu Zhiheng was very famous in the academic world, his second gender was also known to everyone, he was an Omega. But as he said, research was all he did, and he had no partner, let alone children.

Lin Han used to unconsciously envision his future when he listened to his lectures at the university, envisioning whether he would be the same as Xu Zhiheng in the future.

Finding an Alpha wasn't so important to him, and he was planning to spend his life only on inhibitors, even if he only had sextoys for company, he was also willing to suffer.

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