Chapter Twenty: Girlfriend?

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Regulus didn't really know where he was going. He was just trying to find y/n. He had to admit, she was very good at hiding when she wanted to be. He cast a spell on the food that made it float around while he ran around the castle.
"Why are you running all around?" A voice stopped him. "Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?"
It was Xenophilius Lovegood. He and Regulus never quite got along. He always thought he was a little too mean during quidditch matches. Also, the past couple of years he had made jokes about y/n and Regulus dating, which didn't make him happy when he hated her.
"I'm trying to find her," Regulus huffed. "Have you seen her?"
"What? No remarks about y/n 'not being your girlfriend'?" He asked.
"No, because she is and I need to find her,"
"Oh shit, well good for you I guess. She went into the forest," Xenophilius said.
Regulus didn't even hesitate to thank him before running off towards the forest. He still wasn't very where he was going but at least he knew he was at least in the woods. Suddenly,  he entered a large clearing, one where it looked as though something large had knocked all of the trees over.
But there y/n was. She was kneeling on the ground, crying into her hands. Regulus ran to her and pulled her into his lap for a hug before she could say anything.
"Reg-" Regulus could tell she didn't want to talk about it.
"Shh, it's okay, we can just be for a minute," he rubbed her back.
She started to let out the sobs she'd been holding in. Regulus hugged her closer and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her. 
"I brought you some food if you're up to eating something," Regulus said after a minute.
He brought the food in front of her and she started eating, thanking him. She half laughed and laid on the ground, staring up at the trees. Regulus laid down next to her and turned his body facing her.
"You okay?" He asked.
She turned her body to face him and brushed her nose against his.
"Yeah. Thank you. Seriously," she laced her hand into his hair.
Regulus was about to speak when they both heard a rustle in the trees. Y/n bolted up, Regulus following in suit. When he sat up, he saw a deer standing about ten feet away. Its eyes were human like and it took a step forward, causing y/n to shoot Regulus a confused look.
"It looks familiar," Regulus breathed out.
"It's eyes," y/n commented.
The deer took a few more steps closer until it was right in front of them. It laid down and looked at them, as if it was motioning for them to continue.
"So," y/n turned to Regulus, ignoring the deer.
"So," Regulus looked at her. "A little awkward with the deer just kinda staring at us,"
"Yeah, it's almost like a person," she laughed. "Ignoring that, McGonagall was going to announce it at dinner tonight but there's this ball, for the tournament. It's a week before the next challenge,"
Y/n looked down slightly, embarrassed to ask Regulus what she was going to ask. Despite him being her boyfriend, she was embarrassed to ask him to the dance. She really didn't have much experience with this sort of thing.
Regulus grinned at this realization. He took advantage of her shyness, smirking as she stumbled over her words, not really knowing what to say. Eventually, she huffed and pouted at him.
"Are you really gonna make me ask?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. I'm gonna savor this. Besides, I asked the big question, you have to ask this," he smirked.
"Do you want me to make it a big thing?" She joked. "Like a grand gesture?"
"Yeah," he rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't say yes any other way,"
Y/n grinned and jumped up, ignoring the deer. Regulus gave her an odd look, standing up after her.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Preparing my grand gesture," she grinned.
"Wait, you're not actually doing something big right?" His face dropped.
"Why? You don't want the perfect, non embarrassing, grand gesture?"
"Too bad, I never really got back at you for your last prank," she grinned, she skipped up, giving him one last kiss on the cheek before running away.
Regulus watched her body disappear into the forest. He was amazed at how she could be sobbing one second, and teasing him the next.
That night, at dinner, McGonagall announced the Yule Ball and excitement filled the room. The previous excitement from the first challenge disappeared and was filled with the girls looking at the guys, gossiping about who they wanted to ask them and vice versa. Regulus hadn't seen y/n since their little talk in the woods and he was getting slightly nervous. He hated being a part of public stunts. Actually, he hated the attention.
Suddenly, the Great hall doors burst open. Everyone was taken aback and looked to see what was happening. A giant ball of light came flying into the room. It zoomed around, shedding glitter into the sky, but eventually landed right in front of Regulus.
