Chapter Twenty-Three: Yule Ball (part one)

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    It was finally the day of the Yule Ball and Hogwarts was electric with energy. The slight tension between Regulus and y/n was gone, only coming back when Regulus was around certain Slytherins, Caius and Evan included. He had started to avoid his friends, spending the majority of his time with the Marauders and y/n. That only made the tension rise whenever he was around the Slytherins, making y/n worry.
"Y/n, can you do the back of my dress?" Lily asked her.
They were getting ready for the ball in Lily's dorm with Remus, talking about all the possible baby names for the baby, even though she was only about a month and a half pregnant. They were just really excited.
"Yeah of course," she went over and laced up the back. "What about Braden?"
"Hm, I don't love it. But I don't hate it," she thought. "Do you like Laney for a girl?"
"That's good but it sounds like she would never know what's going on," Remus interjected.
Y/n finished lacing up Lily's dress and looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress was just as beautiful as she remembered. Lily had done her hair up in a twist, only being held by her wand (and some magic). She had put on light but covering makeup and done double liner in black and white to match the dress. She loved the way she looked, with her dangling earrings framing her face in just the right way.
"What about Harry?" Lily asked.
"Harry? Harry Potter," y/n smiled.
"Harry James Potter. James insists that his middle name is James,"
"So fitting of him," she laughed.
"So what about you and Regulus?" Lily wiggled her eyebrows. "Any action there?"
"Nothing but small make out sessions. He's been kind of off recently," y/n admitted to her best friend.
"Maybe he's thinking of the best way to bring it up to you?" Lily offered,
"Maybe. But I don't know if you've noticed but he's been avoiding all of the Slytherins,"
Lily stopped fixing her hair and turned to y/n slowly. She and Remus made slight eye contact before looking at her.
"Y/n, we've been hearing rumors," Remus started
"Do you think they tried to recruit him to be a part know," Lily finished.
"No!" Y/n immediately defended him. "He would tell me about that! He trusts me. He wouldn't hide that,"
"Not to be Debby downer, but it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself,"
"Hey, ladies, not to be that person, but it's time for the ball," Remus informed them.
He was dressed in dress robes that y/n assumed would match Sirius's and y/n made him finally brush his messy hair.
"You look awesome Rem. Sirius is going to die when he sees you," Y/n smirked.
"Thanks, mini Potter. You guys do too," he grinned. "Now let's go,"
The three of them walked downstairs and were met with three ravish looking men. Y/n was right with her assumption about Sirius and Remus matching. Sirius's face immediately turned as red as the Gryffindor colors and he coughed to cover it up.
James was grinning at Lily with the same grin that hadn't left his face since he found out about Lily eating for two. Lily's eyes immediately focused on James and she looked absolutely smitten with him.
Then there was Regulus. Y/n had to physically stop in her tracks when she saw him. His hair had grown out slightly and was hanging in loose curls right above his ears. His suit was black with thin white stripes and was paired with a small silver cuff around the top of his ear that y/n could only assume Sirius forced him to wear.

 His suit was black with thin white stripes and was paired with a small silver cuff around the top of his ear that y/n could only assume Sirius forced him to wear

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His attention gazed up at her and his stern looking face shifted into shock. His face was slightly red, eyes open and mouth having to be forcibly closed. He tried to compose himself when she finished walking down the stairs and glided over to him. It didn't help when she greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, just making him almost lose it when she had to stand on her tippy toes to reach him.
"Someone's smitten," He heard Sirius whisper.
"Y-you look great," he stuttered out.
"So do you!" She grinned, linking their arms and smiling up at him. "Reg and I gotta get down there early to make an entrance with the other contestants and their dates,"
"Wait! We need to get pictures," Remus demanded.
He pulled out a camera and set it up, each couple taking turns getting their picture made and taking pictures with everyone. James forced y/n to take a picture with him and one with all of the Marauders which she acted like she hated but secretly loved.
"Let's do one last group picture," Lily set up the camera, putting it on a timer.
They took the picture and Regulus realized, for once he hadn't faked a single smile this whole time. Normally when he got his picture taken, he would have to plaster a fake smile on his face to please his parents. But in every picture, he looked like the happiest man alive.
"Oh shit, we have to go," y/n said.
Regulus offered her his hand, which she gladly accepted, and they took off towards the makeshift ballroom. They were ushered into a small tent-like waiting room and were met with the others. Y/n felt Regulus immediately tense up when Snape and his date walked over. Y/n thought it was odd that the girl Snape was with looked to be like ten years older than him, but she didn't want to judge.
"Potter, Black," Snape greeted. "This is my date, Bellatrix Black. Although, you already know her, don't you Regulus?"
"No shit," Regulus whispered.
"Of course he knows me!" The girl, Bellatrix, grinned. "I'm his cousin! Nice to meet you,"
She held out her hand to y/n, which she shook. There was chaotic energy surrounding Bellatrix that y/n wasn't sure if she liked. But if it made Regulus nervous, it certainly made her nervous.
"I was supposed to meet you at my sister's engagement party but I wasn't allowed to go. Something about being too crazy," Bellatrix rambled. "But I have heard so much about you from my parents,"
"You have?" Y/n and Regulus said at the same time.
"Oh yes! They adored you and they know you're going to be a great addition once Regulus accepts his invitation himself and gives you yours,"
"Join?" Y/n looked at Regulus.
His face was twisted, a warning look sent to his cousin.
"What are you joining?" Y/n asked.
"He hasn't told you? Well it's the-" Bellatrix was cut off by Regulus.
"Belle, why are you here?" He asked.
Bellatrix aura changed into a darker, less playful one. Her eyes narrowed, back straightening, and she took a step towards the pair.
"You know why I'm here. Give him a response soon," she warned. "C'mon Sevy, let's get ready to be introduced,"
The creepy couple walked away and y/n immediately turned to Regulus. She wanted to berate him and ask what was going on. What he was possibly joining and why they wanted her too. But when she saw the broken look on his face, she decided against it. Instead, she pulled him in, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He took a second to reciprocate but when they pulled away, he just looked at her, eyes softer than before and face more relaxed.
"Have I told you how beautiful you are? Not only on the outside, even though you are absolutely gorgeous, but on the inside too?" Regulus asked.
Y/n grinned and was going to respond with some cheesy saying but they were interrupted by McGonagall.
"Mr. Black, Miss Potter, you all look wonderful tonight," she commented.
"Thank you professor," Y/n responded.
"Now, not to ruin your fun but it is time to make your grand entrance," she motioned to where the other contestants and their dates were lined up.
Y/n linked their hands and stepped into place behind Camille and her date. She recognized the messy brown hair that had a permanent helmet head and realized who it was.
"Wood?" Y/n asked.
Julian turned around and grinned at her. Camille turned around too and smiled sweetly. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her yellow dress.
"Y/n hey," Julian said.
"You look gorgeous, Camille," y/n commented. "I didn't know you two were going together,"
"A little hurt you didn't call me gorgeous too," Julian held his hand over heart.
Y/n raised her eyebrow and laughed.
"Why would I lie?" She joked.
"Guess I'm not making you captain next year,"
"Please, like you'd trust anyone else,"
"Everyone, quiet!" Someone whisper yelled.
Everyone shushed up and McGonagall started her speech welcoming everyone to the Yule ball. She announced Eliasson and his date, a girl from Beauxbatons. The pair walked out and got cheers from the crowd. She announced the next two pairs, leaving y/n and Regulus the last ones.
"Ready?" Y/n asked.
"To be seen with the most beautiful girl I've ever met? Hell yeah," Regulus grinned.
"Now let's just let go of all of our day to day problems and dance," she grinned back.
"Hogwart's very own Miss y/n Potter and Mr. Regulus Black!" McGonagall announced.
Regulus linked their arms and they took a step out into the ballroom.

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