Chapter 19: The first challenge (part two)

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He saw her examining the golden egg she received and was about to call out to her when she turned around. It was almost like she sensed he was there. Her confused face fell into a soft smile and she put the egg on a nearby table before running over to him.
Regulus could tell that she wanted to hug him but was holding back.
"Reg, I just need to say that-" Regulus cut her off.
"You don't have to say anything," he smiled sadly.
Y/n took a deep breath.
"No, I do. Because I need to let you know that I love you," she told him.
He had to literally keep his jaw from falling open. Did he hear that right? He couldn't have. But he did.
"And I was going to tell you yesterday but-" y/n was cut off again, this time by Dumbledore.
"Ms. Potter, we need to talk," he said.
"Yeah, not right now," she turned back to Regulus. "As I was saying,"
"Ms. Potter! You released a wild dragon without our consent!" Professor McGonagall appeared.
"You captured Kai without his consent!" She yelled.
"Who is Kai?" Dumbledore asked.
"The dragon," y/n said, matter of factly.
The two professors looked at each other.
"Y/n you didn't-" McGonagall started to ask.
"I did. And right now, I need to have a private conversation before I'm bombarded by cameras. Okay?" She asked grumpily.
She grabbed Regulus's hand and ran away. She ran all the way to a clearing in the forest.
"The dragon's name is Kai?" Regulus asked her, laughing.
"Besides the point. The point is that I love you Regulus Black!" Y/n yelled. "And if anyone has a problem with it, they can literally suck my-"
Y/n was cut off by Regulus taking a step forward and grabbing her face with his hands. He looked into her gorgeous e/c eyes and leaned in and kissed her.
Y/n felt a volcano erupt in her chest. She immediately kissed back, lacing her arms around his body, bringing them closer. The kiss was needy, as if it was both their life support. Regulus wanted nothing more than to live in her lips, having them be the only thing he needed to live. They both had goofy grins on their faces as they broke apart. Regulus admired her features, taking in how the sun hit her face just right.
"Stare much Black?" Y/n joked.
"Only at you, Potter," he kissed her again, this time softly. "Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
"Of course," she grinned, kissing him.
They pulled away again and y/n hugged him again.
"Y/n Potter?" A voice called out to her, bringing the two out of their own worlds.
Y/n turned around and saw the Weasleys. Y/n remembered having seen them at several wizarding events throughout the years. Although she seemed to only remember Molly pregnant, which she was at the moment as well. Arthur and Molly were with their five sons, Bill, Charlie, Percy and the baby twins Fred and George. Little seven year old Charlie jumped from his mothers side and ran to y/n, stopping in front of her with his eyes wide. He hugged her leg tightly and y/n looked up at Molly and Arthur, slightly confused.
"I'm so sorry about him, he really admires you," Arthur smiled at her. "Especially after you freed the little dragon,"
"That wasn't a little dragon! It was very large, especially for being a Hebridean Black!" Little Charlie yelled at his father.
Y/n grinned down at the boy in front of her and knelt down to look at him. Regulus smiled down at her, seeing how gentle she was with the young child.
"You like dragons?" She asked.
"Yes! I love them! And quidditch," he said. "I saw you play against the Drumstrang team! You were going so fast! I'm gonna be a Gryffindor seeker one day, just like you!"
"No you're not," the older brother, Bill, scoffed. "You're too scared of heights!"
"A-am not!" Charlie stuck his tongue out at Bill.
"If I'm being completely truthful, I'm scared of heights too. But I just go fast enough that I forget how high up I am," y/n smiled at the little boy.
"Really!? You're scared of heights too?" He looked up at her.
"Well of course, everyone's scared of something!" She laughed before leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Even Bill,"
"Mum! I wanna live with y/n forever!" He yelled.
"Oh dear, we need to leave y/n alone," Molly smiled at her son.
"If you want, we can take care of him for a while," Regukus smiled. "Give you a little break,"
"You wouldn't mind?" Arthur asked.
"Not at all!" Y/n smiled.
