Chapter 20

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I ran outside and sat on the bench; I could still taste Ethan's breath on my tongue. I buried my face in the sleeves of my sweater and cried. I told Cesar I loved him. And I do, I really do. I ruined everything. I cheated on Cesar with some jerk I just met. Ethan came running out.

"Avia, what happened?" He sounded concerned.

"Please, just go!" I sniffled. "I don't want you to be around me."

"What did I do, babe?"

"Don't call me 'babe!' You and I are not a thing. We never will be! You are a jerk, you used me just so you can get your tongue in my mouth!"

"That's a bit graphic..." He said.

"You know full well that's what you wanted! Please, never speak to me again! You do realize I just cheated on my boyfriend, who I love more than anything!" I sobbed.

"Avia, are you sure you really love him? I knew you enjoyed that kiss, you can't deny it. If you really loved this guy, you wouldn't have done this. I know we have a connection-"

"Oh shut up! We had nothing! I don't care what you say about my boyfriend, I love him and I always will. I screwed up!" I yelled.

"Then why did you enjoy the kiss?" Ethan asked.

"I didn't!" I screamed. "I... I didn't." I said much quieter.

"Avia, you and I were meant to be."

"Oh don't you pull that crap on me, Ethan!" I shook my head. "I never want you to come near me. EVER! You caused this! You did this! You seduced me, and we both know you used your charm just to get me. You're a jerk, you know that? You knew I had a boyfriend, nice guys don't make out with a girl who has a boyfriend! You used me. You don't love me, I definitely don't love you. I hate you! You ruined everything, you know that? Keep you're stupid seduction for someone else. I will never see you again, understand?" I shouted.

"You don't love anyone. You think you do, Avia, but you don't." He said.

"I do! And it's not you! Just please, leave me alone, Ethan." I wiped my face.

"I won't ever leave you-"

"Ethan, shut up! Just go!" I screamed. He backed away and went inside. I ran to my car, without even signing any contract. I drove to my hotel, and laid down on the bed, tears still fresh on my face.

I pulled out my phone. I had a voicemail from Cesar.

"Hi, Avia. It's Cesar. Just wanted to tell you I hope the meeting goes well, call me after to tell me how it went. I miss you and can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love you, call me when you get this message."

I cringed when he said he loved me. I loved him too, but I felt like it wasn't fair to tell him that after what I just did. I didn't call him back, I'd start sobbing. I promised myself I would tell him when I got home.

I'm in Love with my Worst NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now