"Dude, what is that?" Caius asked him.
"I don't know?" Regulus reached out and touched it.
Immediately, the globe of light exploded, sending the shimmering pieces everywhere. A smaller globe was inside and started speaking to him.
"Regulus Arcturus Black," the globe started.
"Arcturus?" Caius snickered.
Regulus shot him a glare and turned his attention back to the light, wanting to get this over with so he could smother y/n with a pillow.
"You are cordially invited to the Yule Ball by none other than Y/n Lynn Potter. Please state your response," the light finished.
"Yes," Regulus mumbled.
"Thank you for the response," the globe sucked into itself and disappeared, sending fireworks everywhere.
Regulus put his head in his hands and mentally made a note to embarrass y/n as much as possible.
"Potter?" He heard a first year Slytherin asked. "But she's a Gryffindor,"
"Are they dating?" Someone else whispered.
"That's disgusting. A Gryffindor and a Slytherin? It's just gonna encourage more mud bloods," someone said.
"They're probably gonna break up next week,"
"Y/n? She's kinda ugly,"
Even the other schools were getting in on it, bashing the new couple.
"Was Snape right? Are they just hooking up?"
Regulus's blood was boiling as he heard the disgusting comments people, mainly Slytherins, were making about him and y/n. Someone slid into the seat next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Regulus looked over and saw Cayden sitting there.
"I got your back," he said.
"Where do they get the idea that they can say this shit?" Regulus seethed.
"You hate it? Wish it would stop? Want to shut them up for good?" He asked.
Regulus nodded.
"Then you gotta tell them off. Let them know what you wanna say,"
"Y/n's such a slut, she's probably just dating him for attention," Regulus heard someone say.
That tipped him over the edge. He stood up from his seat and climbed on top of the table.
"You all have some fucking problem with me and my girlfriend?" He asked.
There were mumbles coming from the crowd.
"Well deal with it because it doesn't matter what house we're from or what any of you say because I love her and that's never going to change. So just shut your mouths and get on with your life," Regulus huffed.
He jumped down from the table and stormed out of the dining hall, Caius and Cayden following him. Regulus let out a long breath to calm himself down.
"That was so badass!" Caius cheered.
"Proud of you kid," Cayden patted him on the back. "Now I gotta ask my girl to the ball,"
Cayden walked away and Regulus leaned on the wall, looking at his friend.
"Who are you gonna ask?" Regulus asked his friend.
"Uhm," Caius looked flustered. "Well, I know it's weird. I mean, we're both- I probably won't-"
"Don't worry, Evan likes you too," Regulus cut him off, grinning. "Ask him,"
"W-what?" He coughed to cover up his red face. "I wasn't- do you really think so?"
He looked hopeful and Regulus nodded, telling him the truth.
"Yup, quite annoying honestly, I've been third wheeling y'all forever," Regulus laughed.
"You're one to talk! I mean, love having y/n around but y'all had some serious sexual tension,"
Regulus grinned at his friend, glad he felt comfortable enough to let his feelings through.
"How long have you known?" Caius asked nervously.
"That you were gay or that you like Evan?" Regulus asked. "Because those are two very different answers,"
"Uh, both?"
"First year when you were desperate to catch the sweaty towel Wood threw into the crowd after a quidditch match, and second year when you couldn't get a full sentence out in front of Evan," Regulus admitted.
"Wow, specific. Well, how do you know Evan likes me?"
"We have late night conversations about you,"
"What? How do I not hear you? What do you say!?" Caius asked, panicking.
Regulus zipped his lips and grinned.
"Not fair," Caius huffed.
That night, after watching Caius stutter over his words just as much as he did in second year when asking Evan to the dance (don't worry he said yes), Regulus laid in bed and felt his bones shiver with excitement. He watched y/n set a dragon free with her big heart, he had his first kiss with y/n, she asked him to the Yule Ball, and best of all, she became his girlfriend. That was the best day Regulus had ever had.

Regulus Black x reader (NOT SO ENEMIES)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon