Chapter five: Prefect patrol

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When she got there, ten minutes earlier than she needed to be, Regulus was already waiting for her. He was leaned up against the wall, eyes closed. Y/n watched him for a second, admiring his features.
"Stare much, Potter?" He asked, eyes still closed.
"How'd you know I was even here?" She asked, taking a step closer.
"You're a very loud walker," he pushed himself off the wall and started walking.
Y/n jogged to catch up with his large strides.
Their patrol was just beginning and y/n could feel something different about today. The tension between them was gone. It was more of a comfortable silence, occasionally scolding students that were sneaking around. Y/n decided to break that silence.
"I got the flowers out of my hair," she told him. "It was pretty annoying,"
"Don't give me your sympathy, I know it was a bad prank,"  he huffed.
"It wasn't bad. Not your best but not bad," she admitted.
"Your brother came into the library and interrogated every boy in there," he informed her.
"Yeah, I know," she rolled her eyes. "He's been insufferable all day,"
"Yeah, I get that," he looked the other way. "I have a question for you,"
"Oh? I don't think you ever asked me a question,"
"I asked you if you had brain once, never got an answer,"
"That doesn't count. And the answer is yes," she scowled. "Anyways, what's your question?"
He paused for a moment before asking.
"How was it? Having him there, I mean," he was referring to the summer, having Sirius there.
Y/n thought about her answer for a moment before answering.
"It was loud. Louder than normal. But he seemed happy, I mean, my parents took him in immediately," y/n sighed.
"But?" Regulus asked.
"It may sound stupid but it felt like they accepted him too quickly. I don't know. I'm probably overreacting but it feels like he's more of a son to them than I am a daughter," she rambled.
She took a deep breath to continue.
"I mean, they still don't understand me. They always look at me like I have two heads whenever I read. With Sirius, they understood him immediately and made an effort to hang out with him," she sighed. "So it was nice, but sad at the same time, knowing I was that replaceable,"
Regulus turned his head to the side to look at her. She had a sad look on her face as she stared straight forward but no tears escaped.
"I understand. It was like that at home too. The opposite though, he only drew negative attention. It was still attention though," he admitted.
"Geez, if we keep opening up like this, I'm gonna feel sorry about this," y/n huffed.
"About what-" he was cut off as they rounded the corner.
Y/n had set up a contraption that sent red and gold paint flying at Regulus. Across the back of his robes, the paint magically wrote out: Potter Rules.
Y/n took this as her cue to run. She sprinted down the hallways for the second time that day. This time, Regulus was chasing y/n.
She rounded a lot of corners, trying to lose him, but he was fast.
She got to an alcove and pressed her back against the wall, trying to stay as quiet as possible. When she didn't hear anything she turned her head around the corner to see if he was there.
She got tackled by a red and gold monster, bringing her to the ground. Y/n squealed with laughter. Regulus stared down at her, her own face and body covered in paint as well, a smile taking up most of her face.
"Stare much, Black?" She said in between laughs, reusing his own words.
Y/n saw a small smile form on his face. They stared into each other's eyes until Regulus realized the position they were in. They were just as close as they were in the closet that morning. And just as before, it felt right to him.
His face suddenly felt hot at the thought of what else they could be doing in this position and he pushed himself off and stood up.
Regulus thought y/n looked like a mess, not knowing that he looked the same, covered in red and gold but the grin never left her face. He reached his hand out to help her up.
Y/n took his hand and got up.
"Thanks," she smiled at him.
"I wish I could say the same to you," he said. "Just be ready for torture,"
"Oh please, what's gonna happen? More flowers?" She teased him.
They finished their patrols and ended up in front of the Gryffindor dorms.
"Well, see you tomorrow," y/n smiled at him. "I'll expect a huge prank,"
"Yeah, watch out," he stopped himself from smiling again.
Y/n watched as he walked away, laughing when she saw the message on his robes still there. She walked into the common area and was greeted with Lily, Marlene and the Marauders.
    Lily had a shit eating grin on her face and y/n knew what she was in for.
    "Y/n...why are you covered in paint?" James asked his sister.
    "Uhm," y/n thought about the best way to explain this. "Prank gone wrong?"
    "I still have lots to teach you," he shook his head. "Wanna help us with our next prank?"
    Y/n weighed her options of talking to Lily about Regulus or helping her brother.
    "Yeah sure," y/n shot a smirk at Lily.
    "Nope, we need to have a girl's conversation with y/n," Lily dragged her over to the couch.
    "Can we join in?" Sirius trotted over.
    "No!" Y/n said a little too loudly. "Well, Remus can,"
    "What? Why Remus!?" James asked.
    "Because Remus is my favorite out of all of you," y/n stuck her tongue out at her brother.
    "What? That doesn't make any sense! I should be your favorite! I don't understand," Sirius pouted.
    "It's called a compliment. I know you're not used to those" Remus sassed.
    Y/n took a moment to acknowledge that Sirius looked just like Regulus. She'd never noticed that before.
    Remus came over and sat down looking at the girls. He took a few wet wipe packets out of his pockets and handed them to y/n.
    "Is this about what I think it's about?" Remus asked.
    "More like who it's about," Marlene smirked.
    "So, tell us what happened! Why are you covered in paint?" Lily asked.
    Y/n sighed and told them about her patrol with Regulus. She left their deeper conversations out.
    "So you guys were inches apart on the ground!" Lily whispered so the rest of the Marauders couldn't hear.
    "God, you make it sound so dirty," y/n put her head in her hands.
    "It sounds like you and Regulus are getting pretty close," Remus smirked.
    Y/n gave him a weird look.
    "So do you like him?" Marlene asked.
    "Nope! Lily's just delusional. And Remus for that matter," y/n said.
    "Do you even have a brain? You obviously like him," Lily told her.
    Y/n got up and started walking to her dorm.
    "Mini Potter, come here," Sirius called her over, he had his arm on Peter's head.
    "What do you need?" Y/n asked.
    Sirius moved his arm off of Peter's head and James' arm took its place.
    "We wanna know who you think is more whipped. Me with Lily or this idiot with Remus?" James asked, arm on Peter.
    "Would you guys stop that!" Peter pushed his arm off.
    "Uhm, well, no offense Sirius but Remus is kind of your whole life," y/n said.
    "At least I have a life!" Sirius said. "And besides, Lily is James' whole life too!"
    Y/n chuckled at the boys as she went upstairs to her dorm.
    When she got up there, there was an owl waiting at her window. Looking at her roommates, who were already asleep, she assumed it was for her.
    Y/n opened the window and the owl flew in with great entitlement. It dropped a black envelope on her bed with the Black family crest on the front. The owl waited, expectantly, most likely receiving orders to wait for a response.
    Y/n glanced at the letter hesitantly before turning to the owl.
    "If this is a prank, you can tell Regulus to expect a glitter bomb in return," she told the owl.
    She grabbed the letter and opened it as far away from her as possible but when she opened it, it just had a regular letter inside.
    She sat down on her bed and began reading it.
Dear y/n,
I'm still trying to wash the paint off of myself luckily I did a quick spell to clean off my robes but the little message you put on the back of my robes won't come off.
Thanks for that.
I just wanted to say that I thought about our conversations tonight and wanted to let you know that if you ever need to talk, my ears are always open.
With hatred and a messed up robe,
Regulus Arcturus Black

