Chapter 43

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I ran to the back door and quickly locked it. I sat in my bedroom and called Cesar.

It was ringing. And ringing. And ringing. No answer.


I sat in my bedroom, hoping they had left the house. The doorbell rang again. I began to panic.

I dialed Cesar again.

"What's up, beautiful?" Cesar's voice made my worries vanish for a plot second.

"Come home."

"What? Av, I'm in class..."

"I'm scared. Someone's at the door."

"Avia, you have to be more specific."

"Cesar, Ethan showed up on our porch." I whispered.

"Ethan? Ethan the guy you made out with a few months ago? Ethan the guy who you technically cheated on me with?"

"Yes, that Ethan. He lives in Utah, I don't know why he's in Atlanta, and how he got our address. I'm freaking out, he's not leaving."

"Ok, I'm leaving right now. Lock the doors and just stay in the house."

"Ok. Thank you, I love you."

"I love you, too. See you in about five minutes." Cesar hung up.

I quietly went back to the foyer and peered in the peephole again. He's still there.

I noticed Cesar's car pulling into the driveway. Ethan didn't notice. Cesar ran out of his car and to the front porch.

I opened the door and stepped out, next to Cesar's side.

"Can I help you?" Cesar asked.

"Avia, I'm so glad you answered!" Ethan completely ignored Cesar. He leaned in for a hug, but I quickly blocked him.

"What are you doing here?" Cesar asked.

"Who are you?" Ethan said.

"Cesar, Avia's boyfriend." He emphasized the word boyfriend.

"Avia, this is the guy you left me for?"

"Left you?" I laughed. "I never found you, Ethan! You cheated your way into my mouth!"

Cesar cringed. "Listen, buddy, why don't you just leave, ok?"

"No, I came here to talk to Avia."

"Well, you're not talking to her. What do you want?"

"I want to let her know that she doesn't need to worry about falling for me again-"

"Psshhhh!" I spat out, laughing. "Fall for you?"

"Yeah... But you can't. I came to tell you I'm taken." Ethan brushed his jacket.

"You came across the country to tell me that? You think I care?" I rolled my eyes. "News flash, Ethan, I'm not falling for anyone else. I love Cesar and we are in a committed relationship, so what's the real reason you came?"

"Okay, okay. I understand your concern. You know, why did I spend the money to fly across the country to talk to you when I could just Facebook you or text you, and how did I know your address, right?" He laughed. "I got your address from a friend."

"What friend?" Cesar asked.

"Doesn't matter right now. So anyway, Avia, the reason I came to tell you this is because I learned some... Exciting information last night while on a date night with my new girlfriend."

"Why do I care?" I laughed.

"Well, after a month of dating this girl, I never knew this special piece of information."

"C'mon, dude, cut to the chase." Cesar sighed.

"Alright, well, my new girlfriend happened to inform me that she has a sister named Avia. Does the name Emmi Butler ring a bell to you?" Ethan smirked.

Oh. My. God.

I'm in Love with my Worst NightmareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin