Chapter Twenty Six: Rescue (part one)

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Y/n bolted up in a sweat, finally out of her nightmare and back in her bed. She thought about her dream, wondering what it all meant. Were those her only options? An unhappy life or death? Y/n didn't want that, she just wanted to spend her life with Regulus. To be happy and be able to have both sides of her family, as well as a good relationship with the Blacks. She wanted to start a family with him. To live her best life with him.
And what did Kai mean? That he would rescue her when the time was right? Rescue from what?
Y/n looked at the sun rising out her window and figured she wasn't going to get any more sleep. She got out of bed and pulled on her uniform for the challenge that day and her good luck sweatshirt that she had worn every morning that she'd won a quidditch game. She didn't wear it one day in her third year and Gryffindor lost to Ravenclaw so it was a necessity that she wore it.
Y/n grabbed her wand and put on a watch for the challenge and went on a walk outside. She didn't plan on going to there. But something drew her towards the lake. It wasn't the tents or the newspaper writers that started to bombard her with questions the second she got outside. They took pictures of her, blinding her with the camera flashes.
"Miss Potter! How do you feel about the second challenge?" One asked.
"Are the rumors true? Are you pregnant?" Someone else asked.
"What can you tell us about the second challenge?"
Y/n ignored them all and continued her walk. She went into one of the tents that had a sign that read 'contestants only' in big letters. When she entered,  she saw the three other contestants sitting around a small table playing cards.They looked up and Eliasson grinned at her, pulling up a chair next to him for y/n to sit in.
"We were waiting for you," he laughed.
Y/n sat down next to him, across from Snape, who had been staring at her. She looked at him, remembering her dream. He had the dark mark in her dream and y/n couldn't help but wonder if that part was real.
"I'm assuming you had a dream too?" Camille asked.
"Too?" Y/n questioned.
"Apparently Dumbledore was ordered to put a spell on us to have nightmares. To try and mess with us," she explained.
Y/n only nodded, wishing she had a book right now to escape from this whole nightmare. The entire tournament had been a nightmare for her. Even the night of the Yule Ball cameras had been snapping pictures of her and Regulus. She just wanted to live her life without the camera watching.
"We were just about to start a game of Canasta, you and Severus can be partners," Eliasson handed her a deck of cards.
Y/n took them and peered up at Snape. He nodded at her, face stern. Whatever his dream was had obviously had something to do with her. Y/n just hoped it was something good. They started the game and it went by as quickly as a Canasta game can go and y/n and Snape ended up winning all three rounds.
"How are you two so good at this game!" Camille threw her cards on the table.
Y/n smirked at the upset pair. She was about to respond but was interrupted by Dumbledore walking in. It seemed to be a trend that he interrupted her whenever she wanted to say something.
"Sorry to interrupt," he said. "I hope you got some good sleep for today's challenge,"
All of the contestants glared at the man.
"Anyways, we are ready to start the challenge," Dumbledore exited the tent.
Eliasson and Camille followed, leaving just y/n and Snape.
"He has a lot of nerve saying that," y/n grumbled. "I bet he slept like a baby,"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," Snape said. "There's a lot going on that he has to deal with,"
Y/n wanted to ask what he meant by that but as he walked by her, she saw his sleeve lift up slightly, revealing dark ink on his left forearm. Y/n watched as he walked out, her following in suite. She looked at him, wondering when he got it.
"And now, our contestants will have one hour to dive into the water and retrieve their assigned person. Once an hour has passed, the contestants will be magically transported back up," McGonagall announced. "Miss Camille must save Mr. Julian Wood. Mr. Eliasson must save his brother, Lundin, Mr. Severus must save Miss Lily Evans, and Miss Potter must save Mr. Regulus Black,"
They lined up and y/n cast a spell on herself that would allow her to breathe underwater for at least two hours, surpassing their limit of one. McGonagall gave them the signal and they all took off, diving into the water. Y/n struggled at first to open her eyes under the murky water but when she did, she saw the dark pond water. She immediately swam deeper, looking for Regulus.
She came across an odd looking rock. It looked almost like an arrow?
Y/n swam the way the rock pointed. She swam for what felt like ten minutes before she saw him. It was like her worst fear coming alive. He was tangled in the underwater weeds. They crawled up his body, engulfing him until his neck. His eyes were closed, body limp. Y n/n swam as fast as she could over to him, touching his cold arm. She wasted no time ripping the seaweed off of his body. His neck, which had been enclosed with seaweed, became unwrapped, revealing a golden locket with a green snake forming an s in the center. It looked...disturbing. As if it held great importance. Y/n had never seen it before. On Regulus or in general. She decided to ask about it later and tucked the necklace into his shirt.
