Chapter 2

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"You were gone for a long time." Dad said as I got home, a hint of concern ringing in his voice. "Everything ok?"
"Everything went perfect. We discussed it all for a bit but we really came to the fact that we both want to start over." I smiled, the conversation still fresh in my mind.
"So you guys are.. Like.. Pals now?" Dad asked.
"I mean, we're trying to." I saw dad's face turn pale. "Dad, he really has changed. If I didn't think this was a good idea I wouldn't have done it."
"I trust you, Avia. It's him I don't."
"I promise, Cesar really did change. The things he said proved it without a doubt, he apologized repeatedly. I'm 19, dad. I am not stupid, I think I know what is best for me."
"Ok. I believe you. You two aren't... Like-"
"No! No no no! We just want to start off fresh. We aren't even 'friends' yet, we are still, you know, acquaintances." I smiled.
"Alright. Please just, don't lose your sight in all this, if he acts strange, you leave him behind. Ok?" Dad looked slightly less concerned.
"Ok." I hugged him.
"I can't believe how mature you've gotten, Avia." He smiled. "I love you." He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too, Dad." I chuckled.

I went into Emmi's room to see what trouble she was up to. The second she saw me she flew off her bed and tumbled to me.
"So??" She gave a sly smile.
"Oh my God, Emmi." I laughed. "IT WAS FINE!" I smiled.
"Yeah, yeah. Did he kiss you?" She winked.
"I swear you are insane." I walked in and sat on her bed.
"Ooh... Dodging the question, huh? Was the kiss good? Did he bite your lip? That can be a deal breaker." She rambled.
"No one kissed!" I playfully shouted. "We just talked."
"About what? Kissing?" She grinned.
"Ok, Emmi. I'm going to put this nicely: Shut. Your. Face." I laughed and swatted her.
"Someone's in a grumpy mood. Must be love." She emphasized the word love.
"I really need to stop talking to you." I smiled. "So what's up with you? Passed your driving test, I heard."
"Oh yeah baby. Emmi is officially on the road!" She stood up and did a cartwheel.
"What else?" I said, trying to catch up with my little sister's crazy life.
"Nothing. Finally got to elite." She beamed.
"Nice job! I wish I stuck with cheer."
"Yeah, you were good. I always hated how good you were, actually." She laughed.
"Alright... So... Does little Miss Emmi have a boyfriend?" I winked.
"Avia I'm not six! You don't need to sound so childish!" She argued.
"Ohh dodging the question, I see. Must be love!" I mocked her previous words.
"Not cool." She frowned. "And maybe I do have a boyfriend!" She raised her eyebrows up and down.
"Who?" My inner middle schooler asked.
She sighed. "Why should I tell you?" She grinned.
"Because I'm your sister and I just opened up about Cesar."
"Ok fine. But mom and dad don't know. I swear if you tell them I will kill you!" She laughed. "His name is Henry." She said dreamily.
"Henry? Is he 80?" I joked. "Seriously who names their kid Henry. It's not the 1800s."
"I don't know! I didn't ask!" She threw her hands in the air.
"I'm just kidding. So tell me about him."
"He's a year older."
"Ooh! Older man, eh?"
"Yes. He is captain of the-"
I cut her off. "Don't say football team." I sighed. I hated football jocks. They were so stuck up and rude.
"No. Ew definitely not." She giggled. "He's captain of the swim team."
"Aw! That's cute!" I cooed.
"Yeah. He has a twin brother. Fraternal twin." She explained. "I think his name is... Never mind." She smirked.
"Oh god, is he named after a dead guy, too?"
"Maybe." She giggled. "George."
"Oh my God!" I lay back on the bed and cupped my face in my hands. "That's horrible!" I laughed.
"I know." Emmi joined in laughing.
"That makes Henry sound perfect! Ugh... George." I rolled my eyes. "But tell me more about Henry."
"Well... He doesn't have any other siblings."
"Just the first president right?" I joked.
"Yeah. What else... Oh he is an honors student." She smiled. "And he is gorgeous." She said so casually.
"Of course he's gorgeous. When I hear the name Henry I instantly think, 'Wow he must be a chick magnet!'" I laughed.
"Yeah... You're mean." She laughed.
"Avia! Emmi! Come see this!" Mom shouted from downstairs. We both hopped off the bed and made our way into the kitchen.
"Look!" Grayson cheered as he pointed at Claire.
"Aww!" Emmi and I said as we watched Claire show us her ballet routine.
"Good job, Claire Bear!" I said.
Her three year dancing was so uncoordinated, it was precious.
She twirled around in her little tutu.
"I dancer!" She squealed.
"Yeah, good job, peanut!" Dad picked her up and threw her. He always threw us.
Grayson waved his hands in the air. "My turn!" He cheered.
"Alright." Dad lifted him up. "Wow you're getting so big!" He puffed.
"I'm only in kindergarten, daddy!" He giggled. Emmi and I laughed as we went back upstairs.
"I miss being home to all this." I sighed.
"Well then move back in." Emmi suggested.
"Heck no!" I laughed. "I don't miss it that much! Besides, I'll be her for most of the summer." I smiled.
"I know, so you can pester me about my eighteenth century boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.
"Yup." I chuckled.
"Oh shoot!" She checked her phone. "I have to go! Cheer!" She threw on her cheer uniform and grabbed her pompoms.
"Bye!" She waves as she flew down the stairs.
I sat in her room, alone. I noticed she had pictures of Henry on her memo board. Not a good idea if Mom and Dad don't know. I picked one up, it was of Henry and her hugging. They looked so cute together. She was head over heels, pictures, notes from him, a rose he gave her. It was like Emmi was in a fairytale romance with him. Would that become Cesar and me?

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