Chapter 34

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"Cesar, come here!" I yelled from the office, which was really just a corner in the living room. "Look." I said, pointing at the computer screen.

"Online college..." He read, skimming over a few words. "Over 26,000 successful graduates since 2004."

"98% of them get a high paying job, it's basically the Princeton of the Internet."

"Go for it." Cedar put his hands on my shoulders.

"That's all?" I said, a little disappointed. "Go for it?"

"Yeah. I mean, Av, anything you do you are good at, I don't need to assure you it's a good thing, I know it is. You are perfect." He smiled.

"You little flirt." I tilted my head up, waiting for his kiss.

"Yep." He kissed my lips. "When do you start?"

"I have to enroll, there's a small fee, but it's not bad at all. Most colleges don't start for a month or so, I'll wait till you start."

"If you wanna get going now, to be ahead in credits and stuff, you should. That's the good thing about online college, you can start whenever, even if it's in the middle of summer."

"I guess. I'm still not sure if this is... Like... For me. I never thought online college would be my thing."

"Avia, I just want you to do what makes you happy." He kissed me again.

"I'll think it over for a few days, maybe call my parents."

"They still mad at you?"

"Nah. They are ok now, they always text me saying they miss me, but their done being mad."

"Good." He squeezed my shoulders and headed to the kitchen. "Oh!" He turned back around. "By the way, tomorrow-" He paused. "I have a job interview at Best Buy."

"You don't wanna get another job at Olive Garden?" I teased.

"Yeah, right. Best Buy is good for me, it pays better than Olive Garden did, plus it will help me a little technology wise."

"Okie dokie." I smiled.

"Love you." He winked as he went back to the kitchen.

"You too."

"Well." I said walking into Cesar's bedroom where he lay, using his phone. "My family is coming down." I laughed a nervous laugh.

"What?" He sat up.

"They said that now that we're all settled in the new house, they wanna come see it."

"Oh. Well, ok, I don't know where their going to stay..." Cesar paused.

"We'll figure something out. Only my parents, Emmi, and Brock are coming. The other kids are already on school, so they are staying at Casey's I guess."

"Brock's not in school?" Cesar asked. "I though he goes to the same school as Dax?"

"Nope, he's going to be a freshman at the high school. He and Emmi start in like two weeks."

"That's nice. They start late." Cesar said.

"Yeah, apparently Emmi's little boyfriend is tagging along." I sighed.

"She has a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, some guy from the 15th century." I still joke about Emmi's boyfriend. "His name is Henry."

"That's a crappy name for a teenager. Cesar laughed. "Is he Emmi's age?"

"Emmi's a few months older. But I think their both 16."

"Ok... The more the merrier." Cesar faked a smile. "We'll have to go shopping for food and probably an air mattress or something, unless someone plans on sleeping on the couch."

"We have time. They aren't coming till Thursday. Hopefully the pool will be heated by then." I looked out the window at our pool, still too cold to swim in.

"The guy is coming on Wednesday, so it'll be just heated when they come."

"Great!" I clapped, exciting to swim in our pool.

"Can you believe this!" Cesar shook his head in disbelief. "We've been together for four months, we've lived together for five days! Whenever I'm with you time just flies." Cesar wrapped me in his arms.

"It's crazy." I nestled into his chest.

"I know." He smirked. "Can I be cheesy for a second?"

"Go ahead." I chuckled.

"I can't believe how beautiful you look. I don't know I landed such a perfect girl."

"Alright, enough being cheesy." I kissed him. Cesar knew how much o hated corny romance. I hated pet names, I hated corny Valentine's Day gifts, even though we haven't had a Valentine's Day together. I hated every aspect of romance, except where it is just genuine love. That's how relationships should be, just pure love, no corny compliments and flowers and chocolates, just love.

"I love you." I said, bringing in the genuine romance I wanted.

"I love you more."

"We're not doing that." I laugh. "We both know that will never end and I will rip my face off if we do." That's another thing I hated: the stupid I love you more and the moronic "No you hang up first!"

"So it means I win, I do love you more." He teased.

"I will break up with you right now." I joked, obviously not meaning it.

"No you won't." He smiled. "You are too nice to dump me that heartlessly."

"You wanna bet?" I teased.

"I do." He said, deciding to be a complete flirt and tickle me.

"Don't even think about it Cesar!" I screamed as I bolted from his arms.

He ran after me and snatched me up, lifting me off the ground. He threw me on the couch tickled me.

"Stop!" I laughed. "You are so frickin' cheesy!"

"And you are so frickin' cute." He finally stopped and sat down next to me. "Ok, I'm done. I can see steam coming out your ears."

"Because I hate romance. It's stupid." I giggled.

"We never will have a romance than. Just love." He smiled.

"Good." I nuzzled into his shoulder. "I love you. Even though you are a flirt and I hate it."

"Poor you. You have a romantic boyfriend. How will you survive?" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"Yes, Princess." He teased.

I lightly punched him in the arm. "You make it so hard to love you." I laughed. "But you make it even harder to not love you."

I'm in Love with my Worst NightmareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