Chapter 13: Christmas (part two)

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The days went by and Christmas arrived. Y/n woke up before Regulus and looked down at him, asleep next to her. He was hugging her side, drooling slightly.
    Y/n took a mental picture, making sure to tell Caius and Evan in her next letter to them.
    Speaking of letters, y/n opened a letter from her parents.
    Dear y/n,
Everything is alright here. We were so happy to receive your letter! The house has never felt fuller with the boys here. James and Sirius seemed to really enjoy the fact that you included them in your letter. We're not really sure why. Remus thanks you for not letting the presents arrive until Christmas, he said it's saving him a lot of stress. That poor boy is just as much of a mother as I am!
With love,
Mom and Dad
    Y/n smiled sadly at the letter when she was greeted by Regulus waking up. He looked up at her groggily, his smile lopsided. Y/n could never get tired of his smile.
    "Merry Christmas," He said, groggily.
    He pulled y/n to be laying on top of him, pulling her closer.
    "Merry Christmas," She smiled, brushing her nose with his.
    He looked into her beautiful e/c (eye color) eyes. Regulus wanted to lean in so bad and kiss her. But he didn't want to ruin their friendship. Y/n wanted to kiss him just as bad. But she was afraid of the same thing he was. So instead, she just hugged him, buried her head into his shoulder.
    "We should probably head downstairs," Y/n said.
    Regulus groaned and rolled over, taking y/n with him.
    "C'mon, I don't want to keep your family waiting,"
    "Ugh, fine," he grumbled.
    Y/n cast another spell on herself to make her look presentable. Regulus did the same and they went downstairs. When they got downstairs, Orion and Walburga looked like they were about to leave.
    "Regulus, y/n," Walburga smiled coldly. "I apologize severely for this, but I received word that my father is ill. We must head out immediately,"
    "I'm so sorry to hear that," y/n gave Walburga a hesitant hug.
    "You are sweet dear, but we must get going," Lucius said, leading his wife outside. "Merry Christmas you two,"
    "Merry Christmas," y/n called after them. "That's the worst Christmas gift ever, I feel so sorry for them,"
    "Don't," Regulus said sternly. "They do this once a year, on a holiday. Her father being sick is bullshit. That's code for them having a meeting with he who shall not be named,"
    "What?" Y/n didn't understand.
    "It's no big deal. I should've seen it coming," Regulus sighed. "They'll probably be gone until the wedding,"
    Y/n stepped closer to him and rubbed his arms.
    "The good news is that we can do whatever we want today," she cast a spell that changed them back into their pajamas. "And we can wear whatever we want,"
    A small smile formed on Regulus's face.
    "It amazes me how you can find the good in any situation," Regulus smiled.
    "It amazes me that we haven't torn through those presents since your parents left," y/n ran to the pile of presents under the tree.
    Regulus chased her and slid down next to her.
    "Alright, which one are you going to open first?" Y/n asked.
    Regulus handed her a present and took one of his own. They opened some of their presents and acted like little kids the whole day. Regulus gave the maid and the butler the rest of the week off so it was just y/n and Regulus in the whole house.
    "Reg," y/n laughed. "Tag, you're it!"
    She sprinted up the staircase and down the long hallways, Regulus chasing behind her. He was about to catch her when she rounded a corner and hid in a hall closet. She heard Regulus run by and then slow down, wondering where she went. Suddenly, Regulus threw the door open, scaring y/n slightly. She pulled him into the closet and grinned at him.
    "Pretty good hiding spot, huh?" She joked, referring to earlier in the year.
    That seemed like so long ago, when they were enemies. Back when they didn't know anything about each other. The closet was the first place they really talked, even if y/n fell asleep.
    "Oh, shut it, it wasn't my best idea," Regulus laughed.
    "C'mon, let's go outside," y/n grabbed his hand.
    "Outside? But it's freezing," he complained.
    They got outside and y/n started piling up the snow.
    "What are you doing?" Regulus laughed.
    "I'm building a snowman," she stuck her tongue out at him.
