Play with me one more time

Start from the beginning

Already nineteen, William thought with a soft laugh. Fred grew up so fast, William certainly didn't see that coming.

"Fred, what are you planning to do after our plan end?"

The question sounded unreal, and Fred's eyes widened. 

"I...I didn't really thought this through..." Fred admitted, looking back at the black and white tiles. "I want to stay with everyone,that's for sure."

William's smile slightly dropped, as he looked at the tiles as well.

"I see."

"What is Mister William planning?"

The blonde chuckled.

"Honestly Fred, I don't know at all."


"I knew you were here."

William looked behind, and saw Fred entering the room.

"You should be asleep Fred." William said, no joice, nor anger in his voice, it was just so...empty.

"What happened earlier-" Fred started but William raised his hand to stop him.

"I'm not coming back on my decision. I will die by the end of the Final Problem, and this is it."

Fred teared up, and bit his lip. His heart was aching so bad, it was like it was scratched by a thousand cats.



Fred looked up to William who looked at him with a soft smile, Fred almost thought he could see tears in his empty eyes.

"Play with me one last time?"

Was that William's last request to him? 

Fred nodded, holding his tears back and seating down. The two men started playing, but unlike before, there wasn't any chuckles or compliments. It was silent, ironically, the music was sad, painful, and Fred had troubles keeping up with William.

Fred wished it never ends, he wish he could play piano with William forever. But it was too late, they accelerated the melody but William stopped it suddendly.

Fred's heart stopped, and he cried. William just put his head on his shoulder and looked at the piano.

"It will be alright for you Fred, I know it."


"Fred, come on, you have to eat."

Fred looked over his shoulder and saw James and Moneypenny looking at him worriedly.

"Look at that..." James held the younger's cheeks in his warm hands to examine his dark circles.

"You're staying seated in front of this piano for hours, we're worried." Moneypenny stated.

"Before the final problem..." Fred started. "Mister William and I played this music and- and he stopped it so suddenly, it doesn't have an end!!" He exclaimed frustrated. "I have to find it, I have to...!!"

James sat with him and hugged the young man, who started crying. Moneypenny gently pat his head.

"If I find this end, maybe I will understand Mister William's suffering better and- and..."

"Even if you do, he won't come back..." James sighed softly, rubbing the boy's back. "And Maybe, this abrupt end is the end. Maybe Will wanted it like that..."

Fred shivered as he sobbed onto the taller's shoulder.

"What you should focus on..." Moneypenny softly said. "Is creating your own music from now on. And give it the end you decides. I'm sure Mister William wanted that."

"You can approach you know, I won't bite."

William froze as Fred looked at him through the door's opening. The blonde chuckled and joined the boy.

"The roles have changed."

Fred nodded and let the man sit next to him.

"But, all those years ago, Mister William was right ..." Fred said, brushing the tiles with his fingers. "I do have a bright future ahead. And so do you."

William smiled and positioned his hands.

"Play with me one more time?"

"And the time after that as well."

A/N- I made so many stories with Fred, the boy barely has any. And did anyone else think that he didn't get a proper end, like he and William seemed close enough, but that's just my opinion . The requested stories will come out soon hopefully.

Words: 1061

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