Chapter Twenty Five: Nightmare

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Y/n woke up from the sun the next morning, feeling the bed empty beside her. She figured Regulus wouldn't mind if she took a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt to walk back to her dorm. She looked at where Caius and Evan were lying, holding each other fast asleep, and wondered again where Regulus was.
    Y/n grabbed her clothes from the floor and used her wand to send them back to her room, not wanting to carry them. She took the long walk back to the Gryffindor common rooms only to be stopped in the hallway by Linus.
    "Y/n," Linus called out to her. "Have you seen Lundin?"
    Y/n shook her head. She hadn't seen her brother since the night before when he forced her to help him dance without looking like a big lump.
    "Tell me or Eliasson if you do, he's been missing all day," Linus ran off.
    Y/n pushed that conversation aside and walked into the Gryffindor common room only to be met with an eye-bagged Sirius trying to calm down a frantic James.
    Now y/n was used to seeing craziness surrounding her brother and his friends but what worried y/n was the almost black eye bags underneath Mr. twenty step skin care Black and the frantic mess of the calm James Potter. James spotted y/n and ran up to her.
    "Y/n!" James ran up to her. "Were you just with Lily? Have you seen her at all?"
    "What? No, I just woke up," y/n stifled down a yawn.
    "Wait, did you and Regulus..." Sirius trailed off.
    "No," y/n rolled her eyes, annoyed at the outcome of the prior night. "What's up with you two? You guys look like a mess,"
    "Lily's missing!" James yelled. "I woke up early this morning and she wasn't there!"
    "What?" Y/n thought about Regulus being missing as well. "Have you checked her dorm?"
    "Have I checked her," James scoffed. "Yes I've checked her dorm!"
    "I've been trying to reason with him since like four o'clock this morning," Sirius slouched down on the couch.
    "Four? No wonder you have eye bags," y/n joked.
    Sirius shot up and put his hands under his eyes, to feel if y/n was right. He jumped up from the couch and ran to his dorm room. Y/n replaced his spot on the couch and watched James pace back and forth.
    "James, calm down. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this," y/n said.
    "Like what?" James snapped.
    Y/n thought for a minute before it clicked. The next challenge was the next morning. 'We've taken what you'll sorely miss'. Y/n's eyes widened. Regulus was gone. Lily was gone. Lundin was gone. She, Eliasson, and Snape were three of the contestants. They must have to save people! Not things. Who would Camille save?
    "James," y/n stood up and grabbed his shoulders, keeping him in place. "Have you seen Julian today?"
    James looked at her like she had a third head.
    "Wood? No? Why would you even ask that?" He asked. "That's so random,"
    "Lily's missing. Regulus's missing. Lundin's missing. Julian's missing," y/n said. "What do all of those things have in common?"
    James shrugged. He was definitely not a Ravenclaw.
    "They all are close with one of the contestants. Lundin is Eliasson's twin," y/n started.
    "There's two of them? Geez, I thought I was just seeing double," James mumbled.
    "Yes James, they're twins. Julian and Camille are dating. Regulus and I are dating. And Lily and Snape. Well, y'know," y/n finished,
    "What does that have to do with anything?"
    "The next challenge is tomorrow and we have to rescue something or someone from underwater," y/n explained.
    Realization crossed on his face.
    "Snivelius took Lily from me?!" He yelled. "That little-"
    "James!" Y/n said. "He didn't take her. Someone did, but not him, so calm down. You'll get her back tomorrow,"
    "But that's so far away!" He groaned, flopping down on the couch. "What will I do until then?"
    "I don't know, but I want to sleep," y/n started to walk away but her brother pulled her back.
    He had that idiotic smile on his face.
    "We should do something together!" He proposed the idea. "We haven't hung out just the two of us in forever,"
    Y/n thought about the idea. She should've probably taken a nap and rested up for the next day but she did miss her brother. Y/n sighed and stood up.
    "Fine, I'm gonna go get changed, meet me down here in five," she grinned at James. "Let's cause chaos,"
    James grinned at his sister as she went up to her dorm. He started thinking about what they could do together. In his second year, her first, they had put a spell on McGonagall that made her meow like a cat all day in her human form and speak like a human with an Australian accent in her cat form. He had thought it was hilarious to be taught by an Australian cat all day. James thought they could do something like that. A harmless, fun, prank that they could do together.
    Y/n came back down in jeans and a Gryffindor sweater, wand in hand, ready to go. James stood up and they started walking, talking about what prank they could pull. They spent all day together just hanging out and laughing. It was refreshing for the both of them who had been so engrossed in their partner, they had forgotten about the person who'd been with them their whole lives.
    When y/n fell asleep that night, she was worried about Regulus and everyone else who was probably underwater somewhere. She wondered how they could breathe. Could they breathe? That brought a new thought to y/n's head. A terrifying thought.