She pulled his limp body up to the surface, pulling herself up to the dock, ignoring the cheers from the crowd, and pulled Regulus's body up next to her. She laid herself down, coughing up water. She hadn't realized how much of an impact the water pressure had on her. Her chest felt insanely heavy and her head was pounding. Dumbledore cast a spell on Regulus and he woke up immediately, gasping for air. When he realized where he was, he jumped up and started yelling at Dumbledore.
"You break into my room at four in the morning and ask me to come with you only to curse me and put me under water? What the hell?!" He yelled.
Dumbledore just smiled in response, obviously unsure of how to respond to Regulus's outburst.
"Thank you for participating in the Triwizard tournament, Mr. Black," he smiled.
"Ms. Potter is successfully the first contestant to save her loved one!" An announcer said. "She retrieved him in a record breaking thirty seven minutes!"
That shook y/n. She was down there for thirty seven minutes? It only felt like ten minutes. The crowd cheered again. Regulus turned to y/n, who was still sitting on the ground and plopped down next to her. Someone handed him a towel and he wrapped it around both of their soaked shoulders. Y/n leaded into his side and looked up at him.
"Are you okay?" She asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he smiled at her.
No matter how annoyed he was about Dumbledore, nothing could dampen his mood around y/n.
"I should be asking you that," he laughed. "You look like you've been hit by a train,"
Y/n's glassy eyes locked with his. She reached into his shirt and Regulus looked confused. She pulled out the locket and his face dropped. He had been trying to get rid of that thing forever. He had left it at home at the beginning of the school year, in between his mattress and the bed frame.
He had been entrusted by the dark lord to keep it safe. What was it? He had no clue. He had been trying to open it for years. He even worked up the courage to ask the dark lord himself. The only answer he got was that it was important to the cause of the death eaters. He hated it. It always made him feel angry at everything around him. But how did it end up around his neck?
It seemed that y/n had a clue to what it was. She looked down at the locket, looped around his neck. She looked back up at him and raised her eyes.
"What is this?" She whispered, as to not draw attention to them.
"I don't know," he admitted.
Y/n didn't seem to believe him. Her nightmare from the night before still lingered in her mind. Regulus with the dark mark. That's where she knew it from! He had been wearing this necklace in the dream. It obviously had something to do with the death eaters. Was her nightmare true? Had Regulus joined the death eaters?
"You don't know?" She asked, her face shining with annoyance. "Then why do you have it?"
"I don't know?" He said. "Wait, do you know what it is?"
"I think I might?" She sighed, decided it wasn't worth an argument. "I don't even know,"
She didn't know what it was, but something had put her into a bad mood.
"Want me to get rid of it?" He asked.
He pulled the necklace over his head and prepared to throw it. His arm was grabbed by someone and the necklace was pried out of his hand. Regulus looked back and saw Caius. He clasped the locket in his hand and slipped it back around his neck.
"You'll get killed if you lose that," Caius said.
"Do you know what it is?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah," Caius said, nonchalantly.
The pair looked at him, expectantly, but his eyes stayed straight.
"Well?" Regulus asked.
"If I told you, you'd just throw it faster," he said.
Before either could respond, two bodies emerged from the water. It was Eliasson and Lundin. They both gasped for air and y/n staggered up to aid her brothers. She brought two towels over for them and checked in on how they were doing.
"How-how much time is left?"  Eliasson huffed.
Y/n looked at the large clock that showed how much time the contestants had left.
"Three minutes," she shocked herself.
The time was flying. She was surprised that they were the only ones out so far. She assumed everyone would be saved. At that moment, Camille emerged from the water with Julian. The whole crowd cheered and watched expectantly at the water as the clock ticked down. The clock reached zero and the crowd all made disappointed noises. Snape was transported back up to the dock. He looked around, frantic.
"Where is Lily?" James yelled, emerging from the crowd.
Snape collapsed to the ground.
"She's-she's stuck! The grindylows got her! They dragged her away," Snape explained.
Y/n looked at James. He was furious, terrified, and worst of all, reckless. Y/n decided that she needed to be reckless for him. He didn't know what was down there, the conditions or the terrain.
James watched as his sister did the action that he was about to do. She jumped into the water and disappeared into the murky water. Everyone gasped and James met Regulus and Remus at the edge of the deck, looking in.
"She's going to get herself killed," James murmured.
"By the look of it, she just stopped you from doing the same thing," Remus sighed.
"Is that a challenge?" James raised his eyebrow.
"That is certainly not a challenge, just a comment," Remus looked down at the water. "A comment on what I'm about to do to,"
James and Regulus didn't have even a second to comprehend what Remus said before he dove into the water, barely making a splash. The crowd gasped again.
"What are you going to do?!" Eliasson yelled at Dumbledore.
"They're going to get killed!" Lundin said.
"There is nothing I can do," Dumbledore peered down into the water. "They are on their own,"
The crowd erupted into small conversations as they waited for some sign of life from the water.
"You know something we don't," McGonagall stood next to Dumbledore. "Don't you?"
"I have faith," Dumbledore said.

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