    "You're such a child,"
    "Shut up," she laughed. "C'mon, help me build this snowman,"
    They continued making the snowman, building the three layers out of snow. Regulus was placing the finishing touch on the snowman, the hat, when he got hit with a snowball. He turned to say something to y/n but she was hiding behind a makeshift wall of snow. She threw another one at him and it hit him in the chest.
    "Oh, you're on!" Regulus hid behind a tree.
    He rolled snow in his hands and threw it at y/n, she ducked at the last second, sticking her tongue out at him but got hit immediately in the face with another snowball. They threw the snow back and forth until y/n's snow balls stopped coming. Regulus stepped out of his spot and looked around, confused. He was immediately tackled to the ground by y/n and had snow shoved down his back.
    "Wow! Sabotage! I'm hurt," Regulus faked.
    Y/n stood up and offered Regulus her hand. He took it but immediately y/n got pulled to the ground.
    "C'mon, I have a gift for you inside," y/n said.
    They headed inside again, mainly to warm up. Y/n handed him one of his presents, excitement in her eyes as she watched him open it. When he saw the suit in the box, he immediately went to go try it on. Y/n was so happy when she saw that it fit him like a glove.
    "When did you-" Regulus trailed off.
    "I have my ways,"
    "My exact measurements though?" He laughed.
    "Why do you think I keep stealing your clothes?"
    Regulus changed back into his pajamas and came out with a gift for y/n. He handed it to her, covering his face slightly to hide how red it was.
    Y/n uncovered the package and saw a necklace lying in the box. It was one of the necklaces that held a photo in them. She held the sphere to her eye and saw the photo of them at Hogsmeade there.
    "How did you get the picture!?" She asked, amazed by the necklace.
    "They printed it," he handed her the newspaper.
    The front page of the December issue of the Daily Prophet was the picture of the two of them.
    "Reg! I love it," y/n tackled Regulus in a hug. "Can you help me put it on?"
    Regulus clipped the necklace around her neck and she leaned back into his chest, looking up at him.
    "Thank you," She smiled.
    "I have another gift for you," he said.
    "I have another gift for you too!" She said.
    "You first,"
    "No, you first,"
    Y/n ended up going first and Regulus handed her another package. Y/n opened it and saw the cover of Romeo and Juliet. Her eyes teared up as she read through some of the pages, reading the annotations that Regulus had written for her.
    She turned to him, wiping a tear from her face. Her face was red with trying not to cry and she had let a few tears loose. She placed the book down and engulfed Regulus in a hug, sitting on him on the floor. Regulus was slightly taken aback at her reaction to his gift but he wrapped her up. They sat like that for a few moments as y/n calmed herself down.
    "Did I do something wrong?" He asked hesitantly.
    She shook her head and wiped her eyes.
    "I'm sorry. It's just the first time anyone has ever really appreciated my love for reading and done something this sweet," y/n hugged him again. "Thank you. Thank you so much,"
    Regulus hugged the broken girl.
    "Now, you need to open your gift!" She exclaimed, climbing over the presents to get his.
    She handed him the present and watched excitedly as he opened it. She could tell he was confused at first since it was a muggle device, but once he realized what it was, his face lit up. He immediately set it up and put the record on. Iris started playing and he watched in amazement as it spun around.
    "How does that even work?" He asked in amazement.
    Y/n's laughter was the real music to his ears. She stood up and started dancing around to the music. Regulus joined her and they danced around in the living room. They played the song several times and danced until they were exhausted. Regulus flopped down on the couch and y/n laid next to him.
    "Are you hungry?" Regulus asked.
    "I could eat," y/n responded.
    They got up and went to the kitchen. Regulus started to cook up something for the two of them. He claimed that he didn't trust her in the kitchen but she knew that he just wanted to show off his cooking skills. She made the two of them hot chocolate while they waited for the meal to cook. Y/n sat on the counter, staring outside at the beautiful winter scene before her. Regulus hopped up next to her and leaned against her.
    "I think this has been my favorite Christmas ever," y/n told him.
    "And why is that?" Regulus asked.
    "Because I'm with you," she looked at him.

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