    She dreamt of Lily underwater, struggling to breathe, trying to swim up for air but failing. She thought of Lundin's lifeless body being pulled up onto the shore of the Black Lake. Her newfound brother lying in a coffin as people paid him his last visit. She thought of Julian never being able to play quidditch again. All because of a stupid challenge.
    She knew she was being stupid, thinking too much about this. They would be fine. Dumbledore wouldn't let helpless kids die. She was close to calming down when her mind, which had been trying to avoid this thought, drifted to Regulus.
    Her brain painted an image of his body engulfed but the plants that cover the bottom of the lake. Seaweed wrapped around his neck, speeding up the process of his death to almost instantaneous. Y/n was there, floating in the water next to him. She tried to move to save him but her body was frozen. His gray eyes looked at her and he opened his mouth to say something. Y/n tried to warn him to stop but nothing came out of her mouth. Water flooded into Regulus's mouth and his eyes rolled back into his head.
    Suddenly, y/n was standing in the Black manor. Regulus's coffin was open and rows and rows of people watched as she unintentionally moved down the aisle to see him. Whispers followed as she dropped to her knees in sobs in front of him. Sirius sat in the front row, accusing her of betraying him.
    Is that what he thought?
    "You chose this life," dream Sirius yelled at her. "You're a pureblood supremacist just like the rest of them!"
    "Y/n, do you want this?" dream Remus appeared out of nowhere.
    Y/n's body was turned around and she faced the rest of the Black family. The familiar smiles of Narcissia and Lucius were replaced by stern looks. They stared at y/n, expecting her to do something. Bellatrix was the only one who didn't have a questioning look on her face, instead it was much worse. She stood there with a terrifying grin.
    Y/n's body turned around again and she was met with the Marauders and her parents. Her mother wiped tears from her eyes as her father held her close. They stood there looking at her expectantly as well. Sirius stepped towards her to speak.
    "You have to choose y/n," He said.
    "Choose?" Y/n's voice broke. "Choose what?"
    Her body was spun around again and she faced her blood family, the Rowles. Axel and Astrid stood there, arms open. They were the only ones, except for Bellatrix, who were smiling. Their kind smiles seemed to warm y/n's heart.
    "Choose us, y/n," they said.
    "What?" Y/n said again.
    She spun around again and saw the Black family standing there, sleeves pulled up on their left arm. But Narcissa had disappeared and an image of y/n took her place. There was a terrifying black mark on their arms, y/n's included. She had a dark, sad look on her face. The only good thing was that Regulus had his arm around her and was holding her stomach, showing a baby bump.
    "Choose us," Orion Black told her.
    She spun around again and was met with the Marauders. Again, she was with them but she was alone, no Regulus in the picture. Y/n had a smile on her face that only she knew was fake. Her parents' hands were on her shoulders and she was wearing a Holyhead Harpies quidditch uniform, a broom in her hand. Sirius and Remus were holding hands and so were Lily and James, holding the hand of a little boy.
    "Choose us," the little boy spoke to her.
    She spun around again and was face to face with the Rowles. She stood in between her brothers, who looked so happy with her there. That version of her was wearing a Beauxbatons uniform.
    "Choose us," Eliasson said.
    Again, she spun around. But this time, she saw the coffin. It was wider than before and y/n was forced to take a step forward. She wanted to scream when she saw the inside. She was lying next to Regulus, their hands intertwined.
    Suddenly, y/n was standing in the middle of nowhere. Except it wasn't nowhere. It was the Hogwarts grounds but the school was torn down, leaving rambles in its place. The four groups stood in front of her. The Marauders and her parents, the Rowles, the Black family, and the coffin.
    "Choose us," they all chanted.
    Each version of y/n from the four outcomes of the future stepped forward. A Beauxbatons student, a Holyhead player, a death eater, and a corpse. They all looked at her and yelled the same thing.
    "Save me!"
    "Choose us," everyone chanted again.
    "Save me!"
    "Choose us,"
    "Save me!"
    "Choose us!"
    "Save me,"
    Y/n covered her ears and closed her eyes, trying to block out the chants. The voices got to her and she was sobbing, screaming at them to stop. And suddenly it was quiet. Y/n slowly opened her eyes and uncovered her ears. She stood in front of a dragon. Her dragon. Kai.
    "I will help you when the time is right," he said in her brain.
    Her vision tunneled and she saw her parents, the Potters. Her mom reached her hand out and y/n tried to hold it.
    "I'm so sorry, y/n," Euphemia said.
    "We're so proud of you," Fleamont said.
    "I love you," y/n cried.
    She was a centimeter away from touching her mother when they were stripped away from her, turning her vision black.

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