Chapter 25

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Cesar and I sat next to each other at the table as we all ate our childhood favorites: grilled cheese and tomato soup. Mom and Dad caught up with Cesar on life; family, friends, hobbies, and everything else since they last spoke to him 11 years ago.

"Yeah, so my family is pretty good. We're still dealing with a lot of issues, my grandpa died a year ago and it's still pretty tough." Cesar explained as they talked to him about his family.

"Yeah, it's a tough thing to deal with. Unfortunately it's a part of life we all go through, coping with losses." Dad sounded like he was on the Dr. Phil show.

"We're good, though. My mom got remarried about six years ago." Cesar said.

"Oh that's nice!" Mom smiled as she passed me the salad bowl.

"Eh, he's not a great guy. He's a bit of a jerk to us, but as long as my mom's happy." Cesar gave a half-hearted smile. Cesar and I talked about his step dad a few times. He's not a good guy at all. He was in prison for a few years for assault on a minor. Not someone who you want to hang around with, but somehow Cesar's mom loves him.

"Aw, well I'm sure you'll miss them in college." Mom said.

"Maybe." Cesar laughed. "Thanks for the meal, it was great." He said as he wiped a tomato soup mustache off his face.

"Glad you liked it. I know the other kids are going to be home from school in about a half hour, so if Avia, you want to stay, go ahead and make yourself at home." Mom cleared the plates as Cesar helped her. Emmi and the rest of my siblings, other than Claire, started school two weeks ago after a boring summer break. Claire threw a fit when they went to school and she couldn't go.

"Yeah that'd be great. I'd like to catch up with them." He smiled at me. I smiled back and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go talk." I whispered to him and led him to my room, still covered in pink walls with Taylor Swift posters.

"What's up?" Cesar said as he flopped on my bean bag chair.

"Just wanted to ask you how you think it went." I sat down in the chair next to him.

"Let's just say I'm a happy guy right now." He kissed my nose and pulled my head towards his chest. "You thought it went well?" He asked.

"Absolutely. They like you a lot."

"I hope so. They won't be getting rid of me anytime soon." He chuckled.

"Yeah you better mean that." I looked up at him and kissed him.

"You're too perfect." He said as he played with my hair.

"I love you." I said as I wrapped my arm around him.

"I love you too." He kissed the top of my head. "Come here." He said as he pulled me closer to his face. He brought his lips towards mine and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me a bit more passionately.

"Holy mother crap." Emmi opened the door and backed away. "Am I interrupting?" She asked, seeming a little grossed out.

"Yes." I joked. "Come here." I called to her.

"Are everyone's tongues back on their own mouths?" She said with her hand covering her eyes.

"Yes, Emmi." I sighed, annoyed by her childish behavior.

"Cesar, wow. Long time no see!" Emmi said.

Cesar stood up from the bean bag and hugged Emmi. "It's good to see you." He smiled.

"You too. You chopped off all your hair!" Emmi laughed.

"Yeah, the greasy look was getting a little old." He chuckled.

Emmi smiled. "Well, you too can get back to your bean bag make out session... I've got homework. We'll catch up later, Cesar."

"Ok, bye Emmi." Cesar laughed. "She's adorable." He added.

"Yeah, but sometimes her cuteness gets a little annoying. She's so immature." I said.

"Aw, be nice. I wish I was as close with my siblings as you are to yours." He smiled. "By the way, Avia, did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" He said, and before I could answer he pulled me in close for another kiss.

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