Ep 21 - Panic in the Forest

Start from the beginning

"Oh, right. You've got a point."

"Beside you saw the way this guy moved when he dodged my attack that was definitely not a Naruto move." Sasuke said.

"I don't think, Naruto even knows what it means to dodge." Aki said.

"Alright, come on out. Whoever you are. Party's over."

The expression on Naruto's face quickly changed, including his voice as his king tongue licked his lips.

'Omg ewwww!'

"Aren't we the clever one

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"Aren't we the clever one." They said revealing there true self. "Tell me, if your teammates is really that dimwitted. Why would you come up with a password he'd never be able to remember?"

"It wasn't meant for, Naruto. It was just for anybody who might happen to me near by trying to eavesdrop on us." Sasuke smirked. "It was meant as a trap and stumbled right into it."

"I'm impressed, you certainly haven't dropped your guard, have you?" The lady said

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"I'm impressed, you certainly haven't dropped your guard, have you?" The lady said. "This promises to be very entertaining."

'How, she gives a new meaning to child predator as well and what other things can she put in her mouth.' Aki thought as he watched the last swallow the Earth scroll.

"Well, when this is all over. . .one of us will have both scrolls." She said. "And the other will be dead."

Aki let out a scream as she felt her body being ripped and before she knew it a Kunai right in the middle of her forehead.

Aki let out a scream as she felt her body being ripped and before she knew it a Kunai right in the middle of her forehead

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Aki legs completely gave out. Death, she had just witnessed her death at the hands of that woman. She needed to get out, Aki was complete out of it she didn't even hair Sasuke calling her.

Her body was trembling as tears fall down in her face, this woman in front of them was the embodiment of death itself.

"Your paralyze with fear." She said. "Very good, now what happens?" She asked as Sasuke stood with a Kunai in his hand but even so he couldn't move.

"S-Sasuke. . ." Aki whispered as she moved her head as if it was malfunctioning.

"Don't worry, I'll make it quickly." The woman said as she pulled out a three Kunais. "But I don't have to tell you that do I? You've seen it with your own eyes."

"I expected you to be more of a challenge, how disappointing." She said as she throw the kunais.

But Sasuke was a faster as he quickly stabs himself in one of his leg and grabbed Aki and Sakura and quickly fled.

"So that's how it is."


              Aki quickly snapped out of her the trance she was in.

"Sasuke! Your leg." Aki said, she couldn't help but feel ashamed. She very much knows this isn't her fault in the slightest, but oh did she fell so useless in that moment.

"That wound is deep, will you be alright." Sasuke quickly covered Sakuras mouth.

'He's whole body is trembling. . .' Aki thought, she wasn't any better either, even if we ran, that woman would follow us and it's not like this place has any good hiding place that I know of.

"Sasuke! Sakura! Move!" Aki yelled as she dodged the Snake behind them.

"Ugh! Unbelievable. I didn't even notice, I'm losing it". Sasuke said.

Aki and Sakura landed in the same tree truck, while the snake followed after Sasuke. Aki couldn't help trembling even more, Sasuke was right, he was definitely losing it and so was she.

"No!!! Stay away!" Sasuke yelled as he threw multiple shurkin in the snakes mouth killing it.

The snake lady came out of the dead snake as Aki's eyes widen, yes she was definitely scared but this was so disgusting to watch.

"I sense your fear and desperation. It's only natural. The prey must never let down its guard, not even for a moment in the presence of it's predator."

The lady laughed as he body snaked the tree as she rushed towards Sasuke but was stopped with by a kunai and four shuriken

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The lady laughed as he body snaked the tree as she rushed towards Sasuke but was stopped with by a kunai and four shuriken.

"Ahh. . . Huh?!"

"Looks like I came just in time!" Naruto yelled.

"Naruto!" Sakura smiled.

"Naruto!" Sakura smiled

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"Oh and by the way. . .what was that password again?"

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