    Y/n smiled down at the letter and quickly took out a piece of stationary to write a response.

To my dearest Regulus,
It makes me smile to imagine you walking around with 'Potter Rules' on your back tomorrow. And I would like for you to know that I reciprocate your offer. My door, or window, is always open. I surprisingly enjoy your company.
With sass and tired legs,
Y/n Lynn Potter

    Y/n handed the letter to the owl and gave it a quick pet. It took off out the window and supposedly down to Regulus's dorm.
"The breeze is kind of nice. I'm sure my roommates won't mind if I keep this open," y/n said to herself.
    When the owl got to his dorm, Regulus hurriedly opened his window and let the owl in. Caius and Evan watched disappointedly at how eager their friend was to receive the letter. They had helped him write the letter to her and he had been anxiously awaiting the response.
    "Well, what'd she say?" Caius asked. "Did she confess her love you you and ask to run away and get married?"
    Evan rolled his eyes at the sarcasm.
    "Can it Avery," Regulus looked back at the letter with a smile. "She said she likes spending time with me,"
    "Sound the alarms," Evan said with absolutely zero enthusiasm. "So are you gonna admit you like her?"
    "What?! I don't like her," Regulus defended himself.
    "Dude. You literally just had us help you write a love letter to her," Caius said.
    "Wait, do you think she thought it was a love letter? Oh my god, do you think she doesn't like me?" Regulus rambled.
    "Dude, it's fine. Just admit you like her," Evan poked his face.
    "I don't,"
    "Are you still going to prank her? Or are you going to send her a huge gesture of love instead?" Caius asked with a smirk.
    "No, I need to get her back,"
    "Alright, let's think of what to do,"

Regulus Black x reader (NOT SO ENEMIES)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang