Chapter six: Detention and a game

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The next day, y/n woke up after all of her dorm mates and saw that one of them had laid out a folded up uniform for y/n to wear. She put on the robes, sleepily, not even caring to look in the mirror because she figured that whatever Regulus had planned would mess up her appearance anyways. She went into the dining hall, looking behind her back for Regulus. She was honestly quite worried about what he was going to do.
When she walked into the dining hall, whispers broke out among the different tables. She went and sat down next to Sirius, looking around. He and the rest of the Marauders, girls included, were wide eyed, staring at her.
"What? I know I didn't put on any makeup but it can't be that back," y/n said, touching her face.
"Uhm, that's not really what we're worried about," Peter said.
"Why're you wearing that tie?!" James yelled.
"What're you talking about? It's a normal tie-" y/n's voice fell off as she looked down at her robes.
She was wearing a Gryffindor robe and a green and silver Slytherin tie. Her face went red when she realized. She looked up at the Slytherin table, looking for Regulus. There he was, wearing a red and gold Gryffindor tie and the smuggest grin she'd ever seen.
'He must've come in last night when I left the window open' y/n thought to herself.
"I guess I'm not delusional," Lily said smugly.
"Y/n, please tell me that's not Regulus's tie," James pleaded.
"Uhm, I'll be right back," y/n said quietly as she got up and started walking over to Regulus.
She got cut off by Riley.
"What's up with the tie?" Riley laughed at y/n's obscured look.
"I'm about to go confront the person that's up," y/n glanced over at the overconfident Regulus, acting as if he wasn't wearing her tie.
"That doesn't seem like a good idea," she said. "But I'm assuming you're going to do it anyways,"
Y/n nodded and went over to Regulus.
"Oh hey, y/n, long time no see," Regulus took a bite out of his toast.
Y/n leaned down and brushed her lips against his ear and whispered.
"This is a dangerous game to play, Black," she whispered. "Do you know how many rumors there will be? I guess people will figure out that you're my secret admirer,"
She walked away and went back to sitting down at the Gryffindor table. When she looked back at the Slytherin table, she saw Regulus's friends making fun of him for his red face. It seemed like his plan backfired, in the best way possible for the pair.
"Want to explain what the hell that was?" James asked her.
"Oh, nothing important," Y/n took a bite out of her food.
"Oh my god, you're snogging my brother," Sirius's face was pale.
"Ew, that's disgusting, we're not snogging," y/n said.
"Then why are you still wearing his tie?" Remus raised an eyebrow.
Y/n rolled her eyes and continued to eat.
That Saturday, y/n had to wake up early to get to detention on time. When she walked in, she saw Regulus, James, Sirius, and Snape already sitting there.
"Wow, y/n, even your brother was here before you," Regulus smirked at her.
"Yeah well-," she stopped and turned to James. "James sit down that wasn't a threat,"
She took the seat in between Regulus and James, to prevent any fights between them.
"So what're you guys here for?" Y/n asked the other boys.
"These two were assholes, that's what," Snape pointed towards the two Marauders there.
"Oh please, it was a silly little prank!" James defended before turning to y/n and Regulus. "What about you? You never told us you had a detention, y/n,"
"They were probably caught snogging somewhere," Sirius glared at the two.
"For the last time, we were not snogging," y/n rolled her eyes.
The moderator for the detention was none other than Professor McGonagall. Both of the Potter's eyes brightened when they saw that, knowing it was going to be fine.
"Now, I don't want to be here just as much as you do," She told them. "So I just want you all to clean this classroom, no magic, and then you can be on your way,"
All of them got up and started cleaning the classroom. Y/n and Regulus ended up next to each other, cleaning up the chalkboard.
"You look like a mess," Regulus whispered to y/n, referring to her chalk covered sweater, luckily for her, none had gotten on her jeans.
"Uhm, thanks for that, but why are you whispering?" She asked him, wiping the board.
"Because two of the other people in this room are shooting me death glares," he whispered.
"Don't worry about them," the girl rolled her eyes. "They can't decide who I can be friends with,"
"We're friends?" Regulus stopped cleaning to look at y/n.
