27. Hospital

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Mia awoke to the sound of monitors buzzing in her ears, the sight of a pristine beige wall, and blinding blue toned lights. The last place she had remembered was being in the back of an ambulance after she'd been the target of her adoptive brothers father's demise.

She quickly shot up out of bed but was met with searing pain her abdomen putting pressure on the wound with her hand.

And then it hit her; she'd been shot. He shot her. Not only that, but he had killed the two women that she needed in her life. A mother and sister figure. Even if it wasn't by blood.

When she scanned the room, she noticed no one was in the room. She was alone. She wasn't surprised to see that. She had no one. No blood relatives, no real family. Now that she knew the truth, why would they even bother with her anymore?

She attempted to sit up again but it was no use as the searing pain became too much and she fell up against the pillows.

"Oh my god, Mia, you're awake." Chris said as he dropped the bags he was carrying and rushed over to her.

He practically pulled her up into his chest as he gave her a tight hug. She winced at the unexpected hug as the pain in her abdomen worsened.

He let go, as soon as he heard his sister in pain. "I'm so sorry, love. I'm going to get the doctor."

With that he walked through the clear glass doors of the ICU, quickly coming back with a doctor in tow and Benjamin in uniform behind the two.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

She took a second to think before she spoke, "It hurts." She simply said, unable to describe the sharp pain, and most likely the worse pain she'd ever felt in her life.

"Alright, sweetheart, I'm going to up your morphine intake by one. For not this should take care of any pain." She said.

"Thank you." Mia whispered.

"There is going to be a lot of pain for the time being as you did endure extensive trauma to the wound. You're lucky that your siblings were there to treat you right away. Very, very lucky. Wounds like these if not treated quickly, can cause a lot of internal damage." The doctor stated.

"Is there any damage?" She asked.

"As far as I'm concerned, no. I have no concerns. With time and hard work, you'll have a smooth recovery. But that isn't to say there won't be bumps. There will definitely be difficulties but you have a loving family that will get you through it."

She gave the doctor a tight lipped smile. She knew the truth but the doctor clearly didn't so she wasn't going to burden her with her dysfunctional problems.

She caught herself zoning out as they all left the room with her doctor. She stared up at the ceiling as the morphine started kicking in. She forced herself to keep her eyes open because she desperately needed to talk to them. She needed answers. Answers to why they lied to her, answers as to what she had a brush with death for.

She heard a light tap at the door that took her out of thought. "Mind if i come in?" Benjamin asked.

She nodded as she watched him take a seat next to her bedside. "You're a cop?" She asked.

"Yes. As of recently. I just received my credentials, maybe a month ago or less." He said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asked.

"Everyone had their own shit going on. Mia there's been so much you've been struggling with, I didn't want it to take away from helping you."

"First off, you didn't have to do that. We would've understood and supported you. Second of all, helping me? Is that what you think they've been doing? No one but Ash has tried to actually help me. No one else. Christian hasn't until maybe yesterday or even today depending on what time it is."

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