Charlie grinned at her and y/n scooped him up into a hug and stood up, his arm around her shoulders.
"Oh, thank you so much!" Molly grinned. "We'll pick him up at dinner,"
Arthur turned to Regulus, looking at him intrigued.
"Orion's son, Regulus, correct?" He asked.
"Yes sir," Regulus responded, almost robotic.
"You're not like your father," he said with a small smile.
"Thank you sir,"
Arthur nodded, smiling, and the Weasley family walked away, leaving Regulus and y/n with a child.
"So Charlie, what do you want to do first?" Y/n asked.
The three of them spent several long hours flying around on brooms, y/n holding onto Charlie, introducing Charlie to the different animals they had at Hogwarts, and showing him the Gryffindor common room. Along with slightly getting yelled at by McGonagall for having a toddler on a broom and millions of questions from Charlie.
"I'm not tired!" Charlie struggled to keep his eyes open when they got to the Gryffindor common room.
The room was empty, much to y/n's delight. She had been interrupted too many times to count by people congratulating her and asking her how she did it.  She didn't hate the attention, but she just wanted some time with Charlie and Regulus.
"Well I am," Regulus flopped on the Gryffindor couch.
Charlie climbed on top of him and laid down on his chest, falling asleep immediately. Regulus wrapped one arm around him and used the other to bring a blanket on top of them. Y/n sat down on the floor next to them and tilted her head, smiling at him.
"We didn't really get a chance to talk earlier," he said.
"Yeah, we were a bit busy," Y/n smirked at him.
"Remind me, what were we doing?"
"I don't know, there's a kid right there," she nodded her head to the kid on his chest.
"Was what we're doing that bad? I really don't remember," he joked.
Y/n leaned in and ran her hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. She massaged his scalp and watched as the tension in his face became relaxed with her touches. Y/n took this as her sign to lean in even closer.
"I'd say it went something like this," y/n said against his mouth.
She kissed him again, softly, not wanting to ruin his relaxed state.
"Remember yet?" She asked, pulling away.
Regulus's eyes shot open.
"Uh, nope! I don't remember, remind me again?" He asked.
Y/n smiled and kissed him again. Regulus used his free hand to keep her lips connected to his. When they pulled away, Regulus let his hand caress the side of her face and she tilted her head, smiling at him.
"It seems like we already have a kid," y/n motioned to Charlie.
"He really seems to admire you," he laughed.
"He's a good kid,"
"Do you want any kids?"
"Yeah, I think I want three or four," she leaned her head against the couch. "What about you?"
"I want a huge family. One where everyone takes care of everyone," he said grimly. "Like the Weasleys,"
Y/n's face saddened. She turned her head and gave him a small, sad, smile.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the vibes," he said.
"Never be sorry about how you feel," she said. "Besides, we're each other's family,"
After talking for a little while, it was time for dinner. Y/n had picked the sleeping Charlie up and carried him down, Regulus walking next to her. Every time someone came up to her to talk, she just shushed them and motioned to Charlie, making them go away.
"Oh! Thank you so much! He's asleep! How did you do that? He never naps," Molly ran up and took him from y/n.
"We just took him around," y/n said, leaning into Regulus.
Mrs. Weasley thanked them again and y/n and Regulus decided that they needed to tell her parents.
"Geez, if I wasn't scared to talk to them yesterday, I'm definitely freaking out now," Regulus said.
"Don't worry, they already love you," y/n linked arms with him.
"Y/n! Where did you go off to after the challenge? We didn't even get to congratulate you!" Euphemia hugged her daughter.
"Sorry, Regulus and I needed to talk," y/n apologized before turning her head to look at him.
He nodded and gave her a supportive squeeze on her arm.
"Actually, we need to talk to you too," y/n said.
Sirius and James walked up, curious about what was going on.
"James, Sirius, could you give us a moment?" Fleamont asked, assuming y/n wanted it to be private.
"Actually, they can hear this too," Regulus said.
"What's going on?" James asked.
He was still fuming about earlier. His parents never explained what the Rowles meant by y/n being theirs.
