Many of the newcomers didn't know the properties of the Zerg, and some of the Zerg were really too vicious. They didn't even have time to systematically obtain the relevant information before they had to face these terrible creatures head-on. What was more, some of the mecha were unprepared, and weren't as good as the exclusive mecha in terms of defensive power and overall performance, and with the lack of experience of the pilots themselves, certain fierce battles were almost inevitable.

Most paid too much of a price — and the most lamentable of these was the fact that more than half of the final rookie pilots didn't make it back. They weren't eliminated by the exercise, but literally and brutally, dissipated into the infinite space with no bones left.

The battleship used its only P-1 nuclear particle beam cannon to collect the last bit of energy to make the leap, barely recapturing half of the leap point, and fired at the moment of re-entry—

All the mecha and Zerg that couldn't make it back were blown to smithereens, along with the leap point, and disappeared into the universe.

The ships, which had suffered heavy losses, were able to return, carrying with them an untold number of unknown conspiracies. And after returning to the Empire, everything was just beginning.

Someone wanted He YunTing back, someone wanted him to take advantage of the opportunity to disappear. The first three mecha that departed for rescue were shot down at some point in their travels and their positioning was lost, so they couldn't even find which part of space they had fallen in, let alone the pilots on them.

Several generals from other bases were transferred over to coordinate the work, but Ye Ling and Lu AnHe were still restricted from personally participating in the rescue of He YunTing, on the grounds that an in-depth investigation of the incident was needed. They, as the first to face the matter directly, couldn't get away.

"But Lieutenant Colonel Lu was able to secure a second rescue team." Qi Jiamu said, "Because quite a few of our approved pilots who survived even developed some mental illness, we weren't allowed to participate in the next training. I didn't apply for psychological evacuation, I applied to Lieutenant Colonel Lu to join the second rescue team, and that's why I'm here. There were five mecha in the second rescue team," Qi Jiamu said after a pause, "but now... I'm the only one left."

The second rescue team encountered several mecha that tried to intercept them when they first arrived at the border zone, but since He YunTing was no longer in the border zone at the time, they had to follow the mecha's wreckage to try to find it, only to lose their way in the yellow sand.

The mecha that tried to intercept them had only three units, but both their combat experience and the quality of the mecha were above the rescue team. The other side's goal wasn't only to stop them from rescuing He YunTing, but also to have the second rescue team damaged without a way to return.

Qi Jiamu omitted many details, but the final ending was that both sides battled to the end, only he alone survived. He collected the energy of the few remaining mecha after the battle, which allowed him to continue his search all the way to the north of the Oddbound biosystem, where he finally found signs of human life.

"There's enough energy to transfer half to M2742," Lin Han said, "so that both mecha can go back."

After all, a large body like a battleship needed leap point support, while with a single mecha, it was possible to return directly to the Empire as long as there was enough energy.

"Let's go." There were still many unresolved issues, but it was imperative to go back together, the longer it took, the bigger the problem. M2742 was parked not far from there, and it would only take a few minutes to get there if they drove the mecha.

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