Chapter 15: Triwizard tournament (part two)

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That night, Regulus and y/n were released from prefect duty so y/n snuck over to Regulus's room at ten.
She knocked on his dorm room quietly, her disillusionment charm wearing off. Regulus opened the door just as y/n's charm wore off.
"There's my champion!" He whispered.
He pulled her into the room and gave her a hug full of pride.
"Oh stop it, I haven't won," y/n pushed him away.
"Yet," he smiled.
"You guys aren't going to have sex in here right?" Regulus's other roommate groaned, half asleep.
Y/n's face heated up but Regulus just threw a book at him.
"C'mon, let's go to the astronomy tower to not disturb my roommates," Regulus said.
"Already awake," he said.
Regulus rolled his eyes and grabbed y/n's hand, pulling her to the window. He grabbed his broom and mounted it. Y/n carefully got on behind him and held on tightly. He guided them out the window and started flying.
Y/n gripped onto him tightly. She never trusted being on someone else's broom but she trusted Regulus. Y/n looked up and saw that it was a full moon. When she looked down below, she saw a group of animals escorting a tall lanky boy towards the whomping willow. When they reached the astronomy tower and got off, y/n saw a large spread of blankets and pillows. Y/n was glad there were blankets because she was really cold.
"Wow, what is this all for?" Y/n asked, getting off the broom and sitting down.
"Nothing really, I just thought we could spend the night together up here," He shrugged.
Y/n knew that he meant it just as staying up there and talking as friends but something inside her bubbled with the thought of what they could do instead. He laid down next to her and pulled a blanket over them.
"Are you excited for the tournament?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm kinda scared though," she admitted.
"Don't be, you're gonna win. No doubt in my mind,"
Y/n smiled at his words and leaned into his side, staring up at the stars. She decided this would be a good time to ask a question that had been bothering her.
"Reg. You trust me, right?" She asked.
"Yes, of course," he kept his gaze on the stars.
"You would tell me if you were hurt. Even if it happened years ago?" Y/n pressed slightly.
She didn't want to invade his privacy but he was her best friend. She wanted to know about the scars on his chest. Regulus was very self conscious so she had only seen them when he turned into his animagus.
Regulus sighed and pointed to a constellation in the sky.
"Do you see that constellation? Right over there," he guided.
Her eyes followed his hand and saw the Leo constellation. It was one of the few times a year it was visible. Y/n nodded and moved in closer to his warm body. He wrapped his arm around her, sensing she was cold, and continued.
"The Leo constellation. One of the stars in the constellation is called Regulus. That's what I was named after. It was my cousin, Andromeda, who suggested the name. She did so because the constellation of a lion," Regulus explained. "She wanted me to be the different one. She never expected it to be Sirius. She wanted me to be the lion,"
Y/n looked up at his face, he was still staring at the constellation, his face soft.
"When my parents realized that, they punished me instead of her. They had my other cousin, Bellatrix, carve the constellation into my skin and had Andromeda watch. Every time she stepped out of line, the scars reopened,"
Y/n wiped a tear from his cheek and pulled him into her. He hugged her back before scooting away. He stood up, took a deep breath, and slowly started pulling his sweatshirt over his head.
"Reg, you don't have to-" she was cut off.
"I want to," he smiled. "After all, you have helped me take those painful memories away from my name,"
Regulus took his sweatshirt all the way off and stood there, scars in his chest. Y/n stood up and stepped towards him slowly before touching his scars gently. They were slightly faded but looked like the feeling process had been long and painful.
Y/n looked up at him, eyes wide.
"Oh god, you think they're weird, don't you? I'm sorry, I'll cover them up," He tried to move away from her.
She grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, her hand tracing over the scars again.
"I think they're beautiful," she whispered, in awe, loud enough for him to hear.
Regulus's face heated up and he looked down at y/n. She was tracing his scars with her fingers and her touch made his skin shiver. But when she removed them momentarily, only to start tracing them again, he felt himself yearning for her touch. She traced it several times before engulfing him in a hug.
"I think they look perfect," she said.
Regulus felt a tear escape his eyes as he hugged her back, allowing slow sobs leaving him. Y/n brought him to the floor and laid the two of them down, pulling a blanket over them to keep him warm. When he calmed down, y/n handed him his sweatshirt. Regulus pulled it over his head and turned to y/n and she wiped a loose tear from his cheek.
He smiled at her and started to lean in closer. Y/n did the same and they were inches apart. Regulus's eyes darted to her lips, they were about to kiss when a dangerous howl came from the woods. The pair pulled away and y/n got up to see where the howl came from. When she looked towards the woods, she saw a werewolf standing at the edge.
"Reg, look at this," she mumbled.
He got up and stood beside her, eyes widening at the sight.
The werewolf was standing at the base of the woods, trying to catch something small but y/n thought he was coming towards the school.
"Reg, we need to do something! The werewolf's gonna attack the school!" Y/n looked at him.
"Y/n, there's nothing we can do, we're all the way up here," Regulus looked at her. "Oh god, you have that look in your eyes. Y/n, don't do something crazy!"
Y/n didn't listen to him and jumped off the astronomy tower, transforming into her animagus form in the process. She whispered a spell to herself and landed on the ground, the spell keeping her from dying. When she got to the ground, she immediately took off towards the werewolf.
She saw what it was trying to catch, a rat. The rat seemed to be trying to lead it towards the woods but it wasn't working. Y/n snarled at the werewolf, standing in between it and the school. The werewolf blinked at her before running towards her at an alarming pace.
She bared her teeth and attacked the werewolf. It wobbled slightly before attacking her, they fought back and forth and y/n was almost done for but a large black panther knocked the werewolf off of her and snarled. It was Regulus.
The werewolf backed off, the rat scurrying after it as it retreated into the forest and Regulus came over to check on her. Y/n changed back into her human form and Regulus did the same after her.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, fine," she was staring at a deer with a shocked look on its face. "Are you seeing this?"
The deer had a black dog standing next to it, mouth open. Regulus looked to where she was looking and got an equally confused look on his face. He helped y/n stand up, her body slightly weakened by the blows she got in her animal form. The deer took a couple of steps towards the pair before taking off into the woods, the dog following in suit.
"Weird," y/n said.
"C'mon, let's go to bed, you have the match tomorrow," Regulus guided her back to the castle.
All night, y/n and Regulus's brains tried to figure out who the werewolf was. And why that deer looked so freaked out.

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