"Well, Regulus and I are dating!" Y/n said.
"You're what?" Sirius asked, excitement in his voice.
"Oh honey! First James and Lily, now you and Regulus! We're so happy!" Euphemia said, pulling the pair into a hug. "Oh! Speaking of James and Lily, where is she?"
Almost immediately, all of the attention was pulled from the new couple and focused on James bringing Lily over.
"There's my future daughter in law!" Euphemia cheered.
Y/n suddenly felt angry. Of course one of the most important things in her life happened and all her parents cared about was James. Regulus moved his arm around her shoulder.
"Well I'm happy for you guys. I always kinda figured y'all would end up together in some strange fighting way," Sirius laughed, referring to their previous fights. "Too bad you didn't get the good looking brother,"
"Pretty sure I did," Y/n leaned into Regulus.
"Regulus. You better not hurt her," Sirius looked him dead in the eyes.
"Not a possibility," Regulus said.
"What are Mom and Dad going to say?" Sirius hesitated on the words 'Mom' and 'Dad'.
"Who cares," Regulus rolled his eyes. "Besides, they like y/n,"
"I feel like there's an insult in there somewhere but I'm just going to ignore it," Sirius laughed. "In all honesty, I'm really happy for you two. And you know I'm serious,"
"Thanks Sirius, it actually means a lot that someone cares," y/n half laughed.
"We care," y/n heard a voice from behind her.
She turned around and saw Axel and Astrid standing there, Eliasson and Lundin behind them.
"Oh, uh, hi?" She mumbled.
"Y/n, we have something we need to tell you," Axel stepped forward.
Magically, Euphemia and Fleamont finally seemed to care again. They were immediately by y/n's side.
"Axel, no," Fleamont said.
"No, I want to hear this," y/n said. "What?"
"I think this is where we leave," Sirius and Regulus moved away.
There was tension for about a minute, everyone glaring at each other.
"Well, we're not sure if you are aware of this, but we," Astrid motioned to the two of them. "Are your parents!"
They matched smiles and stood there grinning at her. Y/n realized that she never thought about how to act when this finally happened. Did she say she knew? Or did she act surprised and hurt at her parents for lying. Right then, with the anger at her parents built up, she decided to do the first.
"What?" Y/n asked, voice stale.
"I know it's confusing, but we weren't in a good financial position to take care of a third," Axel motioned to the twins behind her.
"We had to give you up. But they wouldn't tell us the last name, just the first names," Astrid finished.
"But we finally found you! And we want to get to know you, to grow a relationship with you," Axel said.
Y/n turned to Euphemia, Fleamont, and James.
"Don't shoot me! I didn't know either," James tried to lighten the mood.
"I figured it was true," she said.
"What?" All four of her parents chorused.
"My Hogwarts letter," she turned to the Potters. "It was addressed to y/n Potter,"
"Y-you remember that?" Fleamont asked.
(Get ready for a little bit of Family Line by Conan Gray ;))
"I was a kid but I wasn't clueless,"
"Someone who loved you wouldn't do this," Astrid placed her hand on her shoulder.
"All of my past, you tried to erase it," y/n looked up. "You're so good at telling lies,"
"God, you have your father's eyes," Astrid looked at y/n.
"Y/n, we're sorry," Euphemia reached out to her daughter.
"Is that why you love James more?" Y/n asked, voice empty. "Or why you all accepted Sirius so fast?"
James was taken aback. Did she really think that? Oh my God. That's why she was so mad when he chose Sirius. In that moment, he felt like an absolute idiot.
"Y/n, that's not true, we love you so much," Fleamont said.
Y/n stepped towards them and engulfed them into a hug before stepping back, wiping a tear from her cheek. She turned to the Rowles, doing the same.
"I need to think," She ran out of the dining hall.
Regulus and Sirius watched as she darted out.
"You need to go get her," Sirius turned to his brother. "Before she does something stupid,"
"I know," Regulus was putting food on a plate.
"And you're getting food now, why?"
"She hasn't eaten anything all day," Regulus finished filling the plate and ran after y/n.

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