"I thought I made that pretty clear when I didn't kill you for that little tie prank,"
"Yeah, speaking of that, I got several nasty letters from James and Sirius about that,"
"Don't worry, I got THE talk from four teenage boys. It was awkward for all of us," y/n laughed. "Okay, friend, let's finish cleaning this,"
Regulus chuckled slightly at the ironic use of the word friend.
Regulus went back to cleaning and Snape made his way over to y/n.
"Potter," he greeted her.
"Snape," she responded hesitantly.
"Can you tell Lily something for me?" Snap asked her.
"I don't think she'll want to hear it. And frankly, neither do I," she said coldly.
"Please," he grabbed her arm. "Just tell her I'm sorry,"
"No. You messed up your chance with her,"
He walked away after that, no response, just anger.
"What is up with all of these Slytherins trying to befriend me?" Y/n mumbled to herself.
"Alright, I think that's enough for today. I hope that I do not see you all in here anytime soon," Professor McGonagall announced.
Sirius and James sprinted out of the room as fast as possible before coming back ro grab y/n.
"What the hell?!" Y/n yelled, forced to trail after them.
They stopped, panting from the run.
"We have come to a conclusion!" Sirius said.
"Wow, you guys used your brains?" Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Didn't know you had one,"
"Ha ha, very funny," James rolled his eyes.
"Fine, what's your conclusion?" Y/n asked.
"Lily might actually like James," Sirius said.
Y/n held her stomach from laughing so much.
"That's the funniest thing I've ever heard,"
"No! I'm serious, I mean, like more than normal," Sirius said.
"Okay, well, what does this have to do with me?"  Y/n crossed her arms.
"Well, we were wondering if you could ask her for me?" James asked, hesitantly.
"You're kidding, right? You want me to ask my best friend if she likes my brother?"
"Uhm," James looked at Sirius. "Yes?"
"Alright, fine, I'll ask. One time," y/n said. "Now let's go to quidditch practice,"
The Potters said bye to Sirius and headed over to the quidditch pitch.
As they walked, y/n decided to ask her brother a question.
"James? What do you think of Regulus?" She asked.
"I think you think way too much about him and he's a horrible person," James responded. "Why?"
Due to his reaction, y/n just sighed in response.
"No reason," she said.
They had reached the quidditch pitch and grabbed their brooms to practice with the team. They were sharing the pitch with Ravenclaw that day and decided to have a little practice match. Well that practice match quickly turned into an intense game and students came piling in to watch.
Y/n, the Gryffindors seeker, had to deal with Riley and Xenophilius's taunts. Xenophilius was the Ravenclaw seeker so it was normal for y/n to have shit talk with him but Riley had just decided to be annoying by shouting at her from the crowd.
"Surprised you're not wearing a Slytherin uniform," Xenophilius taunted at y/n.
They were both speeding around the area, trying to find the golden snitch.
"Yeah, you're just jealous that you don't get any bitches," y/n laughed.
"Oh please, I get more bitches than you do," he rolled his eyes.
"Fictional characters don't count,"
"Says the girl who's always reading,"
"Hey y/n! You're slow!" Riley tried to insult her. She was trying. That's all that mattered.
"Love you too, Riley!" Y/n laughed back at her friend.
Y/n took a quick look up towards the stands to see who was there. She saw her and James usual entourage of Lily, Marlene, Peter, Remus, and Sirius. They were all cheering for her and James as loud as possible.
Then she saw the face she was looking for. Regulus was standing with some of the other few Slytherins there. She saw his friends, Caius and Evan, teasing him when he made eye contact with her. Regulus felt his face heat up and decided to blame it on the cold air.
"Awww, someone's blushing," Caius poked his face.
"Shut it," Regulus was too focused on watching y/n to insult them properly.
Suddenly y/n spotted the finch and sped up. sShe caught the snitch, holding it up for the stadium to see. Everyone, other than the Ravenclaws cheered at her victory.
Y/n searched the crowd to find Regulus and smiled when she saw him.
"Y/n! Watch out!" Regulus yelled to her as a bludger came hurling at her.
Regulus watched as she tore her attention from him and got a face full of bludger.

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