Chapter nine Good Morning

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“Oh that. I was just kidding with you. It’s safe for you to go.” He turned the page without even looking up. “But if I wanted to shock you I could, just keep that in mind.”

I wanted to scream at him. This man truly was the devil! “I hate you so much,” I muttered as I climbed off the bed and marched to the bathroom. To think I sleep beside that jerk because I actually believed him. I hate him. The general was a horrible person and if we weren’t already in hell, I would have sent him there myself. 

They had explained the magical “toilet” the day before so I quickly used it and returned to the room. I didn’t go back to the bed, but flopped down on the couch. 

“Reggy,” called Tobias.

“Raja!” I snapped. “And leave me a lone.” 

“Come here, Raja,” he mimicked. 

“No.” I stared at the fireplace and slumped down in my seat. “I’m tried of you touching me.”

“Don’t be difficult,” he said, not looking up from his book. “It’s best you just do as you’re told.”

It was my turn to give him a cocky smirk, because I was not moving. He could go screw himself, like the other slave in wear house would always said when they didn’t like some. 

Tobias snapped his book shut and stared me down. “Raja, don’t make me ask again.”

I was starting to get nervous. He was using that tone again. The one that made me obey long enough for him to lock my collar on. I tugged on the band around my neck and stared at the floor. 

“If you make me get up-”

“Coming.” I stood and slipped over to the bed. I sat in the middle and pulled me knees to my chest.

He just shook his head and went back to reading. 

I really hoped I wouldn’t have to sit there all day. I glanced over at the general. “I’m hungry.”

“I bet,” he replied, not looking up. “I need to get some meat on your bones, so I don’t accidentally break you.” His hand slipped over and touched my leg. 

I slapped it away and scouted over a couple inches. “Don’t. I hate when you touch me like that.”

“You do belong to me.” He reached behind his head and pressed a button on the magic box. “Send someone with breakfast.”

“Yes, general,” the box replied. 

“This house is cursed,” I whispered. 

A small smile appeared on the general’s lips. “If anything you keep me entertained, Reggy.”

“Raja,” I muttered. 

I waited quietly until someone knocked on the door.

“Enter,” said Tobias.

A girl that for once looked normal entered. “Where would you like it Sir?”

“On the bed by Raja is fine.”

She did as he asked and left the room without another word. 

“Eggs!” I announced excited, knowing for once what I was eating.

The general bursted into laughter. “What the hell?” He was practically crying he was laughing so hard. “What in the hell was that?”

Bowing my head, I hugged my arms around my chest. To say I felt stupid would be an understatement. 

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