Chapter 37

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After an awkward lunch, Emmi nonchalantly asked Henry to come outside. I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't resist. I gently opened the sliding glass door as to not let them hear me, but so I could at least hear them.

"What do you need to talk about?" Henry sweetly asked.

He is not making this any easier for Emmi.

"Okay... Well... I've been thinking-" Emmi started. "I've been thinking about us. And... I know I love you, but I love you as a... As friend. And- And I don't want to put you in a relationship where we're both not committed, because I know you don't see me as someone who you are in love with. We love each other, but we love each other as friends... You know?"

"N-No... I don't know." Henry choked on his words. "I thought things were going great?"

"They were! And I have been thinking about this for a while, and I realized it's just not a healthy relationship if we are better friends then we are... Couples." Emmi hung her head low.

"Then..." Henry grew angry. "Then why the hell did you bring to freakin' Georgia if you-"

"I don't know, Henry!" Emmi yelled. "You know I will always love you, and I seriously want to keep our friendship."

"Yeah... Right. Cause everyone knows how friendships after breakups work out!" Henry put his hands behind his head. "I'll pack up and go."

"Henry, come on!" Emmi followed him. I flew onto the nearby couch and casually lay there to avoid Emmi yelling at me for spying.

Henry stormed out of the hallway with his bags in his hand. "Nice to meet you Cesar." He grunted and slammed the front door shut, so hard that the door handle completely fell off.

Everyone stood in silence, while Emmi ran into her room, hiding her tears.

"Well..." Cesar said. "Crap..."

I couldn't help but giggle.

"I guess we are going to Home Depot to go doorknob shopping..." He picked up the broken handle.

Mom and Dad grinned, too.

"I should go talk to her... You too should probably go get the handle now or else we won't be able to get out that door." Mom laughed. Dad followed her into Emmi's room, which was really my room being shared with her for the week.

"So do you know what happened?" Cesar asked as we drove to the store.

"Yeah... I know."

"So... What happened?"

"She broke up with him."

"Well... Duh... I kinda put the pieces together on that one, Av." He chuckled.

"Ok, well basically she felt like they weren't connecting on a romantic level, but were more of... Friends."

"So... She friend zoned him?"

"No... No. They friend zoned each other." I laughed.

Cesar smiled at me. "Is she ok about it?"

"I mean, she dumped him. She's sad she broke the guy's heart, but she was ready to end it."

"Well... As long as she's content and all, that really all that matters."

"I guess." I shrugged. "I just feel bad for poor Henry!"

"Me too. He was a cool guy, I was looking forward to becoming friends with him."

"I'm sorry." I sympathized with him. "You'll meet friends in school. In a week you'll be a college boy!" I laughed.

"You too!"

"Yeah... Online college." I said.

"Hey, you are very smart, online college means nothing. You can do better than a Harvard graduate even if you did online school." He comforted.

"Yeah... Not."

"I'm serious, Av. You are talented, smart, and friendly, you'll do great in any school. You aren't half bad at picking boyfriends either."

"Shut up." I teased. "I love you."

"I know you do, who doesn't?" He smirked.

"In a few seconds, me." I playfully slapped his shoulder.

"What do you think you are doing?" He teased as he began to tickle me.

"Cesar stop, you know I hate tickling!" I shrieked.

"What's that? You love tickling? Ok, as you wish!" He laughed as continued to tickle me.

"Stop!" I said in between laughs. My eyes widened and my laugh suddenly turned into pure silence in a split second.

Cesar tickled me with one hand, and I watched as his other hand slipped off the steering wheel. The car jerked to the side, crossing through two lanes. He grabbed the wheel and turned the car into the lane again, but as he spiraled into the lane, another car jolted forward and smashed into us, head on. The last thing I remembered was Cesar throwing his arm across me to protect me. And then I heard the shattering of glass, and everything went black.

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